

  • Great job on the progress, we were pretty close on our sleeve dates, 5/1 here. Great group to be a part of. Welcome.
  • I am taking the same dose shot as you and after reading a couple of post I am taking one sublingual a day until my next shot...then I will lay off until I start to feel the drag. So far it has really helped my energy levels.
    in B12 ? Comment by AdrenilineDad July 2014
  • I am in the same boat...was even thinking of taking a half dose and then waiting two weeks. Im looking forward to the responses.
    in B12 ? Comment by AdrenilineDad July 2014
  • Ive had a couple of people give me that response too...just happened to be those naturally skinny people I want to door as I drive by lol. Seriously though all the responses above are great. I too had a few doubt creep in, but in the end I had tried all the "hard" ways and had lost the weight several times...each ending in…
  • Hi all, May 1 sleeve here, recovery has been really good and eating regular foods with protien being the mainstay of the diet. My NUT chewed me out today for not eating more...she said my losses will improve if I get to 1000 calories a day...Im about 750 cal a day now...that seems far off but Ill get there. Glad to see you…
  • I brought my premier protien shakes and some cottage cheese for breakfast and lunch and then had either fresh grilled fish or a piece of whatever protien I made the boys for dinner. Im still not really hungry so still eating to get my protien in. Beef jerky makes a nice snack. Have fun camping!
  • Jram, If he is worried about the effects, maybe you can approach him going to the session with you from that angle...then he will have all the facts and you both can talk about it after being informed. As far as negative side effects I am only a month out so there are probably more qualified people than me to discuss that.…
  • Mike, all good advice above....especially the weighing and eating slow. Ive screwed that up a couple of times this week on mushy mechanical food....very unenjoyable! I am going to bring a food scale up to work with me for sure next time.
  • I didnt have hernia repair with my surgery and kicked the drugs to side the second day, but from what you have said I agree that I think it is your hernia causing the pain because that sounds like when I had mine repaired(umbilical). Sitting down and getting up hurt the worse. Try changing drinks or even maybe a protein…
  • Congrats! That is an awesome accomplishment....I am so looking forward to that day. It will be a boat for me but clothes work too. :wink:
  • Thats great.....two weeks post surgery and do not regret it for a minute.
  • Congrats Cutty!
  • So far the unjury chicken and chocolate premier. I got the unjury from my NUT and the premier protein is sold at Costco...I really like the single serves although the dispensing method could be a bit handier.
  • Took my biggest walk yet...felt pretty good still and then started trimming the hedges...key word started. Trying to shower felt like trying to finish a marathon....nap time! Think I should have just settled for the walk. Cant say Im hungry at all or feel like having water but know I should Ill try to keep sipping on my…
    in Day 6 Comment by AdrenilineDad May 2014
  • I had mine a puget sound bariatric center and I dont think that is part of swedish. I wound up not having to spend the night but they did say I would not be able to have someone in my room between 9pm and 6am pick up time. Heh I took a nap after my morning snack this morning def still getting my feet back under me. Thank…
  • My surgeon, did say to give up coffee but then my NUT same clinic sold me some chike protien...looking at it is has coffee? Think I will call them up on that ? Boy does that sure does look good.!
    in Coffee Comment by AdrenilineDad May 2014
  • Congrats, just had mine! All the post here are fairly accurate as to what to expect. Stay hydrated and dont worry about the calories right away...its work. Keep us updated. Cheers, AD
  • Yes, with the addition of strained soups and chunks. Although I need to focus on staying hydrated and getting my protein in. I got a little behind on the hydration today after a yougurt treat...and with the small sips its tough to catch up.
  • I didnt get nervous till the night far no regrets except not doing it sooner. You can pick up some great info off all the people here.
  • Good call telling the wife, mine has been great in supporting my decision and helping post surgery. I do believe if she reserches it WLS have a better chance of keeping it off. I know Ive lost 100 lbs 3 seperate times. I had to to have another tool to even think about going through the work of another round of weight loss.…
  • How many of you had trouble sleeping at night post surgery? Im hoping wiening of the drugs will help, I think Ive gotten a couple hours each night since surgery.
  • Ditto to all the above, I have found peeps here so friendly. Havent been to the other boards but this board has been a huge help. So thank you all and if I can help feel free to hit me up. This is a lot of work but am so looking forward to it being worth it. That is why I chose the sleeve, I was getting so hard to diet…
  • Well day two has come and almost gone, the pain is localized to the bigger of the incisions, the gas discomfort is more pronounced today and yes I have been going on lots of walks. Dr Okayed me to have a protien drink for dinner and so far so good. For those of you who havent had the sleeve yet, practice taking small…
  • Just had mine ...Pretty much as advertised, the gas is my biggest pain. Glad I brought some Crystal light to dress up the water. My nerves set in hard the last 24 hrs but got through it and so happy I did it. Ill be a little ahead of you guys but certianly hit me up and I share my experiences t hrough this.. Cheers, AD
  • Puget sound surgical center and Dr Billings. So far I have to say great place to go.. It was in Edmunds.
  • Hi all, surgery went great issues, thanks for the support.. And yes the swallowed gas seems to be my biggest issue trying to get water have been out of surgery for 5 hrs and have managed to get down 12 oz of fluids. Thanks to this site, it have been a pretty cool process knowing whats coming. They have released me back to…
  • At the surgical center waiting to be admitted. Thanks all!
  • My surgeon told me two weeks job is fairly demanding and long hours. Im sure you will do great on the diet! Leafy greens kept me going when I needed a snack.
  • Great to hear your surgery went well, keep us posted and good job!
  • Just the thoughts of someone outside looking in....but do you all realize you are rocking it! I can hardly wait to join you. Sure we have probably all lost wieght even lots of it...but I am so looking forward to having this tool to help me keep it off. Congrats to each of you and smile, you are headed the right…