

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    The way I see it, DO NOT BE A HYPOCRITE and tell me what I am doing is unhealthy when so many people are admitting to starting a calorie counting or exercise regime without going to the doctor to be checked out prior to embarking on their journey.........

    You have NO right to tell anyone else what they are doing is wrong. Especially when you didn't do what you should have done for their health in the first place.

    A lot of people that posted here made my point on what I was talking about................

  • Skinnytime
    If one wants to be educated about this protocol, it is easy to read the Pounds & Inches manuscript. Everything you need to know is there.
    You don't feel hungry, because the hcg is liberating stored fat and allowing it to be used for energy.

    From my experience, here's what happens when I exercise and eat right:

    I loose some weight. My boobs shrink. My biceps get huge, my quads get huge. I get stronger, but I don't see the muscle because it's still covered by fat.

    On this protocol, I was able to drop fat from my calves, feet, knees, butt, etc. Muscle was spared. My chest did not shrink (nice).

    Why it works, I don't really know. Is it a for everyone? NO. Is it a good thing for women over 40 who cannot seem to drop any wieght? YES!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I personally wouldn't do this diet, but that's because I don't take medication in the long term and I have actual fitness goals, not just weight loss goals. I do wonder... what happens to your muscle tissue, by the end of this program?

    You lose little or no muscle mass with this plan.....................No more muscle loss on this plan than any other weight loss plan.
  • lorishines
    Hi ya bunch of anti- HCG folx. Choose to spew off all of your conventional (and might I add boring) nutrition info and propaganda if you like, but try to research what you say before you say it.

    I love how all these slim fast drinking, processed food chowing people think they know ANYTHING about nutrition. You are only buying what they are selling my dearies.
    The diet I am on requires delicious, fat free organic meats and produce with no additives and I have a view of food now that is NOT GLUTTONOUS. The facts behind HCG are widely available online. READ UP.

    Hcg is a miraculous drug, for me. I have been on injections of HCG for a month and have lost 18 pounds. In the meantime I am learning how to stabilize my weight so when I am through with the program I will be able to live a healthy life, choosing healthy and liberal foods.

    I FEEL SEXY for the fist time since I was a teenager.

    I worked out and ate 1200 calories a day for 3 months and only saw an 8 pound loss. Now my goal weight is only 12 pounds away. Ya know whats AWESOME? I will get to my goal weight by the end of September, EASILY.

    Hellllo SIZE 7 jeans! :tongue:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Yes, we all have the right to chose how we approach weight loss, all diets work.........as long as you follow the plan, but you have to at some point learn how to maintain weight loss and rapid weight loss is less likely to be maintained than slow and steady weight loss.

    Everyone should visit the national weight control registry but here are some tips from people who have lost 30lbs and managed to keep it off for at least a year and none of them report using diet pills to lose or maintain their weight but an overwhelming percentage report using a diet program and eating a low fat low calorie diet and increasing physical activity. .

    NWCR Facts

    You may find it interesting to know about the people who have enrolled in the registry thus far.

    80% of persons in the registry are women and 20% are men.
    The "average" woman is 45 years of age and currently weighs 145 lbs, while the "average" man is 49 years of age and currently weighs 190 lbs.
    Registry members have lost an average of 66 lbs and kept it off for 5.5 years.
    These averages, however, hide a lot of diversity:
    Weight losses have ranged from 30 to 300 lbs.
    Duration of successful weight loss has ranged from 1 year to 66 years!
    Some have lost the weight rapidly, while others have lost weight very slowly--over as many as 14 years.

    We have also started to learn about how the weight loss was accomplished: 45% of registry participants lost the weight on their own and the other 55% lost weight with the help of some type of program.
    98% of Registry participants report that they modified their food intake in some way to lose weight.
    94% increased their physical activity, with the most frequently reported form of activity being walking.
    There is variety in how NWCR members keep the weight off. Most report continuing to maintain a low calorie, low fat diet and doing high levels of activity.

    78% eat breakfast every day.
    75% weigh themselves at least once a week.
    62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week.
    90% exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day.

    Research Findings
    Check out our list of NWCR published studies Here!

