lynndot1 Member


  • I bulk cook Sundays. Make all of our lunches for the week in one go, and just make the recipe in MFP so all I have to do is add it during the week. I do a couple dinners too for when I work late so boyfriend doesn't feel the need to get fast food instead of waiting for me to come home ;) I try and do new recipes now and…
  • You may also be an evening gym goer. I'm most energetic in the morning, I'm an early bird, so waking up for the gym doesn't bug me. I also crap out after 9-10pm and want to sleep, haha. My boyfriend is a night owl and there's no way he would work out with me in the morning. He goes to the gym after dinner has had time to…
  • Omelets are one of my favorites for putting what seems like a lot of food into a small calorie breakfast. 2 eggs + spinach + mushrooms + carrots + butter for the pan is barely 200-250 calories depending on how much I use. But I'm always pretty full after eating it. You can put whatever veggies you want in an omelet to bulk…
  • If you were actually eating less than 1000 calories net every day 100% accurately with no cheat meals/days/hidden calories using a food scale and properly measuring everything and not kidding yourself you would be losing weight. You'd also feel like *kitten* from not eating enough. Luckily, you're likely eating more than…
  • I dunno about suppressing appetite, but if I have coffee on an empty stomach I feel pretty nauseous, so I only drink it right after a meal or with a snack. Any caffeine when I haven't eaten doesn't settle well. With that said, we have an espresso machine at home and I usually have 2 shots a day, sometimes I also hit up…
  • It's a bad idea to talk to me if I haven't had coffee yet.
  • I'm probably biased because I'm from a dairy, but I only enjoy the taste of full fat dairy products. Especially yogurt - I hate the mouthful of Greek yogurt because of the high protein and lack of fat content. Usually I buy whole milk but if I'm on a deficit I do 2%, which is the lowest I go that still tastes okay. Skim…
  • For a lot of people all it takes is small changes to their lifestyle to make huge impacts. My mom had always been 20-30 pounds off her goal weight for years, yo-yo dieting, she would make changes but never be consistent and never exercised. Finally I got her to do the couch-to-5k program and now she and my dad both run 3…
  • Yay another dairy kid - but my ex-boyfriend, also a lifelong farmer, used to make his mom so mad as a kid when he'd pour the creamline on his cereal instead of shaking up the bottle first...she wouldn't have any cream to use later!
  • "In the United States, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products must be tested for safety and approved by the FDA before they can be used. The FDA also sets an acceptable daily…
  • Cute butt :) But seriously, you fit those clothes so much better than the before picture! Great job.
  • I've milked too many cows in my life to do dairy substitutes, haha. I like the taste of coconut milk as coconut milk but NOT as a "milk replacement" tastes too much like, well, coconut! So if I want that flavor it's cool and I like coconut recipes, but cow milk all the way. Almond and soy and rice I've tried at some…
  • This isn't specific, but I suppose just think about the decades of research we have for it. Fad diets come and go, but scientists have been running studies on calorie deficits for years and years - and we always see similar results, that it works. Even studies where they compare certain styles of dieting, while the "rate…
  • If you're accurately counting calories, do you know what your overall weekly deficit is? To lose 1lb/week you'd need to have a deficit of 3,500 calories, or about 500 per day. For 0.5lbs/week, which is about what I do, you need to average 250/day or about 1700 per just look at your overall totals and see what…
  • I think it depends on the age of your children. When I was little, my mother basically decided what I ate. I wasn't allowed to have a dessert (usually a dish of ice cream) until after dinner, after homework. As I got older, she stopped telling me that - but at that point I had developed the habit of only eating sweet foods…
  • When I moved to the coast I was sad to see red meat is so expensive here...buuut the trade off is seafood is cheaper :) We keep a bag of frozen shrimp all the time. I get the already peeled/deveined kind because I'm lazy but you can save a couple dollars if you want and peel them yourself. Shrimp can be tossed into well,…
  • Yeah I think any edamame you buy at the store, even the frozen/cold packs, are always pre-cooked. I've never seen "raw" edamame sold in a grocery store before. So all you have to do is heat them up and drizzle some salt if you want. It should say on the package.
  • I find if I eat below my BMR I tend to feel sluggish and get the urge to eat more which results in killing my deficit. My BMR is 1388, so I usually end up eating around 1400-1450 not counting exercise, and that works for me. It means I lose pretty slow, not even 0.5lb/week, but I don't really have much to lose anyway I'm…
  • Fish is a big protein source and are usually pretty low in fat, if that's what you're going for. One 3-oz serving of tuna has 25g of protein which is how much I get in one serving of my whey protein powder. You said you were getting tired of fish/eggs/chicken though so, whey protein is a pretty easy one. You can make it as…
  • I think people get too wrapped up in their daily deficit that they forget you need 3500 calories for a pound. Which means you'd need to binge over 3000 calories to actually gain just ONE POUND overnight, and most people who overindulge don't overindulge THAT MUCH. I've gone through and put in days in which I "eat the…
  • Bojangles has SALADS? Haha, man, all I know about Bojangles is the hangover food we'd get "mornings after" in college. Their chicken biscuits, the sausage egg and cheese biscuits, mmm...I've never looked up the calories. I don't want to know.
  • My favorite fast food is McDonald's chicken nuggets. I don't know why, I think it's a nostalgia thing, I just remember eating them a lot as a kid...but I never want anything else. 4 piece nugget (190) + small fry (230) = 420 calories or 6 piece nugget (280) + small fry (230) = 510 calories if I want a bit more When it…
  • This is unfortunately very true not just on these forums but pretty much anywhere in the health world. I love the internet but I also hate it because of how quickly misinformation spreads. I teach community hypertension classes and you would be amazed what people bring to class...Food Babe has been brought up more than…
  • This was gonna be my suggestion. I have time to cook in the morning but he does not, so once a week I'll make a batch of egg muffins (you can Google for tons of recipes) for him that last in the fridge for a week. Well, they're gone well before 7 days is up but they are good for a week, haha. But if you make those when you…
  • I tend to be really bloated leading up to my period so yeah, I hold on to weight more. Usually just 1-2 pounds but it FEELS like 500 pounds to me when I'm cranky and feel like crap, haha. Probably TMI for some but for me it's because I get really constipated a couple days before my period and then it, uh, self corrects…
  • Right now I do an upper/lower split. There are tons of exercises for each muscle group... has a huge list of them. Obviously you could never do ALL of those haha, just showing how many options you have. You can tailor a workout to whatever you want. Right now I do an upper/lower…
  • The general advice (but of course there are a million options) is to train each muscle twice a week with enough time between you aren't feeling too cruddy and you are recovering enough. So for twice a week I would do a "full body workout" spaced as far apart as possible (maybe every 3-4 days). That will keep you going…
  • In college I drank coffee round the clock and I noticed it was really starting to mess with me if I didn't drink it, so I sucked it up and "quit" for 4-6 months...after the initial slump and feeling like *kitten* I adjusted to it. And then after 5 months or so I went back to drinking it again, but just one cup a day. Now I…
  • Like others have said, I would add in strength training. You don't really have much to lose at this point, so if you want to see a "difference" in your legs you need to build muscle. There are all sorts of beginner programs out there. Do you have a gym with a full set of weights/equipment? Most beginner programs will have…