Trying to shed pounds and tone up, work out advice?

Hello, I'm new to this. I really want to shed pounds and tone my body; I'm not sure what workouts I should do though. My main workout source is from Just Dance 2014, and Zumba but I'm not sure those will give me the results I aspire for. I also have insanity here, but I'm not trying to bulk up.

Also, what kind of diet would you recommend? I just started cutting back on calories significantly, but not really changing my food :/ due to the price of the healthy alternative and the time it takes for prep. I'm a college student and don't really have the time or money for that. Also I'm a picky eater and most of the healthy food I find repulsive.

Thank you.


  • kenshin00456
    kenshin00456 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey so I totally understand with the diet thing! First thing make yourself count the calories you consume, and stick to it. Second get yourself into a routine of just working out, with Cardio. The intensity of the cardio need not be high, but put in time I'd say 1 hour to 1.5 hours. Do this on a regular basis, and before you know it you will see results, feel results, and be a lot more happier :).
  • Smithegypt
    Smithegypt Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Kenshin00456,

    How often should I change my workout so my body doesn't become used to it?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I like circuit training, and 30 Day shred/ripped in 30 dvds. I saw much better results when combining cardio with strength, instead of cardio by itself.
  • brad81684
    You don't need to change it because your body gets use to it. Only change it if you're bored of what you're currently doing.
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    I've got heaps of tips on my site but I'll share the main one here

    1. Train every day. Not push hard every day but keep active every day
    2. When you do train hard set a timer, pick a few exercises and go hard non-stop till the timer runs out
    3. No resting until the workout is done

    Example: 30 minutes of burpees, 10 second sprints 10 pushups repeat
    Like weights? 20 rep squatting will do it or 100 rep squats if you're the sadistic.
    Make your own workouts and be merry.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    The "toned" look you speak of is achieved by reducing fat mass while preserving the underlying muscle mass so that it becomes visible. To do this, you need to include some kind of progressive strength training whether it be body weight exercises or weight training. Interventions of calorie restriction with cardio only leads to excessive loss of muscle mass which will make it less likely for the latter to become visible since you're reducing its volume.

    Think of it as you have a 10 ft deep pond - with 5 ft of water and 5 ft of gold hidden below. Your goal is to remove enough water so that the gold becomes visible from the surface. Thus, your strategy should be one that leads to maximum preservation of the volume of gold while you reduce water volume. If you lose excessive amounts of gold, then even a significant loss of water may not necessarily lead to the gold becoming visible.
  • Smithegypt
    Smithegypt Posts: 3 Member
    Okay, this is great. My strength training can be achieved with insanity.

    Thank you everyone for your help. I really appreciate it.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Absolutely Insanity can help you. There should also be a meal plan in there to help, along with everything here.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    The intensity of the cardio need not be high, but put in time I'd say 1 hour to 1.5 hours. Do this on a regular basis, and before you know it you will see results, feel results, and be a lot more happier :).

    No, you will not achieve a 'toned' look doing this amount of cardio, it's totally unnecessary.

    As others have mentioned, concentrate on strength workouts, either body or weights.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    In regards to weight loss a calorie is a calorie. To lose weight you need a calorie deficit. It doesn't matter what you eat, as long as it is under your calorie goal. (Health wise a calorie is not a calorie).
    You should also eat back at least half of the exercise calories. It will take patience and time, body weight will fluctuate so don't get too attached to the scale and wonder why you gained a pound or only lost one or two after a few weeks. Take photos and body measurements.

    And do not be afraid of weight/strength training.

    I have attached a good link to get you started

    The next two are regarding that bulky comment. You will not get bulky. It cannot happen with a lot of effort and supplements.
  • chris31337
    chris31337 Posts: 7 Member
    Congratulations on your commitment to get fit and lose some weight. I'll try to keep this short and not make to many cliche' remarks about "recommitting yourself everyday" etc... Here is my down and dirty...
    1. Everyday - You have to do something to make yourself healthier every single day. Make it a conscious decision whether it is eating a healthier meal, or going full-on workout mode.
    2. Eat right... Throw out all that $h1T food you have in your kitchen RIGHT NOW! I'll wait... ... ... Okay, that was a super important step. Get to the grocery store and buy good healthy fresh meats, veggies and fruits as soon as you can. I know your not going to immediately eat only the healthiest foods but once you start your gonna love it trust me.
    3. I know that weight loss is your goal but IMHO you should commit yourself to eating right and putting an emphasis on fitness. Weight loss, nice, muscles and a ripped body are just side-effects of a healthy lifestyle.
    4. Utilize this website (as you already are). There are a bunch of individuals on this site that are doing the same exact thing as you right now and publishing your progress and getting other's feedback can help get you motivated to accomplish your goals. When you track your foods enter everything..EVERYTHING! That one sip of Mountain Dew counts. You'll also start to notice how "Light" things typically have a lot more sugar and carbs so you may be better with the regular versions. This site will help with that.
    5. If you've never been to go there now, live and breath the articles. They really get your thinking realistically about your goals and a bunch of tips on how to achieve them.

    What works for me...
    Personally I am a huge fan of P90X. I'm currently doing P90X3 and loving every minute of it. The regimented schedule is the only way that I can keep myself committed to my goal. Every single day when I wake up the first thing I try to think about is when I'm going to get my workout in. KEEP IN MIND.. You are not always going to have time to work out. If I miss a workout, I force my self to do it at my next available time. I can NEVER EVER skip a day "just because I don't feel like it". Illness happens as well as other life struggles that will test your commitment level. Jump right back on that horse ASAP. As for food, I eat a ridiculous amount of grilled chicken. You can prepare it so many different ways that it doesn't get boring as fast as other stuff. Find something that works for you. Once I started eating only healthy foods and got to a point I didn't have many "cheat" days, bad foods stopped tasting good too me completely.

    To wrap up.. (so much for keeping it short)... I'm not sure who your support team is for getting healthy but you now have me. Lets be here for each other to keep rocking towards our goals. Let me know if you have any questions or need a kick in the head!
    - Chris
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Number one advice is allow your muscles to rest. Do not do strength training videos everyday unless your are focusing on different parts of the body like upper one day and lower the next. Also, you should eventually add weights to your strength training videos to get the best results.

    Do light cardio on off days or days you are not doing strength training unless you are too sore, then take that day off or do some stretching type exercises. So crucial to allow your muscles to repair.
  • Annalisa_87
    Annalisa_87 Posts: 56 Member
    I would personally try my best to do high intensity for twenty minutes. It is really hard, but I find it gives quicker results.