    The National Weight Control Registry
    Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
    Weight Control & Diabetes Research Center
    196 Richmond Street, Providence, RI 02903
    Phone: 1-800-606-NWCR (6927)
    E-Mail: tmnwcr@lifespan.org
  • Skinnytime
    Go Lori!!!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    how on earth is it "cleansing your body of toxins" if you are filling it with artificial hormones/chemicals to take the hunger away?
    Firstly, HCG is not artificial. It is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the human body. Secondly, the purpose of taking HCG is not appetite suppression.
    Even if its a natural hormone that occurs in the body, its not one that you are producing, so therefore, it's artificial?
    Using this logic, multivitamins are artificial and absolutely no one should take them because your body is not producing the vitamins naturally. What i just said is a completely ludicrous statement. Think about it.
    Are they stealing homrones from these pregnant woman
    I really doubt there's a gang of 'pee stealers' that follow pregnant women into the bathroom. These hormones are collected the same way other hormones are collected - women are paid for their services.
    and cutting them with liquids to make it into these drops...how are these drops manufactured?
    The manufacturer for my supplier isn't cutting the hormone with anything - the HCG I get is 100% pure prescription-grade HCG. It's the same stuff fertility clinics use for fertility treatments. The HCG protocol just uses it in a much lower dosage. I make the mixture myself, so I know exactly what is going into my sublingual doses - HCG, colloidal silver, and vitamin B12. I cannot speak for every HCG manufacturer/supplier however. There's always that element that makes it hard for everyone else, but this is the same case for any medical/health supply you buy. Would you buy multivitamins from a guy in a van in the Kroger parking lot? You buy from suppliers that people have used and recommended. Caveat emptor.
    I think whoever the doc that invented this is one smart man cause he is making a lot of money off very desperate people.
    He must not be that brilliant because he never sold the supplies on the internet...wait, maybe that's because he died before the internet was a thing. If you had done any research before posting about a subject you're so obviously know nothing about, you'd know that. Just because someone didn't make a fortune off their discovery doesn't detract from their ability, intelligence, or value.
    The way to decrease your appitite is to eat less and drink more water
    Maybe this works for you, but it doesn't work for everyone. I lost a whopping 8 pounds before "eat less move more" quit working.
    eventually your stomach will shrink
    This is a widespread misnomer. The human stomach does actually physically shrink. It is the size it is. Your stomach can lose the ability to stretch to a larger size, but this is not 'shrinking'.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Hi ya bunch of anti- HCG folx. Choose to spew off all of your conventional (and might I add boring) nutrition info and propaganda if you like, but try to research what you say before you say it.

    I love how all these slim fast drinking, processed food chowing people think they know ANYTHING about nutrition. You are only buying what they are selling my dearies.
    The diet I am on requires delicious, fat free organic meats and produce with no additives and I have a view of food now that is NOT GLUTTONOUS. The facts behind HCG are widely available online. READ UP.

    Hcg is a miraculous drug, for me. I have been on injections of HCG for a month and have lost 18 pounds. In the meantime I am learning how to stabilize my weight so when I am through with the program I will be able to live a healthy life, choosing healthy and liberal foods.

    I FEEL SEXY for the fist time since I was a teenager.

    I worked out and ate 1200 calories a day for 3 months and only saw an 8 pound loss. Now my goal weight is only 12 pounds away. Ya know whats AWESOME? I will get to my goal weight by the end of September, EASILY.

    Hellllo SIZE 7 jeans! :tongue:

    I could really care less when I hit my goal. I'm more concerned in how I'm going to keep the weight off. Maintenance terrifies me. :laugh:
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi ya bunch of anti- HCG folx. Choose to spew off all of your conventional (and might I add boring) nutrition info and propaganda if you like, but try to research what you say before you say it.

    I love how all these slim fast drinking, processed food chowing people think they know ANYTHING about nutrition. You are only buying what they are selling my dearies.
    The diet I am on requires delicious, fat free organic meats and produce with no additives and I have a view of food now that is NOT GLUTTONOUS. The facts behind HCG are widely available online. READ UP.

    Hcg is a miraculous drug, for me. I have been on injections of HCG for a month and have lost 18 pounds. In the meantime I am learning how to stabilize my weight so when I am through with the program I will be able to live a healthy life, choosing healthy and liberal foods.

    I FEEL SEXY for the fist time since I was a teenager.

    I worked out and ate 1200 calories a day for 3 months and only saw an 8 pound loss. Now my goal weight is only 12 pounds away. Ya know whats AWESOME? I will get to my goal weight by the end of September, EASILY.

    Hellllo SIZE 7 jeans! :tongue:

    uh whoa...never have i ever heard someone on here throw their weight loss in someones face...i'm glad your passionate, but really? You will go as to that far to put someone down jsut because you happen to lose your weight faster? Very mature....I think if you feel wonderful about yourself and your self esteem is better than ever then that is wonderful and i'm glad you feel beautiful and sexy, but why put others down for slow weight loss? Notice I never said the diet wouldnt' work, i jsut don't understand how it is supposed to cleanse you when you fill it with a chemical or hormone or whatever to "cleanse" you....yeah it works....medifast works, slimfast can work, anything can work if you are consistant with it. But please, just because you might be offended someone is against what you are doing, don't throw your success in their face, you could have jsut made them self sabotage
  • frabjak
    I personally wouldn't do this diet, but that's because I don't take medication in the long term and I have actual fitness goals, not just weight loss goals. I do wonder... what happens to your muscle tissue, by the end of this program?

