DarkAngellEyes Member


  • February 2016 vs December 2016. Made some body comp progress, but the increases on my lifts and performance in the gym is what I was really after. Looking forward to crushing goals in 2017!
  • I don't tend to post here often, but I do lurk a bit... I'm Stef - 31; married and I have an almost 2 year old daughter. I found Crossfit in 2012 after yo-yoing back and forth between dieting and cardio workouts... I finally got into lifting a bit via New Rules of Lifting for Women, and then came across a Living Social…
  • I thought it was a lot of fun! There were a few logistical things I thought that our host could have done better though - for instance I was in the last of 7 heats.... it just felt like there was way too much down time in between WODs. And there was a mix up and we didn't get our t-shirts. Festivus is supposedly mailing…
  • P90x would be perfectly safe to do while pregnant, if you are already following the program when you get pregnant. You should not start any new workout programs while pregnant though... just stick to what you've already been doing. For instance, I did crossfit through most of my pregnancy because I had been doing it for…
  • Their slogan is "A competition for the rest of us" - it focuses on novice and intermediate crossfitters...I guess they do it twice a year (April & October) nationwide (I think?). Just curious if anyone else has signed up and what they are doing to prep for it in the next couple of weeks!
  • ... really MFP? censoring "kicking *kitten*"? sigh...
  • If your clothes fit better (or are too loose!) and you have visible muscle definition, why even care what the scale says?? I say ditch the scale and track progress with measurements, body fat % & progress photos. Sounds like you are kicking *kitten*!
  • Registered for it yesterday! I'm also interested to see how they are going to work in the scaled division...
  • Sounds fun! We just had a in-house comp at our box this weekend too! It was a lot of fun and incredible showing of strength!
  • Been crossfitting since 2012... although I took some time off to have a baby and am just now (finally!) getting back into a regular schedule. Feel free to add me as well :)
  • I know its extremely hard to let go of the "standard" diet mentalities, but I'm just speaking from experience - your body WILL respond when you focus your nutrition around fueling your workouts. Case in point... I was at a plateau for MONTHS... couldnt lose a thing. Finally, fed up with it, I upped my calories to…
  • First of all... you said it yourself - you ARE making progress. Don't give up! If there is one thing I learned from a few years of crossfit - the scale lies. The only weight that really matters is the weight you are putting on the barbell. I suggest losing the scale - it lies anyways ;) Have you tried tracking your body…
  • If you're looking for a physical WODBook - check out sportjournals.com. They have a few different varieties to choose from!
  • Love the mean girls reference! hahaha
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I'm definitely going to look into some of these!
  • So frustrated with this one. I knew I could clean & jerk the 95lbs, but the toes to bar were just not going to happen. Any moves on the pullup bar (pullups, toes to bar, knees to elbow, etc.) are my weakness. I got a whopping score of 4. That was expected though, so I'm not too disappointed - just something I need to work…
  • Honestly in my experience - which is similar to yours since I also stalled at a weight loss plateau for 5 months - when you hit a plateau like that its typically due to the fact that you are not eating enough to maintain your current level of activitiy. When I hit my plateau, tried lowering my calories and I tried upping…
  • 13.3 was an eyeopener for me. I completed "Karen" back in October (using a 12 lb ball) and finished in 8:35 so I thought for sure I could at least finish the wall balls within 10 minutes and have a few minutes to get a decent amount of doubleunders in. Boy, was I wrong. I completely underestimated how bad those wall balls…
  • I have to say I was totally psyched to see that they would accept step ups as part of this WOD. I'm decent when it comes to box jumps, but when there are so many in such a short time frame, I knew I would get winded quick and slow down significantly. I jumped my first round and half of my second and then switched to step…
  • Thanks for the input ladies, you've defnitely given me some things to consider that I didnt think about previously! I'm still on the fence... thinking I maybe could do it just for the 5k aspect and skip most of the obstacles (so the registration fee doesnt go to waste), but I'm going to run it by my doctor first for sure!
  • Along with looking into the coaches, also make sure they offer a couple "on-ramp" or "fundamentals" or "elements" classes (each box calls them something different) where you focus on learning the basic moves and proper form.
  • Although I pretty much despise burpees (who doesnt?!) I actually really had fun with this one!! Makes me realize how much I miss the whole competition atmosphere. While my goal was to at least get to 100 - I totally surprised myself and ended up with a total of 123!! When I look back, I feel like I could (or should) have…
  • Actually looking forward to getting away with wearing nothing but sundresses and flip flops :happy: Due August 24th
  • I'm registered!! I went back and forth on if I should or not for a while considering I'm currently about 15 weeks preggo - but I decided to give it a shot! If nothing else, I'll at least have a goal to beat for next year :)
  • Also, if you do end up getting into it, check out the group CrossFit Love on here.... its full of incredible crossfitters with great advice.
  • Expect to bring your A-game! Best advice I can give you... if you are unsure of the proper form for a certain lift or movement - ASK. The coach should go over it before the beginning of the WOD anyways, but dont be afraid to ask for additional clarification if you are unsure. Also, I would definitely talk to your coach and…
  • I'm a crossfitter and plan to continue (modified of course) through my pregnancy. I'm currently 12 weeks and while I FEEL like I should be able to continue all the movements/lifts, I have definitely had to scale back on my intensity considering how quickly I get out of breath now. I highly suggest checking out…
  • I'm due August 24th with my first... Just got to see the little one and hear the heartbeat this past Monday :)
  • While I do not have photographic evidence to share, trust me - You are not the only one.... Not sure what I found so appealing about road signs, but I definitely stole a few in my day!