

  • A container of Greek yogurt, add a little unsweetened cocoa powder, and a tablespooon of natural peanut butter. Mix it up all nice, stick in the freezer for about 20 minutes. This hits the spot for me everytime. I add stevia, or you could use splenda if you are partial to it.
  • 5lbs a week isn't a healthy goal sorry :( Also, I agree that eating protein for breakfast will help sustain better, but if it's working for you great. A lot of people won't be able to have the same results with that too. As far as can absolutely excercise quite a bit and lose weight. The key to being hungry…
  • Intersting. I didn't know there were two different types of fat our body stored. Like I said, it's debatable if I should attempt more. I think for me it's more of a build a bit more muscle to tighten things up. It's hard when you get low in weight and have been at loosing for a significant amount of time, to know when to…
  • I was wondering this too. I have some questions, because I'm trying to understand, not be a jerk or anything here. What it sounds like to me is that this is for people who are seriously obese? Like it wouldn't be for someone like me who is at the final 5lbs (that's even debatable) and already down to 18% body fat...then it…
  • Yeah, of course the Corn Refiners Association is going to put a positive spin on it! I'll stick with my food that isn't created in a labratory.
  • My trainer has me at 1800 calories a day, 216 g of carbs, 34 g of fat and 157 g of protien. That's what I aim for (except on my day of rest). I forgot to log this Wed and Tuesday night, but feel free to browse my diary.
  • This is going to sound crazy, but it sounds like it's more of an emotial thing or habit. Try changing your routine. Eat in a different room (if you have a dining room instead of the kitchen). Change plates. Use smaller plates. Make things feel different.
  • Batty5, There are two things that caught my attention. First, is there is a lot of the same exact things being consumed every day. Trying mixing things up a bit, and try swapping out processed foods for more natural foods. When I took out the preservatives, processing and chemicals in my diet, it made a HUGE difference.…
  • Sugar in fruit is completely different, the only fruit I tend to avoid are large bananas. But as limiting fruit sugars...this really shouldn't be a concern. I don't think I know anyone who got fat off of grapes... However, your sugar problem is in cereal and yogurt. These may be low calorie options, but the majority of…
  • Some tricks I do: Cottage cheese mixed with unsweetened cocoa powder (depending on if you want it sweet, stevia or splenda) Greek yogurt mixed with unsweetned cocoa powder and a TBSP of natural peanut butter (stick in the freezer for about 20 minutes) Oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder Egg whites are always easy (just…
  • I eat between 1650 - 1800 calories a day depending on my exercise that day. Losing a lot slower now, but that's because of my weight, but I've gotten much much smaller from increased muscle. I was terrified at first to consume that much (and I do eat ALL day).
  • Carbs are not the devil. The key is to keep them healthy carbs. As in, cutting out white product like sugar and white flour. Whole grains, fruit, natural carbs in vegetables are not bad. As far as how many to consume, well that depends on your goals and fitness levels. I try to consume 216 grams of carbs a day (I follow an…
  • I don't eat cereal that often because I try to eat a heavier protein breakfast, but when I do this is what I make: 1/2c of fiber one about 6 almonds - 12 almonds 1 TBSP dried cherries (no sugar added) some flax seed 1/2 c unflavored soymilk
  • I'm down to the final 5lbs of my 50lb weight loss. I too had the belly...and the hips...and the thighs. You know, all of our favorite trouble spots. My experience is this...women lose from the eyebrows down! Will it get better? Yes it will, but depending on how much the skin has stretched, and the elasticity left in your…
  • I eat clean. I have found excellent recipes on Heather's recipe site. Just google "Heather's recipes" and it'll come up.
  • You can find them at any regular grocery store usually. If you look at the ingredients list will see why you won't find them at a place like Whole Foods or a natural food store :(