    I was wondering this too. I have some questions, because I'm trying to understand, not be a jerk or anything here. What it sounds like to me is that this is for people who are seriously obese? Like it wouldn't be for someone like me who is at the final 5lbs (that's even debatable) and already down to 18% body fat...then it would be dangerous.

    I've been working with a nutritionist recently due to the fact that I work out...a lot...run 4xs a week, karate 3xs and lift 5. 1200 calories just wasn't enough. So I'm up to 1800, all clean, but I need to consume 216g of carbs (complex carbs) a day to prevent my body from burning muscle. From my understanding the body is first burning protein (157g of that a day), then the carbs, then the fat. So I see why you are limiting your carb intake. So is the theroy behind this that there is enough fat to burn after the protein that your muscle will still be safe? Again, then this would make more sense for someone with a significant amount to lose rather than 20lbs or so...am I correct?

    Also, I'm just questioning and a bit saddened by a couple of comments that people would rather be restricted to 500 clean calories than 1200 not so healthy calories. I'm not saying everyone was saying this, and don't get me wrong, I know some where but do to medical issues that prevent the body from letting go of the weight. I just question the reasoning behind the fact that those 1200 can't be clean. Why is it either or? I had the same problem with Weight Watchers. Yes I could use points on twinkies and other junk food, or processed foods that contain nothing but toxins. And unfortunately I think they market it this way. However, I was fortunate to be able to lose my 50lbs through wiping out the toxins, chemicals and crap foods. I guess if it's what helps someone see how differently the body reacts it's a good thing. But I would hope that some people would at least try to do this with the full amount to experience how differenlty the body reacts to eating the way we were created to. (Again not an attack, just something that caught my attention from a couple posts is all).
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Even if its a natural hormone that occurs in the body, its not one that you are producing, so therefore, it's artificial?
    Using this logic, multivitamins are artificial and absolutely no one should take them because your body is not producing the vitamins naturally. What i just said is a completely ludicrous statement. Think about it.

    ok so we shouldn't eat food all together then, because they have vitamins too right? there is a difference between a vitamin, which your body needs, adn a pregnancy hormone, that your body doens't need, don't you think? Thank you though for taking yoru time and explaining it more to me:)
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi ya bunch of anti- HCG folx. Choose to spew off all of your conventional (and might I add boring) nutrition info and propaganda if you like, but try to research what you say before you say it.

    I love how all these slim fast drinking, processed food chowing people think they know ANYTHING about nutrition. You are only buying what they are selling my dearies.
    The diet I am on requires delicious, fat free organic meats and produce with no additives and I have a view of food now that is NOT GLUTTONOUS. The facts behind HCG are widely available online. READ UP.

    Hcg is a miraculous drug, for me. I have been on injections of HCG for a month and have lost 18 pounds. In the meantime I am learning how to stabilize my weight so when I am through with the program I will be able to live a healthy life, choosing healthy and liberal foods.

    I FEEL SEXY for the fist time since I was a teenager.

    I worked out and ate 1200 calories a day for 3 months and only saw an 8 pound loss. Now my goal weight is only 12 pounds away. Ya know whats AWESOME? I will get to my goal weight by the end of September, EASILY.

    Hellllo SIZE 7 jeans! :tongue:

    I could really care less when I hit my goal. I'm more concerned in how I'm going to keep the weight off. Maintenance terrifies me. :laugh:

    Well, I must say from people I know that have done this plan in real life and those of my "friends" on this site and another one I frequent................

    The way the foods are added back in after the dosing and the resetting of the Hypothalamus gland give us HCG'ers an edge on maintaining our weight with our new set point................
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member

    uh whoa...never have i ever heard someone on here throw their weight loss in someones face...i'm glad your passionate, but really? You will go as to that far to put someone down jsut because you happen to lose your weight faster? Very mature....I think if you feel wonderful about yourself and your self esteem is better than ever then that is wonderful and i'm glad you feel beautiful and sexy, but why put others down for slow weight loss? Notice I never said the diet wouldnt' work, i jsut don't understand how it is supposed to cleanse you when you fill it with a chemical or hormone or whatever to "cleanse" you....yeah it works....medifast works, slimfast can work, anything can work if you are consistant with it. But please, just because you might be offended someone is against what you are doing, don't throw your success in their face, you could have jsut made them self sabotage

    Very well put.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    i jsut don't understand how it is supposed to cleanse you when you fill it with a chemical or hormone or whatever to "cleanse" you....
    I don't remember anyone ever saying this diet would 'cleanse' you of anything. If you want to consider the elimination of processed crap and unnatural substances that the food industry puts into your food 'cleansing', then I guess it does. I don't understand how Viagra makes old men's dingies hard, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't, nor does it mean that those men shouldn't take it.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Even if its a natural hormone that occurs in the body, its not one that you are producing, so therefore, it's artificial?
    Using this logic, multivitamins are artificial and absolutely no one should take them because your body is not producing the vitamins naturally. What i just said is a completely ludicrous statement. Think about it.

