

  • I think it would be hard, except that we cook separate meals. He has to eat gluten and dairy free.........and I'm not willing to do either, haha. So while he typically eats more than I do, it doesn't bother me so much because we aren't even eating the same thing.
  • Do you have free weights you could use to test it? My fiance and I just got a new scale and we tested it with a 20lb weight to verify it was weighing correctly. You could even use a 5lb bag of flour or something if that's all you have....
  • I've actually had someone at the gym approach me while I was on a stationary bike (listening to my music) and tap me on the shoulder to tell me that I should either increase my pace or increase the resistance. I just said 'I'm fine' and put my earbuds back in, but I was totally floored. I had slowed my speed because I was…
  • In my third year of teaching. Teaching kindergarten this year. Will be returning to college full time in September, though, for a degree in Healthcare Administration.
  • I agree with this. My labeled bags say 120 cals unpopped, 100 once it's popped. So calories decrease with popping. I assume some of the energy (ie calories) escapes when the kernals pop :)
  • I agree about the nuts, seeds, and avocados! My fiance is also gluten and dairy intolerant. He works out intensely (he's a long-distance runner) and just to maintain he needs about 3000 calories a day. He loves guacamole and chips, so he eats avocados a lot. He eats almonds and sunflower seeds daily. If you buy the shelled…
  • It could very well have to do with the diabetes. I am also a T1 diabetic and am finding it hard to lose. I've heard from many many other insulin-dependent diabetics that it's a very long road for us....it has to do with the insulin. The units of insulin we dose for the carbs we eat isn't equivalent to what a 'normal' body…
  • Oh and I suggest a couple Triscuits w/ hummus; sugar-free Swiss Miss hot cocoa (25 calories per packet!) is good on a cold day; Special K cracker chips w/ salsa
  • Popcorn really isn't too bad, if you aren't loading it up with butter and salt. You can have quite a filling portion for 100 calories!
  • Hello from West Allis :)
  • Why do you feel 1200 is a set up for future failure? I get to eat so much food for 1200 calories, I'm not sure how I'll manage when I get to maintenance mode and need to up my intake! For example, today I'm eating Breakfast 2 slices Healthy Life bread w/ 1 tbsp peach preserves 90 cal Fiber One bar Lunch Sandwich (2 slices…
  • No, you're right, it's not sustainable for life... It's the 'weight loss' level. Maintenance level will be higher than 1200. So 1200 doesn't have to be a lifelong goal. It's just for now while the weight is coming off. Then you go back up in calories a bit. For me, I'd go up 500 calories a day to a total of 1700/day I am…
  • You didn't gain a lb of fat in day, because it's impossible unless you ate 3500 calories extra. It's water. Don't stress out over it. Most people fluctuate 2-6lbs from day to day. 1lb is nothing. You aren't really gaining weight, you're holding water...try increasing your water intake to help flush your system. Make sure…
  • It's still Saturday here. I had a tuna melt on whole grain bread, cucumber slices w/ hummus, and (for dessert) some Wheat Thins Stix (cinnamon flavor). Sunday's dinner will probably be a huge salad with grilled chicken, and a small side of rice and corn.
  • Personally, it sounds to me like you're being a great mom! A lot of times yo-yo dieting (and eating disorders!) start in the teenage years as girls (and boys) become too critical of their weight and compare their body size and shape to their peers. If she truly wants to lose some weight, and has some to lose, and wants to…
  • Height: 5’6 Weight: 142 Waist: 29.5 Hips: 37.5 Wrist: 6 Forearm: 8.75 ....so no changes. Did not make my goal to stay under 150g carbs. 188 min. exercise Sorry to my teammates - I'm obviously stuck in a plateau.
  • Possibly. But MFP gives a one-size-fits-all approach that isn't appropriate.
  • Well first off, what is your calorie goal?
  • I am not pre-diabetic, nor am I a type 2 diabetic. However, I have type 1 diabetes, so I do still keep carbs in consideration while eating. I find it's too hard to keep my carbs under a certain number for a certain meal and maintain that long term. Sometimes you just want to eat differently than you did the day before. My…
  • Very well said! I've been with my current boyfriend 1 year, 8 months - faithful the whole time :) My past relationship was about 6 years, 7 months long - I was always faithful, he was not (and that's why it ended).
  • I think whatever you choose it needs to be for life. Diets don't work - they're temporary. Lifestyle changes do - because you keep them up. I personally don't view what I'm doing as a diet - and I think I can safely say that most people at MFP don't feel they are 'on a diet'. I am retraining myself to eat smaller portions…
  • When I was in school I usually had high-fiber granola bars with me. Apples would transport easily, as would a bag of baby carrots or celery sticks. String cheese would be ok for about 2-3 hours out from the last point of refrigeration. You could also carry nuts (like almonds)....in fact they now have convenient 100 calorie…
  • I use low-cal bagels and make bagel-pizzas. Can do the same with low-cal tortillas. Also, you can use cauliflower as a base for the crust (there are many recipes online).
  • Nuts. Avocados. :)
  • Hi! I've been Type 1 diabetic for 19 years. I've been using a pump for 3 years. I actually find it works so much better for exercise than shots. I need a lot less - or NO - insulin for exercise because exercise lowers my blood sugar so quickly. With the pump I can either stop giving myself my insulin temporarily, or I can…
  • My weight this morning is 142 (down from 142.5 last week). All other measurements the same. Exercise minutes this week: 425 minutes Completed exercise challenge :) My personal goal for next week will be to keep my daily carb intake under 150g.
  • That's gross. I teach young children (last two years it was first grade, this year will be kindergarten). I've always used the little girls bathroom in our hallway because I didn't want to walk all the way to the other side of the building to use a staff bathroom. Even the little girls room, used consistently for 7 hours…
  • Height: 5’6 Weight: 142.5 (up 2 lbs, but I think it's water weight...) Waist: 29.5 Hips: 37.5 Wrist: 6 Forearm: 8.75 (so no measurable difference except weight) Exercise Minutes: 228 minutes And I drank all my water :)