I'm in! I'm trying to lose 15lbs by July 1st, so I need to lose about a pound a week and I'm a bit on and offer also- help keep me accountable please ladies!
I was thinking a stir fry as well :) BTW-Great photo teachparents (reminds me of my bulldog)
I'll be your friend, I have less to lose, but I like the 10lb goals too :) Best of luck :)
thanks- :) Just what I needed today :) :smooched:
I'm over 803 calories don't feel too bad Good luck, remember tomorrow is a new day :)
I have the smae issue...hopefully someone can help :)
I'm in...My wedding is on August 29th, 2009 and I barely got into my wedding dress on Satrday when I took my bridesmaids to see it....big motivation to lose the weight...noone likes seeing a bide's back and boobs spill out of her dress because her tummy is taking up most of the room :noway: I'm currently at 221 (bad…
Welcome :) I started a while ago and trust me it's best to start slowly...stick to your calories and try to exercise once to three times a week. cheers, :drinker: Carmen
Welcome!!! :)
I hear you, I'm at 2250 a day and am still hungry by bedtime, fruit is great as well as be careful not to overeat at breakfast, it sets you up for a bad day, usually I have a smallish breakfast at 8am and another small meal at 10am....that REALLY helped when I discovered it last week...already almost on target...a work in…
I am, I'm not ashamed
Welcome, keep at it! Slow and steady does actually win the race :)
Good luck, I'm back after monthes of absences too :)
Totally your choice, we support you either way, however I thinking shutting that door so early could cause heart ache later in life (what if your husband passes away and you remarry a man who wants children...that is what happened to my grama after her first husband died in the war). The good part is there is always…
I totally agree, but some people just naturally have that athletic body like my friend who is a runner, even when she's bad and slows her running she's still small....That's not me at all :wink:
I love thoes shows. It really feels good to see how well I actually eat, even on my bad days and gives me motivation to keep going!
I'm the same way too, I eat healthy meals then binge at nights on junk...hmmm...anyone who has a solution i'm open to suggestions!
I have thesamessues as you, buttrust me there is light at the end of thetunnel- keep at it!!
I hate to say it but I ahve done this. Every extra person costs alot fo money so a couple of my family members (although none have significant others) I invited as singles (I wrote the same thing your friend did on my card too). However, the key difference here is my "single" invites do not have significant others and I…
My wedding day is August 29th, I've got a bit more time then you but I'll take the 25lb challenge before Jan, 2009! Brides unite!
My girlfriend breastfeeds her son and her doctor said it burns about 300-1200 calories a day depending on how big you baby is (also his/her age) and how often you feed them. Perhaps somthing to think about as she has lost a good portion of her baby wieght already without changing her diet.
Way to go Micheal, I've been trying to get myfiance on her forever (ever since I've begun feeding him he's put on 25lbs...they say that's normal for newlyweds (or newly practically living together as the case may be) though). Once you put in your exercise it actually gets alot better, plus I would start with trying to lose…
I kinda let myself go during crazy/special events, eating whatever I want but only about a scoop full (size of my hand) of each fo the bad things, then I stick to healthier things for the rest. If I eat a little bad bit of bad things I find my friends don't notice as much and don't bug me as much about being "health freak"…
Trust in the Lord and he will provide! It's going to be rough but we are all here for you so feel free to use us for support. Also, I happen to notice you live in AB (I assume you're in alberta, Canada) if you are close to Edmonton I now some great places that help families, if your not in Alberta I still may be able to…
I would never admit this to anyone eles but when I my dog got run over (on a you couldn't see him coming) I keyed his tractor...granted I felt really bad...but hey if my dog is fiar game so is your vehical.
I am in, every Tuesday we weigh in. So November 25th then, we'll be 20lbs lighter
Oh my god this was good...thanks for the suggestion...please keep on posting :happy:
Welcome! It is an awesome site :)
I know it's hard, but remember you are amazing and we are all here to support you!
Also, really cute dog, he looks like he loves to walk. Sometimes when I get bored with my excerise routine I throw the ball for my dog and try to beat him to it (Although he's a bit old so I'm starting to beat him). Nothing like bonding with man/woman's best friend...and the vet told me the other day a tired/worn out dog…