anyone getting good results from eating all the calories you

Ok so ive read the posts about how important it is to eat all your calories and your exercise calories. I realize how important it is to not go into starvation mode and I believe it, ive tried eating very little before and I never lost or gained everything back almost immediately. I feel like all I do is eat, is just dosent seem possible to actually lose weight eating all the time like this. Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight eating all thier calories? Please tell me your stories to motivate me to keep on this plan. I eat good food, lots of veggies and fruits, whole grains and all that. If anyone does have good results, how long did it take for you to start seeing progress?


  • brookfieldn
    I've been doing this for 3 weeks now and have lost 8lb so far. Not done much exercise really but have been eating pretty much all my daily calories. Seems to be gping well so far so i'm gonna stick with it. Really pleased with my progress. Hope you're doing well. :happy:
  • dfunky93
    Remember that slow is better for long term weight loss. I typically eat all my daily calories and usually about half of my exercise calories. I've lost 11 lbs since mid July. It feels like it takes forever but stick with does work! you can do it!
  • lauraspence056
    hey, i've lost 15lb now in couple of months and i'm constantly looking to bump up my calories, alway eat my daily caliories and most of my exercise ones! the weight is coming off a a steady pace. i think the key is to let your body tell you if you don't feel hungry then don't eat, you can save calories. one day you might go over a little, don't be too hard on yourself and just eat when you need to, it's all about just eating the right thing when your body is hungry! you'll get there it can take a while to settle into it :)
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    I agree with what everyone is saying all your calories, in small meals 5-6 times a day. MFP already calculates a deficit for you, so you can eat your allotted calories guilt-free! And your exercise calories too. In my opinion, what's the point of exercise if you can't eat more (it's all about the food with me!). If you are consistenly putting in calories (at a steady pace, not binging) then your body will keep consistently burning them. I know it seems opposite to what you would think, but try it for a month and see what the results are, and if it isn't working then change your approach a bit. Check out my diary and add me as a friend if you wish! Good luck!
  • mab0669
    mab0669 Posts: 29
    I eat all or almost all my calories each day and so far I've lost 35 pounds. I started MFP in May, so I've been losing around 11 or so pounds per month. I also eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains and it seems like I'm eating all day also, but it works. I'm thrilled with the results. I don't feel like I'm hungry all the time like I did with other diet plans.
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I think it's important to remember that it works slightly differently for everyone and sometimes takes a bit of tweaking to get to the point where it works for you. I eat all of my calories and usually most or all of my exercise calories as well and I lose very consistently a pound a week. I don't really want to lose more than that because I'm looking at this as not being a diet but rather a life change that I can maintain quite litterally forever, and I know from past experience that if I'm feeling even remotely hungry or deprived, I won't stick with it. Or I'll stick with it and then gain it back.
  • galoot
    galoot Posts: 17
    I think it's important to remember that it works slightly differently for everyone and sometimes takes a bit of tweaking to get to the point where it works for you. I eat all of my calories and usually most or all of my exercise calories as well and I lose very consistently a pound a week. I don't really want to lose more than that because I'm looking at this as not being a diet but rather a life change that I can maintain quite litterally forever, and I know from past experience that if I'm feeling even remotely hungry or deprived, I won't stick with it. Or I'll stick with it and then gain it back.

    I agree 100% with this.. I have found that if I don't eat all of my daily calories & most of my exercise calories that my weight fluctuates rather badly (up and down rather than just down) rather than having a steady loss. But as you said it does work slightly different for everyone.

    I am also looking at this as a life change along with regular exercise and not a temporary diet.. and as Annie says its hard to stick to a plan when you are hungry and your stomach is rumbling! I am almost at my goal weight but I will continue to monitor my food intake as often as I can to give me a better idea on what I need to eat to maintain my new weight.

    My wife is also exercising and eating healthy and has had much better results from eating all her calories.

    Best of luck everyone,
  • frabjak
    frabjak Posts: 16
    I eat between 1650 - 1800 calories a day depending on my exercise that day. Losing a lot slower now, but that's because of my weight, but I've gotten much much smaller from increased muscle. I was terrified at first to consume that much (and I do eat ALL day).
  • jac2lyn
    jac2lyn Posts: 90
    I typically eat almost all of my calories, sometimes exact. Of course if I work out I get hte extra cals for a dessert or extra treat which I love. Its motivation for me to have a healthy brownie (I bake alot) or if I make angel food cake and strawberries I get to eat it knowing that I worked hard. Thats my favorite part!!

    I suggest eating your cals and sticking to it, just try not to go over!!
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    Personally I cant eat my exercise calories. I also have to stay under by about 200-300 calories that MFP suggests I eat. I did hit a plataue once but I am out of it now and I did not do it by upping my calories. I eat every three hours and just try to make the best choices i can. It has worked for me.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Personally I cant eat my exercise calories. I also have to stay under by about 200-300 calories that MFP suggests I eat. I did hit a plataue once but I am out of it now and I did not do it by upping my calories. I eat every three hours and just try to make the best choices i can. It has worked for me.
    I'm the same way, but I've noticed that if I eat that way consistently, I can have a cheat meal every once in a while and not only maintain but lose weight.
    Through testing (trying different ways of doing everything), I found that if I eat any more than 1300 cals/day with or without exercise, I'll gain and not lose. Basically, that means I eat 1300 cals/day and don't eat back my exercise cals (usually 3-400 cals). Most people would consider that "starvation mode", but I still consistently lose weight and have built awesome muscle tone and definition. Four months ago I couldn't even lift myself to a bar, now I can do 5 pull-ups in a row! I can also run faster, lift more weight and workout longer than I've ever been able to. :drinker:
    Just one of those examples that really it does work differently for everyone. Find what works for you and go forth :tongue:
  • julienamana
    thanks you guys that really really helps to know it does work for you. I hit a bad patch the past couple days but I will try my hardest to get in all those calories, I am also looking at this as a new life style and not a temporary diet. I love to work out but havent much lately at all, so thank you again and i will stick with this. I was proud of myself for being honest in my diary even when I totally blew it the last 2 days. I really hope I can find what works for me
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I have always eaten all or at least the majority of my exercise Cals.

    A couple of years back I lost 15kg (about 30 lbs) in about 4 months with about 700 Cal deficit and 3 times a week strength training. Then life happened and gained more than half of it back! :mad:

    Now I'm doing it again with the same deficit but instead of gym I do 1.5-3 h of taekwondo 4-5 times a week and ride a bike about 50 km a week so my exercise calories are through the roof.

    Before I was like clockwork but now the scale readings jump hoops but the general trend is down so I have learned not to stare at the scale so much.