dedflwrs Member


  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Oct 11: 11,595 steps Oct 12: 13,321 steps Oct 13: 17,384 steps Oct 14: 18,594 steps Oct 15: 12,353 steps Oct 16: 23,524…
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Oct 11: 11,595 steps Oct 12: 13,321 steps Oct 13: 17,384 steps Oct 14: 18,594 steps Oct 15: 12,353 steps Oct 16: 23,524…
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Oct 11: 11,595 steps Oct 12: 13,321 steps Oct 13: 17,384 steps Oct 14: 18,594 steps Oct 15: 12,353 steps Oct 16: 23,524…
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Oct 11: 11,595 steps Oct 12: 13,321 steps Oct 13: 17,384 steps Oct 14: 18,594 steps Oct 15: 12,353 steps Oct 16: 23,524…
  • Spent yesterday driving to airport (2 hours) and then on an airplane. So not as many steps as I would have wanted to Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Oct…
  • Why do your parents even know what you eat or not? And at your age, why do you care what they have to say? Just do your thing. No one needs to know what your eating plan is except you.
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Oct 11: 11,595 steps Oct 12: 13,321 steps Oct 13: 17,384 steps Oct 14: 18,594 steps Total: 242,631 Average: 17,330
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Oct 11: 11,595 steps Oct 12: 13,321 steps Oct 13: 17,384 steps Total: 224,037 Average: 17,233
  • Had a few bad days so I'm under my projected average. Need to pick it up Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Oct 11: 11,595 steps Oct 12: 13,321 steps Total:…
  • I've done all except 9 and 10 and it does make a difference. Another way to burn: be old. To wit, I keep forgetting what I'm doing so I will go downstairs to do something but then forget. So I go back upstairs to try to remember and once I do I go back downstairs only to forget again. Repeat many times I also walk while…
  • You were a good looking girl 54 lbs ago and are an even better looking girl now. Great job.
  • I bet it is just jealousy. I have an older sister that has been heavy all her life. She has tormented me all of mine about being skinny accusing me of being anorexic (I'm far from that). Finally, recently, I did confront her instead of ignoring her because I was sick of it and told her -among other things- that she was…
  • Maybe it's the way your mom postulated her question, which I agree is not the best way. But here's something to think about: You live at home and you are, for all intents and purposes, an adult. Do you pay rent? Utilities? If you don't then the money you make is not really your own. It's money your parents let you have. If…
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Oct 10: 16,493 steps Total: 193,726 Average: 19,372
  • I've been drinking coffee since I was a baby (Cuban mother. That's how it's done) and I'm 52 years old now and still drink coffee like it's going out of fashion. I actually stopped for nearly a year because I decided I didn't like to be addicted to anything but then decided that there are far worse things to be addicted…
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Oct 9: 18,978 steps Total: 177,233 Average: 19,692
  • I think it's normal and there's nothing wrong with indulging every so often so long as you get right back on the wagon. If I didn't indulge myself I would go nuts.
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Oct 8: 12,970 steps Total: 158,255 Average: 19,781
  • I still don't understand how is that a privilege? Would the solution be that when I go shopping there be no clothing that fits me and that all shows and commercials on TV feature 300 lb women? Would that make it fair? Clothing and TV programming are all about selling a product, right? They will sell to the majority. People…
  • Yeah, it is quite a privilege when I'm buying ice cream and people say stuff like "why bother when you are going to throw up afterwards anyway". Or when people assume I'm anorexic and make mean comments. It's a laugh a minute :)
  • Wait until you are my age and you will be begging for this to happen :p
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Oct 6: 11,427 steps Oct 7: 19,477 steps Total: 145,285 Average: 20,755
  • That is insane. Wow.
  • Oct 1: 26,151 steps Oct 2: 30,185 steps Oct 3: 19,665 steps Oct 4: 21,877 steps Oct 5: 16,503.steps Total: 114,381 Average: 22,876
  • A dozen Krispy Kremes, hot right out the assembly line. But that's when I was at my thinnest (100 lbs) and trying to gain weight... So that's my excuse :blushing:
  • Hi all. I'm 52. There's about two million things I should at least attempt to achieve but, for brevity's sake, for the month of October I would like to start resistance training again. Last time it was 4/22/14
  • I have a fitbit One. Love it becsuse you can clip it in a variety of places.
    in fitbit Comment by dedflwrs October 2014