That Dang Processed Food! DEVIL!!!!!

xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
I'm all about eating whatever you want, when you want, how you want, with who you want, with what you want......... ok you get my drift.


Below are two bags of chips. On the left, kettle cooked potato chips. Those ingredients look pretty good to me! And delicious as well. I love me some natural kettle cooked potato chips. The bag on the left are Doritos. I hate Doritos and you can plainly see there's a lot of ingredients on there that I can't pronounce.... so they could or they could not be good for you. How would I know? I can't even pronounce them to try to copy them into my phone to look them up later when I'm at home instead of the chip aisle of the grocery store looking like a moron.


My point to all the "clean eaters" (YEA GO YOU!) is what's wrong with the chips on the left? The oil? The salt? THE YUMMINESS!???? I think anything in moderation is fine. Even chemically enhanced Doritos. You want those chemicals Glenn Coco? You go Glenn Coco.


  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    I completely agree with you! I would totally (and proudly) eat the chips on the left.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    I would eat either chip. Just because something has a name I can't pronounce doesn't mean a dang thing. It means I didn't take a chemistry class. Or realize that some words have a common name and a scientific name. That's it.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Can I have your Doritos?
    If they were toxic in any amount, I would have died eons ago.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    Love the mean girls reference! hahaha
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    If I can pronounce all the words, does that make it ok to eat? Or maybe just the fact that they sound scientific is bad. Best to avoid Dihydrogen Monoxdie. Everyone knows Carbon Monoxide is deadly, and Hydrogen is used in BOMBS. Clearly this is evil. What about Sodium Chloride? Sodium is deadly, chloride is also deadly. This combination is obviously 100% deadly.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I only get to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight. Sure, I can eat 1200 calories of chips. That isn't even a food that triggers an all out pigout for me. Except Pringles. I think they put crack in those. But even one serving of chips could have gone to something with nutritional value. Is this for weight or for health? If it's really for health, shouldn't we all be reducing our intake of high calorie, low nutrient foods?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I only get to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight. Sure, I can eat 1200 calories of chips. That isn't even a food that triggers an all out pigout for me. Except Pringles. I think they put crack in those. But even one serving of chips could have gone to something with nutritional value. Is this for weight or for health? If it's really for health, shouldn't we all be reducing our intake of high calorie, low nutrient foods?

    not all of us eat 1200 cals a day to lose weight. IMHO health includes all things in moderation no one is suggesting eat ALL the chips.

    Pass the chips please - I'll have some of both :bigsmile:
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I would eat either chip. Just because something has a name I can't pronounce doesn't mean a dang thing. It means I didn't take a chemistry class. Or realize that some words have a common name and a scientific name. That's it.

    Even without a chemistry class, you are a genius. This is perhaps the smartest thing that will be written on MFP today.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have nothing against chips. I just don't eat them because they are like crack... and it's one of the few things that I do better without for that reason, lol.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Maybe some people just like to make things on their own from scratch? I enjoy making my own condiments, snacks, etc. I think in the long run it will probably end up being healthier than eating food dyes and artificial flavorings. Processed food isn't evil, it's just generally not as good as the real stuff.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I only get to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight. Sure, I can eat 1200 calories of chips. That isn't even a food that triggers an all out pigout for me. Except Pringles. I think they put crack in those. But even one serving of chips could have gone to something with nutritional value. Is this for weight or for health? If it's really for health, shouldn't we all be reducing our intake of high calorie, low nutrient foods?

    not all of us eat 1200 cals a day to lose weight. IMHO health includes all things in moderation no one is suggesting eat ALL the chips.

    Pass the chips please - I'll have some of both :bigsmile:

    All yours! By the way, they're both processed foods. Technically so are the raisins I eat, too, though. One has MSG and one doesn't, that stands out for me because a friend of mine gets migraines from it. You can have her chips, too.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I only get to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight. Sure, I can eat 1200 calories of chips. That isn't even a food that triggers an all out pigout for me. Except Pringles. I think they put crack in those. But even one serving of chips could have gone to something with nutritional value. Is this for weight or for health? If it's really for health, shouldn't we all be reducing our intake of high calorie, low nutrient foods?

    Not everyone only eats 1200 kcals a day. I can totally fit in a serving a chips here and there (while still meeting all of my macro and micro requirements). In fact sometimes I struggle to hit my fat goal and chips totally help with that. Not everyone's goals are your goals.
  • allbarrett
    allbarrett Posts: 159 Member
    I would eat either chip. Just because something has a name I can't pronounce doesn't mean a dang thing. It means I didn't take a chemistry class. Or realize that some words have a common name and a scientific name. That's it.

