what do you all do for exercise daily?



  • frankp
    frankp Posts: 83
    I walk from 2 to 4 miles a day.

    I do weight training 2 to 3 times a week.
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    I do elliptical at varying lengths of time to keep from falling into a pattern, 35 min, 45 min and 60 min repeat.
    On days when its not rainy, I do that outside on the track.
    I also have a weight lifting/strength training routine that varies by muscle group daily.
    IF/WHEN you sign up for a gym, most have trainers that can outline a weekly exercise routine for you in a couple of visits.
    Otherwise, its not too hard to do basic squats, crunches, push ups. You could pick up a couple free weights and try doing some strength training (curls, lifts)
    Another good way to lose weight is jumping rope. People swear by it! And its easy to do, you just have to stick to it and not get bored. Maybe switch up your soundtrack every couple weeks.
    I read in a health magazine that the Tampa Bay Bucc's train with sandbags.
    Better than weights because its constantly changing shape so you can't fall into a stiff routine, your muscles always have to account for the changing shape.
    try crunches with a sand bag in a bear hug position, back straight, walk for 30 sec straight bear hugging a sand bag and for upper body switch between lifting it over each shoulder and down.
    They recommend 50 lbs for men, but Im sure you could pour some out to make it easier. :smile:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I walk 3 miles a day. Instead of waiting for the bus I just walk the bus route. Works for me. :bigsmile:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Mostly I mountain bike. I'm lucky enough to have trails close to home. On rainy days or if I don't have much time I have a jogging trampoline and I will jog on it while watching a mindless TV show. I used to watch the news, but I found that it negated the relaxation I gained from the exercise and I would end up just as tense as when I started.
  • StrawberryMargarita
    I really shake it up right now. I use to just do a work out rutine for an hour every other night and run every other morning. But now I have a bunch of dvd's including three of Jullians that I have had for years and they are great. And Now I am riding the bike at night and even this morning instead of running we road our bikes to the store to buy the coffee I was out of. Saving gas and calories. Really nice to change it up right now. I can see it working on toaning different things.
  • muntim
    muntim Posts: 4
    I swim 45 minutes to an hour 4 to 5 times a week. I vary strokes, but focus on freestyle and butterfly.
  • ek36
    ek36 Posts: 7
    Thanks for that tidbit... do you mind telling which channel?
  • carmenberard
    Also, really cute dog, he looks like he loves to walk.

    Sometimes when I get bored with my excerise routine I throw the ball for my dog and try to beat him to it (Although he's a bit old so I'm starting to beat him).

    Nothing like bonding with man/woman's best friend...and the vet told me the other day a tired/worn out dog is a happy dog!
  • carmenberard
    Also, really cute dog, he looks like he loves to walk.

    Sometimes when I get bored with my excerise routine I throw the ball for my dog and try to beat him to it (Although he's a bit old so I'm starting to beat him).

    Nothing like bonding with man/woman's best friend...and the vet told me the other day a tired/worn out dog is a happy dog!
  • psuastro97
    psuastro97 Posts: 125
    yep - she loves to walk! only problem is the heat - she really can't take it very long. we do all of our walks early in the morning (6:30am) or after the sun goes down, but in the spring and fall, we take her on even longer walks, or swimming in a nearby river.

    we do play ball - but i never thought of trying to beat her to it. that's a good idea! usually once we start to play ball, the little boy next door sees us and comes over. he loves to pl;ay with her and i think she'd rather play with him than me!


    so far i have kicked up my workout some, but am still trying to find a good mix for a week that will keep me into it. last week i got the 30 day shred dvd and i do that daily. i try to add 2 miles walking on the treadmill afterward (3.5 pace or higher) and now need something to add more strength training - not sculpting, but lifting. we own all these weights - just need to work a weekly routine and see what fits with my work schedule. i realized if i don;'t exercise before work, there's no way it will happen afterward!
  • luvlee884
    luvlee884 Posts: 98 Member
    I agree... Carmen Electra's stip tease is a really good workout!!
    I go swimming sometimes, and I walk. I just got a free 7 day pass to a gym. I can't really afford it, so I'm going to try to do things around the hosue. Like clean (and dance while I clean), go swimming, go jogging, give the dogs longer walks... etc!!
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I'm back on the working out. I was looking myself for some good exercise. It is hard for me to get to the gym, so when I can't I'm looking for stuff to do at home as well. Glad you posted this, good to know all these great ideas.
