Weight on the scales v body fat

I just have a couple of questions about scale weight and body fat %

I started my weight loss journey on the 9/1/14 at 16 stone 11 lbs with a body fat % of 39.4
17/1/14 at 16 stone 10 lbs with a body fat % of 39.4 - 1lb scale weight loss no body fat
25/1/14 at 16 stone 10 lbs with a body fat % of 38.2 - no scale weight loss but a loss of 1.2 % fat

I have been following a very healthy diet and per week doing x2 resistance training sessions with a personal trainer as well as x2 cardio sessions on my own. The results on the scales are disheartening but I'm pleased with the fat loss percentage.

Do these readings mean that my lean body mass is higher as I'm a bit confused? It seems weird to have only lost 1lb on the scales in 3 weeks but body fat is down 1.2 % . I'm thinking I should be looking more at body fat % than scale weight?

Any tips or explanations would be great



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    What are you using to measure your body fat? If it is a tech scale, those are highly influenced by water, so retaining water or being dehydrated can cause big fluctuations.
  • bulmanb2
    I'm using the gym scales where you have to grab the handles and it sends a current through to monitor body fat. I drink 2-2/12 litres of water a day every day and I don't think I'm retaining water.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    There are many possible explanations.

    First, there is a large margin of error on measuring body fat, regardless of the method you use. So you could easily be up or down a couple of percentage points.

    Second, you might retain more or less water based on what you ate for supper. If you had something higher in sodium, you might have retained additional water for a day, and it will then dissipate as that sodium is passed through.

    Third, when you do strength training, your muscles are likely to swell a little and retain water for a few days. This, too, will pass.

    Fourth, it's possible that you have added a little bit of muscle and lost a little bit of fat.

    You have only been at it for 3 weeks. It is too early to see much for serious results. Keep at it. When you look at it after 3 months, or 6 months, or a year, you will have a better idea of what is happening.
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    I just have a couple of questions about scale weight and body fat %

    I started my weight loss journey on the 9/1/14 at 16 stone 11 lbs with a body fat % of 39.4
    17/1/14 at 16 stone 10 lbs with a body fat % of 39.4 - 1lb scale weight loss no body fat
    25/1/14 at 16 stone 10 lbs with a body fat % of 38.2 - no scale weight loss but a loss of 1.2 % fat

    I have been following a very healthy diet and per week doing x2 resistance training sessions with a personal trainer as well as x2 cardio sessions on my own. The results on the scales are disheartening but I'm pleased with the fat loss percentage.

    Do these readings mean that my lean body mass is higher as I'm a bit confused? It seems weird to have only lost 1lb on the scales in 3 weeks but body fat is down 1.2 % . I'm thinking I should be looking more at body fat % than scale weight?

    Any tips or explanations would be great


    Hey there beth! Good work on training hard! What it appears to be is that you've lost body fat but gained a bit of muscle. If I were 100kg and I was 15% bodyfat and in 10 weeks I was still 100kg and was 10% bodyfat that would mean I lost fat and gained muscle in that period. Of course you have to consider water intake also but you've trained for 3 weeks right? So no doubt it's the scenario I listed.

    Don't be disheatend with what the weight scale says the best measure if you are losing fat is your body fat, a tape measure to measure your body parts and the mirror. I would advise you check your body fat every month and adjust calories if needed and to measure yourself by tape as well as take before and after pictures every 8-12 weeks since this is optimal time to see your results.
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    I dont like my scales anymore... stood on them this morning and didn't like the number, so i stood on them again straight away and they gave me an extra 1kg on the first number!!!!
  • bulmanb2
    Thank you for the responses I am now clearer and motivated to keep training hard.