whiskeysister510 Member


  • The estimated 20 calories per minute is based on a study by the ACE with test subjects using 12kg, 16kg, or 20kg kettlebells (depending on gender, size, fitness level, etc) doing snatches continuously (maybe 24 per minute). So I would use caution when applying this calorie burn to anything less than a non-stop grueling KB…
  • There's a group here on MFP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/119-new-rules-of-lifting-for-women-nrol4w- And also on this site and the author is one of the mods and answers questions: http://www.jpfitness.com/forumdisplay.php?f=86 Hope the links work! Good luck!
  • WHISKEY!! Bulleit Bourbon, Eagle Rare and Basil Hayden's are my go-to whiskies. Normally I like them on the rocks. If I feel fancy, I have a perfect manhattan with an orange twist.
  • That's great that you're doing SS! The idea behind sticking to the big lifts in SS is to just practice! It’s set up to get you familiar with the lifts, so that you focus on form and don’t over-complicate it with assistance lifts. I think this is a simple and straight forward approach and is a great way to learn—practice…
  • Wow!! Great results! I also stumbled upon lifting the same way--lurking in the forums here! Though I'm pretty sure I didn't have amazing results after 3 weeks!!
  • Thanks! :smile:
  • Just hit 155x4 in my last squat workout (woohoo!) (squat rack). Body weight of 119.
  • Just shy of 5'5" and weigh 119 pounds. Currently eating 1850+/per day, lifting 3x/week and losing BF/inches. Lost 30 pounds netting 1500-1600 per day and lifting 3x/week, no cardio.
  • I did NROLFW as my first structured lifting routine and I got great results and, more importantly, it got me hooked on lifting heavy. That said, I don’t think it’s the program I would choose to start with if I could go back for a do-over. I’m only vaguely familiar with Stronglifts, but I would suggest either that program…
  • Taso--I love this! Great story and told with such honesty. Love the concept of a "virtuous cycle"! Congrats on your success and also for sharing this with others. Incredibly inspiring!
  • I'm sure this will come as no surprise, but that's a Kate Moss quote. :wink:
  • In bed...in what has epically become known as “The Fartgasm.” Six years later and my husband is still talking about it….
  • I’ve been thinking there should be some kind of personality test for new lifters to "find their identity" so they can train accordingly from day one! If there was such a test, my results would probably be split personality disorder! I’m a powerlifter in that I train like one and care more about strength than developing…
  • Lots of good suggestions posted already—I don’t have anything new to add! But here’s what I have in my basement home gym: Bench w/ rack & attachments Squat rack (ceiling is too low for full power rack) Olympic barbell w/ 300 lbs of plates + a couple bumper plates Dumbbells + kettlebells Box/step Flat bench Resistance bands…
  • She looks amazing! I love to see fit, strong women and I love to see couples who are supportive of one another and proud of each other. Thank you for sharing her accomplishments!
  • I've had enough fat loss that my band has shrunk 2 sizes, but apparently I've also had enough growth in my pects that my cup size has gone up one! Never thought that would happen!
  • Hi! Here's how I learned DLs as a complete and total newbie and it worked really well. 1. Read the Deadlift chapter in Starting Strength and watch lots of videos 2. Practice form with light dumbbells until comfortable 3. Prop an empty barbell on a rack or blocks so it is about the same height as it would be if you were…
  • Karen - Congrats!!! Twice??? Wow!! I just finished 1 round of Stage 7 on Monday and couldn't bring myself to do it twice!! After much debate and reading both books, I have decided to do NROL for Abs instead of the original NROL. I'll do it for 6 months and then buy NROL Supercharged when it's out in paperback (yes, I am…
  • I'm in Seattle and struggle with the same problem! My husband gets up before I do and he turns on the light in the bedroom for me, which helps. We have our thermostat and coffee maker on timers, so the house is warm and the coffee is brewed when I wake up. I also play music while I'm getting ready for work, which helps…
  • Whoa, this stage means business!! I took 2 weeks off after Stage 6 to recover from a cold and a brutally busy stretch at work. I also treated myself to a 2-hr massage during my break too. Kinda wish I hadn’t done that because I almost died after workout 1!! I was red in the face, grunting, yelling, panting (luckily I work…
  • I think Stage 6 is the reward for making it through the LONG Stage 5 workouts! This stage has been so much fun, my favorite yet! In my third A workout, I got to 20 seconds on the chin-ups, so next time I’m putting weight plates in my backpack. I can only imagine what my husband will say if he walks and sees me hanging from…
  • OK, let me try to address all of these as best I can! I’m no expert, but I’m in Stage 6 of the program and I spend hours reading about weightlifting every week! For form, I don't think the NROLFW book provides enough detailed information for a beginner to learn form. I would suggest using Mark Ripptoe’s Starting Strength…
  • Wow, I am always so impressed by the stats I see posted here--nice job ladies! To provide some inspiration for those of you beginning the program, I’ll give my starting and current weights, both my bodyweight and my lifting weights! THEN: Stage 1 (started somewhere around April and completed it twice) 31 yrs, 5’5”, 138…
  • Hi there! For you and for anyone starting this program without prior weight trainign experience, I would suggest using Mark Ripptoe's Starting Strength as an additional resource to study the basic moves like squat and deadlift in depth. There's an entire chapter dedicated to squats, with lots of pictures and details.…
  • I am addicted to pumpkin pie too! I don't mind the canned stuff, so I use it to make a pumpkin pie pudding, kind of like what someone already suggested. You could always make your own pumpkin puree. I add a small amount of extra thick coconut milk, gelatin, pumpkin pie spices and honey and mix it up the food processor and…
  • Wow—some very impressive stats being posted here! Congrats ladies! Nice work Karen! I’m halfway through Stage 5 now and, like some of the previous stages, I’m making modifications given that I work out in my basement that has low ceilings. OK, fine, I’ll come clean—in all of the stages I have kept the same structure as…
  • I work in marine construction.... Erection Drilled Shaft Pile Driver Fugitive Emissions Wet Bottom Feed Method Hoe Ramming Vibratory Hammer I also recently came across a contract clause requiring the contractor to "provide ample vibrators."
  • Oh boy, that was a nice boost to my morning! Usually I avoid comparing myself to others, but here goes.... 21 BMI I have a lower BMI than 91% of females aged 30-44 in my country (USA) I have a lower BMI than 70% of females aged 30-44 in the world I am most like someone from India If everyone in the world had the same BMI…
  • Take a rest day Have a hot bath w/ epsom salt Get a foam roller to work out your sore muscles Then get moving again--you won't be so sore once you get warmed up, I promise :smile: Good luck and have fun!
  • I also like Optimum Nutrition and usually find it cheapest on Amazon. Mix with milk or some kind of non-dairy milk (almond, soy, whatever you like).