Health-o-Meter scale HELP!

I went to the doctor last Monday and of course was weighed. The nurse and I did our "complaints" about the number and she said she didn't like the office scale either and that it weighs a few pounds (around 5) heavier then HERS at home. That night I went out and bought a bathroom scale of my own.

It's the Health-O-Meter.
Measures BMI, weight, bone, water, blah blah blah. super "smart".

Well it weighs me about 10 pounds HEAVIER then the doctors scale. No big deal I guess. It doesn't change the number that I need to lose. I decided to hop on the wii fit for some activity, because its way too cold to go outside and burn any cals. And it agrees with my doctors scales. So now it's just bugging me...

Does anyone else have this brand of bathroom scale? Does it seem to weigh you heavier then other scales? Is there a way to fix it or calibrate it somehow?

My 2 year old ripped up the instruction booklet while I was cleaning house the other day :(


  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
  • wanttogetskinny
    Do you have free weights you could use to test it? My fiance and I just got a new scale and we tested it with a 20lb weight to verify it was weighing correctly. You could even use a 5lb bag of flour or something if that's all you have....
  • 139pilotwife
    139pilotwife Posts: 241 Member
    You might want to try the Internet for the instructions. But the best way would be to use a hand weight or other item you know the exact weight for.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Unless you bring your old and new scales to your doctor's office and weigh yourself on all of them at the same time, comparisons may be meaningless. Your weight goes up and down during the day due to what you eat and drink, \ what times you use the toilet, and what time of month it is.
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    Do you have free weights you could use to test it? My fiance and I just got a new scale and we tested it with a 20lb weight to verify it was weighing correctly. You could even use a 5lb bag of flour or something if that's all you have....
    This is a good idea! I didn't think of this...going now!

  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    Unless you bring your old and new scales to your doctor's office and weigh yourself on all of them at the same time, comparisons may be meaningless. Your weight goes up and down during the day due to what you eat and drink, \ what times you use the toilet, and what time of month it is.

    I understand that but I didnt think 1 hour (i literally went from the dr. office to buy the scale then hope to test it) would make a 10 pound difference! (:
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    Hi, I use my wii fit scale, it is almost spot on with my Dr office one.
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    I guess it must be accurate (or it has it out for me! ;) jk)

    It says my 10 pound bag of rice weighs 10.6lbs.
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, I use my wii fit scale, it is almost spot on with my Dr office one.
    I re-weighed in on the wii fit after posting this and my wii fit is way off too.

    my bathroom scale says 272, dr office said 262ish and the wii fit said 254. i cant take my wii fit seriously though in all honesty i guess. its on carpet.

    But it really doesnt matter in my case i guess. 120# loss will put me at a healthy weight no matter which 3 of these numbers is "right". though if I AM 254 and I lose 120#....i can honestly say i have NEVER weighed that in my adult life...or even as a child?! LOL
    I was 170ish at 16 when i got pregnant with my daughter
  • wantmorepies
    I think as a rule just always weigh yourself on the same scales for consistency
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Weigh first thing in the morning after eliminating and naked....that's the best way to get a measurement...
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    I have the same scale. I need to get on my wii fit and see if it weighs the same. I don't always trust that health o meter scale. I definitely don't believe the body mass part of it.
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I have the same scale or one really similar (it is a health-o-meter). I haven't compared it to anyother scale I simply use it to monitor progress. It will weigh you the same each time so if you see the numbers going down then your winning the battle. (excpet if the water % is going down as well) I have that problem now I will see the weight drop 4 or 5lb but my water % will drop a few % as well so that tells me that I haven't really lost weight just water. I actually like the scale and the one or two times I used the BodyFat meter at the gym it was very similar within 2% of what the scale told me.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I have a Health-O-Meter scale, but mine is the same one I grew up with, which means it was probably manufactured sometime in the '60's. Talk about keeping consistent by using the same scale, right?? :laugh: