Help! I'm under eating.. but not on purpose?

I'm a female of quite small stature, and I'd say I'm "skinny" but I'm at the last 10lbs I want to shed (Have already lost 10 without keeping track of anything)
I haven't plateaued yet but I have a health concern. MFP suggests I consume 1,200 calories a day, that and exercise loss. But I'm having a hard time getting to 1,000 and making up for the energy burned from the immense amount of walking I do each day!
Most days I'm at about 800-900. I know this isn't good but I feel so stuffed after each meal! I'm gluten and lactose intolerant so that limits quite some food that I can consume. I really want to stay healthy but bumping up the calories is seemingly very difficult!
I'm afraid of when I'm going to want to maintain.
Other than what has been written down on paper and the internet (reason for my concern) I actually feel fine? I'm never tired and have plenty of energy. I really feel bloated after a 300 calorie meal (well depending how much food is on it) and I have a hard time finding higher calorie foods that meet my eating requirements.
Does anyone know of any high calorie (oh, I can't eat red meat either!) foods that don't contain dairy or flour????


  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Nuts, seeds, avocado, oils for cooking or dressing...
  • aperfectlittletale
    I already eat an avocado a day!
    But thanks, I'll make sure to up the amount of nuts and seeds (:
  • wanttogetskinny
    I agree about the nuts, seeds, and avocados! My fiance is also gluten and dairy intolerant. He works out intensely (he's a long-distance runner) and just to maintain he needs about 3000 calories a day. He loves guacamole and chips, so he eats avocados a lot. He eats almonds and sunflower seeds daily. If you buy the shelled sunflower kernels they're really good in a trail mix w/ almonds and dried fruit like raisins.
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    Try morning and afternoon snacks to help bump up the calories rather than adding to your regular meals