    I'm with you. :) I've taken chemistry and can pronounce all the ingredients (and even know what some of them actually are) and I'd still eat the Doritos. Love me some fake cheesy goodness (I'd also eat the kettle chips, I'm really not that picky). :)
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I only get to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight. Sure, I can eat 1200 calories of chips. That isn't even a food that triggers an all out pigout for me. Except Pringles. I think they put crack in those. But even one serving of chips could have gone to something with nutritional value. Is this for weight or for health? If it's really for health, shouldn't we all be reducing our intake of high calorie, low nutrient foods?

    Not everyone only eats 1200 kcals a day. I can totally fit in a serving a chips here and there (while still meeting all of my macro and micro requirements). In fact sometimes I struggle to hit my fat goal and chips totally help with that. Not everyone's goals are your goals.

    Which is why I didn't say everyone should avoid all of this stuff all the time. But the Standard American Diet I ate when I was fat definitely did not fulfill my nutritional needs. I'm always reminded of that when people tell others on here not to eat below 1200 calories because it's hard to meet all nutritional needs. Who knows what I did to my health in those years? And even in years when I controlled my weight but ate lots of junkfood and didn't even taking a multivitamin? I hope it doesn't come back to bite me later.

    Let's face it. If every American met our RDA every day with only food, we'd have a vegetable shortage crisis and the entire processed food industry would take a huge financial hit.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    I would eat either chip. Just because something has a name I can't pronounce doesn't mean a dang thing. It means I didn't take a chemistry class. Or realize that some words have a common name and a scientific name. That's it.

    Even without a chemistry class, you are a genius. This is perhaps the smartest thing that will be written on MFP today.

    Well now I just feel so flattered!
  • tabithaduarte
    tabithaduarte Posts: 29 Member
    the reason all chips are devils is ...u eat one u end up eatin 10..u have 10 might as well finish the pringles or half the bag...
    i try to limit the chips for the reason alone. i eat doritos here n there. i havent ate kettle chips before but i will give them a try. all chips taste delicous. damn chips. and just about every other food -_-
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,838 Member
    When given the choice between a list of ingredients that are all recognizable food and a list including a vast array of additives, supplements, and extenders, I choose the all food list.

    The additives are often (admittedly, not always) there to enhance the flavor and palatability of substandard or poor tasting ingredients. For example, the common addition of salts and sugars to processed foods is to make our taste buds happy. They do not improve the nutritional value of the food but, in the case of the sugars, are simply what is sometimes called "empty calories."

    The potato chips on the left probably taste more of potatoes. I would probably purchase those were I in need of potato chips. However, in moments of weakness, I, too appreciate the talents of those food scientists who can turn yellow cheese powder and other such non-foods into a taste delight like Doritos. The trick is to be knowledgeable and make healthy choices based on that knowledge. Leaning toward the all-food ingredients list is usually the healthier choice.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    the reason all chips are devils is ...u eat one u end up eatin 10..u have 10 might as well finish the pringles or half the bag...
    i try to limit the chips for the reason alone. i eat doritos here n there. i havent ate kettle chips before but i will give them a try. all chips taste delicous. damn chips. and just about every other food -_-

    Kettle chips are my favorites.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I only get to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight. Sure, I can eat 1200 calories of chips. That isn't even a food that triggers an all out pigout for me. Except Pringles. I think they put crack in those. But even one serving of chips could have gone to something with nutritional value. Is this for weight or for health? If it's really for health, shouldn't we all be reducing our intake of high calorie, low nutrient foods?

    not all of us eat 1200 cals a day to lose weight. IMHO health includes all things in moderation no one is suggesting eat ALL the chips.

    Pass the chips please - I'll have some of both :bigsmile:

    All yours! By the way, they're both processed foods. Technically so are the raisins I eat, too, though. One has MSG and one doesn't, that stands out for me because a friend of mine gets migraines from it. You can have her chips, too.

    Everyone knows that by processed they are speaking of foods made in a Corporate manufacturing, factory environment.

    These overly technical terms are nonsense. We weren't eating boxed, packaged, manufactured food like substances over 50-60 years ago. Foods were made from scratch.

    Go ahead and eat those preservatives and food dyes. They are known to be unhealthy in the human body.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member

    The potato chips on the left probably taste more of potatoes. I would probably purchase those were I in need of potato chips. However, in moments of weakness, I, too appreciate the talents of those food scientists who can turn yellow cheese powder and other such non-foods into a taste delight like Doritos. The trick is to be knowledgeable and make healthy choices based on that knowledge. Leaning toward the all-food ingredients list is usually the healthier choice.

    They taste more of potatoes because they are potato chips.
    Doritoes are corn chips, and so won't taste like potatoes.

    Both are yummy though.