karamille Member


  • Less than 30. I stay around 20 in case I miscounted anything. My husband has lost 18lbs in 15 days,
  • Less than 30. Shoot for 20 in case you miscount.
  • Its total carbs minus fiber. It does differ from adkins because sugar alcohols count. So if you chew sugar free gum with sugar alcohols, you gotta count it towards your total carbs. The book does have some good reference charts, quick list of "safe foods", and lots of recipes. He also has a blog that has a lot of great…
  • Why not stay in ketosis? The book explains it better than I can, but by causing an insulin spike, you get a leptin spike, which accelerates fat loss. Its not a cheat night - it has purpose. :)
  • Yes any carbs you like on carb nite, just don't go buck wild with the fat. Such as... you would chose a tomato sauce instead of an alfredo sauce for your pasta. And you wouldn't sit down an eat a can of frosting - you would put some relatively lower fat cake underneath said frosting. :) But potatoes, candy, pasta,…
  • Yes any carbs you like on carb nite, just don't go buck wild with the fat. Such as... you would chose a tomato sauce instead of an alfredo sauce for your pasta. And you wouldn't sit down an eat a can of frosting - you would put some relatively lower fat cake underneath said frosting. :) But potatoes, candy, pasta,…
  • LOL. Carb nite solution is ultra low carb for 9.5 days of "reorientation" and then you get one eveing of carbs. After that you get one carb evening a week, the rest of the time is ultra low carbs. I just had chicken sauted in brown butter with garlic, broccoli salad (broccoli mixed with crumbled bacon, a small handful of…
  • Hi, I'm Kara Height: 5" even Highest weight: 215 Got down to 195 in the fall, then got nailed with an auto-immune reaction to an illness. Probably the sickest I have ever been and went on steriods. Current weight: 205 Goal weight: Definitely 150. Maybe as low as 130. Would probably look sick much lower than that.
  • I actually was tested for celiacs (which was negative) and then a few years later had a gluten sensitive child. At that point we all went GF. I stuck with it for several months but my IBS was still active. Which would make sense with the insoluable fiber, since we ate a lot more vegetables while we were GF. I have to say,…
  • My vitamin D supplements gave me kidney stones. Not fun. And expensive with all the dr appointments.
  • My goal is 120-140. I have been as thin as 94lbs but I am not naturally that thin. I worked out like crazy when I was 18-19 years old. I have not desire to go below 120
  • I have it. Implanon is the name for it here. I did gain weight while I have had it, but I can't blame it on the implant. We had some serius stress going on with our baby's health problems. I comfort ate, didn't sleep, didn't workout, and just generally let myself go to hell. I am in the last 6 months of the 3 years of it,…
  • check out this site - gives you lower calorie options at the major fast food chains. If you go to a sit down restaurant, stay away from the salads unless they are specifically on the low cal portion of the menu. The salads are some of the worst offenders on the menu. Get a grilled chicken sandwhich or wrap with whatever…
  • I am not diabetic, but i will bottom out about an hour after a workout and feel like hell if I don't bring my blood sugar up. Glass of chocolate milk is an awesome post workout drink. I drink it as soon as I come in from a workout. Wait about 30 mintues, then drink water to rehydrate what I lost in sweat.
  • I do it less for the metabolic reasons and more for the "living in the real world" reasons. Shuffing my calories around allows me to have a slice of cake a my best friends baby shower or a hotdog at my son's first trip to a minor league game. At the end of the week, if you divide the total by 7, the average is within my…
  • Didn't read thru all the replies, but if no one has suggested it... BLEACH BATHS!!!!! First - scrub your tub and make sure its clean, clean, clean - then fill it up like a regular bath, then add 1/2 cup bleach (we use 1/4-1/3 cup bleach for ezcema for our kids) and have him soak in it. Do it EVERY DAY until its healed. It…
  • I'd email the company. That is rather deceitful. :-/
  • You know what.... it won't work until you are ready. You haven't hit rock bottom yet. When you are REALLY ready, we'll be here. :)
  • About $4000. A little more if you need some contouring done with lipo, which most women do. But it really depends on the area you live in. :) But I look at it this way. $4k is really a small amount of money. I will have saves THOUSANDS in health care costs by losing the weight, so really its sort of a reward to myself and…
  • I've started saving for a tummy tuck. :P I had a pouchy lower belly even before kids. I've never had a flat somach even when I weighed 94 lbs. Bad genes. Deal is... I save half of it, the other half will come out of the tax return. It will probably be spring of 2013 by the time I save my half.
  • You know... this has been a big problem for me in the past and a lot of the reason while I have failed in the past two years to lose or even stop the gain. It is not realistic that you can continue to make multiple meals long term and stay on track. You've got to find a way to make one meal and make it work on a calorie…
  • Wow that seems low. Is that total or your adjusted calories with eating back your excercise calories. I'm short too - 5' even and I consume 1400 calories a day. regardless of how much I burn in excercise. You may find that you stall out pretty quickly after initial loss because of going into starvation mode. Just be…
  • Only people I personally know who use Ensure are people trying to GAIN weight.
    in Ensure?? Comment by karamille July 2011
  • I feel you pain. My favorite "modern briefs" (boy short meets tango panty) now look like granny panties with the bagginess. =P Its a good problem to have though....
  • Yup. I use them. Not everyday, but once or twice a week. My little guy needs a massive amount of calories for health reasons. If I can't modify what I am fixing for my kids to get the calories low enough for me, I grab a lean cuisine. I don't stress over sodium or sugar. BP is fine and so are my fasting sugars. =) My…
  • Try yoga, pilates, or zumba DVDs,
  • In the morning, I am thinking about all the other things I should be doing instead of going out. Not to mention, I'm tired because I often lay awake with my mind thinking about stuff from the day. I feel drained and behind the rest of the day. When I run at night, the day is over. Everything productive I was going to get…
  • I take a couple of cheat days. usually two or three in a row. Still mind the portions - don't go hog wild - but eat some things you have been craving. (I shoot for about 300 calories over my normal. If its 400, I don't stress) It does two things: Gets those cravings out of the the way and shakes up your metabolism. Works…
  • If it makes me sweat, I count it. But then again... I sweat easily. LOL! Really though... I eat 1500 cals a day (basal metabolic rate) - not the 1200 it gives you. Then on a non work out day, when I do usually scrub the house, I count that. I *really* hate it telling me I am over my calories for the day - its totally…
  • She was still absolutely gorgeous at a size 16. She looks great now in her tiny body, but she was equally beautiful as a size 16. Congrats to her on her hard work and healthier lifestyle. :)