Oh My Calories

nhendri Posts: 236 Member
So I have not been the best tracker!!! I recently decided that I have slacked off far too long and went from feeling fit to exhausted! So now I am tracking my calories and getting back on the wagon. I have fallen off more then once but this time I am having the hardest time with my calories. It seems like I am going over everyday. My typical day starts with coffee and whole wheat toast (yes I use a little creamer and sweetner and track it). I take a lunch with me everyday because its easier to plan and a lot less calories then eating out!!. I do the occasional lean cuisine or turkey sandwich (no chips). I drink 62+ ounce of water everyday, I have an afternoon snack (apples, peaches, v8, string cheese, or almonds). Dinner time is where I loose it!!!! I don't just stop at one serving I usualy have two sometimes three :(. I have asked my family to help me. I am aware I am eating when I should'nt. I know its a matter of self control I'm just not sure how to find it. I know I am a feelings eater but things are not that different then before. I am not going to give up!! If you have suggestions I'd greatly appreciate them!!


  • stringcheeze
    Sounds like you might need a larger breakfast (something with whole grain) to keep you feeling full for longer. Do you eat snacks? You might want to spread around your calories a bit so when it comes to dinner time, you're just not feeling all that hungry.
  • HOPEful27
    I know I am hungrier at night if I don't eat a good breakfast. I have my biggest meal at breakfast, smaller for luch & the smallest meal is dinner. Toast & coffee & then a sanfwich would make me want 2 servings of dinner too. Hope this helps.
  • meg911832001
    I have exactly the same problem. I try to be really good and keep m,y calorie intake low in the first part of the day and then I have a really hard time keeping it up when dinner time rolls around. I think both of us should be eating more protein and calories earlier in the day :) One thing that helps me, is if I set aside a certain # of calories that I can eat right before bed (like 200)- then I can have a small dessert or a snack in the evening and when I'm eating my healthy dinner, I still have a "treat" to look forward to.
    Good Luck!
  • prioryman
    prioryman Posts: 1 Member
    I like a big dinner too. I eat several peaces of fruits before each meal, that way i dont over eat at dinner time. It seems to be working for me, without the fruit I find myself going back for 2nds.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    Make sure you spread your calories out so you are eating enough before dinner. Eat at least 400 for breakfast...maybe that will help. Egg white scramble with veggies and toast work best for me!
  • sheydad
    sheydad Posts: 4
    Even though it's best to have your vitamines during the day, but I found out it helps me a lot when I have my vitamines during a meal. I take 6 with at least 3 cups of water during my meal. That helps to fill my stomach and I don't need 2nd or 3rd servings. Try it, it might help you too.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I agree with several of the other posts, you need a more solid breakfest, try adding a packet of oatmeal in there, and then having a morning snack as well, if your eating consistently every 3-4 hours stopping 2 hours before bed, it should help with dinner time cravings, you body knows its not gonna really eat again till lunch so its trying to store up.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    This is where I fall short too. And eating bigger breakfasts or more snacking never seems to help the fact that when I get off work, go home, exercise, and relax- I WANT TO EAT! The only thing that's helped me is good ol' fashion willpower. Sorry I'm not much help. :(
  • arnoldnagy
    arnoldnagy Posts: 51 Member
    I like to get as much protein as possible at each meal. The protein fills you up longer. I enjoy dinner the most so I have found the best low calorie/high protein options for breakfast and lunch and that allows me to save lots of calories for dinner and not feel like I am getting short changed.

  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Try this at dinner...

    1) Use a smaller plate (dessert plate maybe)
    2) Eat 2x as much veggies/salad as normal (minus dressing/butter)
    3) Eat the veggies and salad before you serve/eat the main course.
    4) Make yourself wait 15 minutes before another helping of anything. If you still truly feel "hungry", then take more.
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you all for all your quick replies!!!! Now that I think of it the last time I reduced my calories for weight loss, I was having scrabbled eggs on my toast in the morning!! I love the snack idea. I think I got stuck in the mind frame that I have to save those calories for dinner because I go over them. I love this site and everybody on it!!!!
  • GirlTenney
    Dont make so much food at dinner time.... Just make enough for however many people there is.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Yes lots of veggies with dinner and drink water before and during your meal.......Oh and if you have to have 2nds strap on the heart Monitor and walk off atleast half of seconds calories.
  • frabjak
    frabjak Posts: 16
    This is going to sound crazy, but it sounds like it's more of an emotial thing or habit. Try changing your routine. Eat in a different room (if you have a dining room instead of the kitchen). Change plates. Use smaller plates. Make things feel different.