agent85 Member


  • oh yeah! i knew something was different! i'm going back to this too for my last day of level 1.
  • side lunges. uhg. i have the hardest time keeping my knee over my ankle. it just wants to go forward. i guess i'm just not very flexible. glad i'm not alone.
  • day 5 done. i use 5lb weights for circuit 1, 8lb weights for circuit 2, and 3lb weights for circuit 3. hoping to bump up to 5s on the last circuit tomorrow! oh, and i use the 3lb weights during the punching and buttkicks cardio intervals. this dvd is hard!
  • me! the first day seemed easy but by day 3 my neck and backs of my legs were sore. its getting better now. but i think this dvd is a bit more advanced than 30ds. kinda scared of the next levels.
    in May 4th Comment by agent85 May 2014
  • great results! i just finished day 1 of ripped in 30 and i was surprised at how easy it was after doing the shred. that extra pound is probably muscle in your arms and shoulders from all that plank!
  • i'm starting tomorrow as well. probably gonna do seven days then take a rest day b4 moving to the next level. can't wait to get started!
  • great job ladies! we rock!
  • :frown: hope you feel better soon!
  • to do double jump rope you jump higher and move your arms like your passing the rope under your feet twice per jump. i used a real jump rope at first to make sure i did it right. just be careful if you do that cause i slapped myself in the face with it and it really hurt. the plank twists get easier but not by much.…
    in GUYS! Comment by agent85 April 2014
  • that time of the month is the worst time to weigh or measure. its probably water weigh plus some added muscle! keep at it! you will see your results soon.:smile:
  • i think we should do jm six week six pack next...
  • made it thru level 3. i used the modifications but considering that i have a slight hangover and a ton of junk food in my system from last night, i think i did ok. note to self: no more booze or ben & jerrys during the shred.
  • dont feel bad. at least you have a good reason. i went out with the hubby last night, ate tacos, had three drinks, then came home and devoured a whole pint of ben & jerrys. i need to workout today badly, but as my head currently feels like its caught in a vice, i doubt thats gonna happen. #fridaynightfail
  • i sometimes pretend that im training for the hunger :tongue:
  • try stretching your legs before the workout. it helps me when im sore. and pain in the shins is the worst! i struggled with that for a while when i first started.
  • i just keep thinking to myself that it may suck now but if i keep going i will eventually have a body like jillian's. lol.
  • ditto. lol.
  • just fill your plate with whatever they have thats healthiest, and if they have something bad, like something fried and you feel rude turning it down just take a tiny portion. probably nobody will notice or say anything but if they do just say something like "ummm... i love veggies." or something like that. and you could…
  • oh and if you want to build muscle in your legs, get her killer buns and thighs dvd. its brutal but it works.
  • im 5'2 and 128 lbs. after baby #2 i was 180 so ive come a long way but i still have a little jiggle around the middle to lose. ive gained a good bit of muscle working out with jillian. all that time in the plank position will do wonders for your arms, shoulders, and, chest.
  • start on your knees and go as slow as you need to to maintain proper form. form is the most important thing. when i started level 1 my arms shook doing them on my knees. i think i could do about 4. lol. now i can do the regular ones with no problem. im on level 3 tho and ive been using some of her other dvds as well. its…
    in Push-ups? Comment by agent85 March 2014
  • ive already done levels 1 and 2 and my number 1 tip is: its ok to pause the dvd and catch your breath. jillian says no rest, but unless you're superhuman like her you will need to stop every now and then just to breathe. just dont pause too long and dont sit down cause you might not be able to get back up! lol. and no…