    ok so we shouldn't eat food all together then, because they have vitamins too right? there is a difference between a vitamin, which your body needs, adn a pregnancy hormone, that your body doens't need, don't you think? Thank you though for taking yoru time and explaining it more to me:)

    Well said!!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi ya bunch of anti- HCG folx. Choose to spew off all of your conventional (and might I add boring) nutrition info and propaganda if you like, but try to research what you say before you say it.

    I love how all these slim fast drinking, processed food chowing people think they know ANYTHING about nutrition. You are only buying what they are selling my dearies.
    The diet I am on requires delicious, fat free organic meats and produce with no additives and I have a view of food now that is NOT GLUTTONOUS. The facts behind HCG are widely available online. READ UP.

    Hcg is a miraculous drug, for me. I have been on injections of HCG for a month and have lost 18 pounds. In the meantime I am learning how to stabilize my weight so when I am through with the program I will be able to live a healthy life, choosing healthy and liberal foods.

    I FEEL SEXY for the fist time since I was a teenager.

    I worked out and ate 1200 calories a day for 3 months and only saw an 8 pound loss. Now my goal weight is only 12 pounds away. Ya know whats AWESOME? I will get to my goal weight by the end of September, EASILY.

    Hellllo SIZE 7 jeans! :tongue:

    What happens when you go back to "normal eating" though? Surely, you havn't taught yourself good habits because you are relying on chemical intervention?

    ...does it matter who loses the weight quickest? I don't care how long it takes me to lose these last 17lbs!...It wil be an amazing achievement :flowerforyou:

    Athough many posts on the internet can be taken in the wrong context...this post made me a little uneasy!

    Oh, btw....the conventional and boring method of losing weight...eating right and exercising yadda yadda...this propoganda really does work...check out my ticker! :laugh:
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    i jsut don't understand how it is supposed to cleanse you when you fill it with a chemical or hormone or whatever to "cleanse" you....
    I don't remember anyone ever saying this diet would 'cleanse' you of anything. If you want to consider the elimination of processed crap and unnatural substances that the food industry puts into your food 'cleansing', then I guess it does. I don't understand how Viagra makes old men's dingies hard, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't, nor does it mean that those men shouldn't take it.

    it was on the first page of the post....but i totally cracked up over the viagra thing lol! Never heard the anatomy refered to as dingies! ill have to steal that phrase if its ok with you:) but you know what....they are saying now how even vitamins aren't safe to take too....i personally don't take vitamins, i get plenty from the food i eat, and on my t.o.m. i do get low on iron, but i think its great you guys did a lot of research on hcg and made an educated decision
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I also have a silly question...can men take the hormone too? and if you do, do you pee positive on a pregnancy test? could a guy have a positive pregnancy test? that would be crazy if its true huh?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    What happens when you go back to "normal eating" though? Surely, you havn't taught yourself good habits because you are relying on chemical intervention?

    The way the foods are added back in after the dosing and the resetting of the Hypothalamus gland give us HCG'ers an edge on maintaining our weight with our new set point................

    Phase 3 is no sugar, no starch for 3 weeks..............protein, fats, veggies and fruit, nuts for 3 weeks...........

    Phase 4, slowly start introducing sugar and starches.................

    The hypothalamus resets during Phase 3, there fore when you get to Phase 4 you can maintain the weight loss for life or until you want to do another round..........

    Each phase HAS TO BE DONE STRICTLY BY THE BOOK................Any deviation of the plan will cause it not to work and may cause further damage to the Hypothalamus...................

    That is why it is imperative to follow it to a T
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    there is a difference between a vitamin, which your body needs, adn a pregnancy hormone, that your body doens't need, don't you think?
    Okay, let's use a different example. Your body doesn't get anything essential from taking an Aleve, but people still take it. Why? Because it provides a desired effect - pain relief. Aleve isn't produced by the body naturally. I'm not even sure if it's found in nature or something that Big Pharma created in a lab. I DO know that it makes my headache tolerable.

    People take multivitamins because they think (many of them erroneously) that they are not getting enough from the foods they eat. Therefore, the desired effect from taking a multivitamin is the introduction of what they perceive as deficient minerals.

    People take HCG because of the benefits it produces - benefits that people are seeing a daily basis.

    If you don't want Viagra to make your dingie hard, Aleve to alleviate your headache pains, or HCG to assist you in losing weight, then don't take any of them. But don't slag on people that do elect to use them for their benefit.
This discussion has been closed.