Most creative way to burn calories?


I typed out my 50 most creative ways to burn calories above. What are your most creative ways to burn calories? Just a little fun reading for the night :) here are the first 10 on my list haha
1) When unloading the dishwasher, put the dishes away one by one. More steps = more calories!
2) Fold laundry downstairs, and bring each item upstairs to put away one by one. Stairs baby!!
3) Dance your butt off. Turn your TV to the Y2K station (or pandora) and just let loose!
4) Run in place when you catch yourself standing still. Great heart rate booster!
5) Watching tv? Do jumping jacks during the commercials. No need to fast forward through them.
6) Carry a 20 pound weight with you each time you go up or down the stairs in your home.
7) Jump rope! It only takes about 7 minutes to burn as much as 100 calories jumping rope.
8) Not good at jumping rope? Jump in place!
9) Cartwheels! Personally, I have NO clue how to do them. But if I did, would do them all the time!
10) Wrestle with the kids! You will be surprised how quickly you run out of breath!

Your turn!


  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    I've done all except 9 and 10 and it does make a difference. Another way to burn: be old. To wit, I keep forgetting what I'm doing so I will go downstairs to do something but then forget. So I go back upstairs to try to remember and once I do I go back downstairs only to forget again. Repeat many times

    I also walk while I'm brushing my teeth, washing dishes and many other things that normally require you stand still