Sarac715 Member


  • Also, I found this recipe to be quite good for a desert. My boyfriend even likes them!
  • This seems opposite of what everyone else is saying, and they do all make good points. But I allow myself a treat almost at every meal, even after breakfast I have a few chocolate chips (sounds crazy I know!), but I am essentaily at, even past my goal weight actually. So I just incorporate it into my calories. But I find…
  • My weigh in is at 140 and my september goal is 138. I am a little confused about the challenges, so I am not sure what to say for the owls and all that...
  • Oh I don't know if I should include this here/now but my goal for september is to reach 138. Not much of a drop, but I don't feel that I have too much left to lose, so I'm okay if it comes off slower as long as it stays off!
  • Hey there Ravenclaws! I'm at 140 this week and got 3 points for exercise and unfortunately I didn't really follow the food challenge. So four total points then with postings?
  • I'm at 140 this week, finally hit my HP release goal! haha a month late but still happy to have made it! I only got 3 points, two for food and 1 for posting. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Sorry I have been MIA ravenclaw! Back in town and back to my routine. Definitely won't be meeting the fruits and vegetable challenge this week. Typically I would too, but I have been really budgeting my money and haven't been to the grocery store this week to pick up some fresh food!
  • I HAD been doing great the past couple of weeks, I had finally seen the scale drop below 140! Which would finally put me at weighing less than my boyfriend. But I went home for the weekend (the last time for a while) so I kinda binged and ate whatever the hell I wanted. SO I am still back at 142. My doctor ran some blood…
  • Sorry I have been out of the loop ravenclaws! I've been in and out of town so much the past few weeks its been hard to keep up. I'm still at 142. Going back out of town again so that probably won't change next week either. Summer is a tough time, but I'm definitely going to get back into a routine and staying in town more…
  • No change for me this week. And probably not next week either. Going on a mini-vacation this weekend! and its my five year anniversary with my boyfriend on monday, so we are going out for a fancy dinner :))
  • I'm still at 142. I have a big water bottle (50 oz i believe) and I try to drink one of those before I go to work in the morning and refill it and try to have another bottleful after my workout when I get home. I also have a brita on my desk at work so I think with all of that I get my daily water requirement in. I also…
  • My weigh in is 142. Think I'm hitting a plateau though. Its hard to get out an run when its over 90 degrees everyday, its the humidity that gets me. I can't think of any good group challenges at the moment. But I'll keep thinking. I have been good at reaching my personal goals (cutting out added artificial sweeteners…
  • Yes!! I am so excited about this common room! :)
  • Yes!! I am so excited about this common room! :)
  • oops that should have said I'll probably gain if I don't stay the same. Which is pretty much my goal for the week!
  • Thanks for the post! I don't think my food diary will be great this week and I'll probably gain by next week, if not lose. It's my birthday friday, so that'll mean going out a few times at least. I've already got my heart set on lasagna, a big piece of chocolate cake, and lots of wine :) I've got lots of coupons for free…
  • Crystal Light has a 'mocktail' line of mixes out right now and I think there is a margarita mix in one of them. Haven't had it though, they are hard to find!
  • I guess I didn't post my weight in time for the spreadsheet. I am still at 143 this week. Do we weigh in by tuesday or wednesday? i thought we had until wednesday
    in SOC Week 7 Comment by Sarac715 June 2011
  • I know what you mean about working out on a busy schedule! I work 7:30 to 5 monday through thursday and I have a summer class. I ride my bike to work. If you work close enough you could start riding or walking to work? Sometimes I do short exercise videos after work, like the 30 day shred or the biggest loser's last chance…
    in SOC Week 6 Comment by Sarac715 June 2011
  • For 6/22 I am at 143. Hopefully I will stay there if nothing else. The biggest challenge I have been having actually is eating out. Which will make this challenge difficult. Not so much this week, but more the first week of July. I will be visiting home for the week and probably won't be able to prepare food like I have…
    in SOC Week 6 Comment by Sarac715 June 2011
  • Got my bikini that I ordered from Victoria's Secret in the mail today. Got the Carabi dot bottom…
    in Dear SOC Comment by Sarac715 June 2011
  • Whiskyzee: Check out Nutsonline for pumpkin seeds. I buy them from there raw/unroasted. That way I can control how much salt goes on them, etc. They are a great snack and a pretty good deal from the website!
    in Dear SOC Comment by Sarac715 June 2011
  • Thanks for posting another thread! I hope you had fun in Florida! I haven't been doing too bad. My biggest problem I think is that I don't even finish my diary on my cheat days. I went to a White Sox game this weekend and I wasn't actually pretty proud of myself. I had 2 hot dogs, tons of peanuts, an italian ice chill, and…
    in Dear SOC Comment by Sarac715 June 2011
  • I agree with everyone else that you probably need to eat more. I didn't see very many servings of fruits and vegetables in the few days I looked at of your diary. I am at the same point as you, with only a few pounds left to loose. I try to include more natural foods in my diet and am trying to build long term sustainable…
  • Healthy Foods: Old Fashioned Oatmeal Carrots Spinach Raspberries (and whatever fruit is in season really!) Fish (Tilapia) Unhealthy: Treats of all kinds (mostly chocolate and ice cream... but cookies have been my weakness lately too) Wine and well a lot of alcohol really Chips and salsa and margaritas! My main problem is…
    in SOC Week 3 Comment by Sarac715 June 2011
  • Still at 147 this week... this memorial day weekend is throwing me off :(
  • It has less calcium than regular milk, but still a good amount I think. I stopped drinking regular milk and still get enough calcium.
    in SOC Week 2 Comment by Sarac715 May 2011
  • Have you ever tried Almond Breeze instead of milk for your chocolate milk?? You can usually find it in the organic section at the grocery store. I use the unsweetened vanilla to make my oatmeal and I use the unsweetened chocolate for my protein shakes after I work out. The unsweetened vanilla has 40 calories for 8 oz and…
    in SOC Week 2 Comment by Sarac715 May 2011
  • How does ripped in 30 compared to the 30DS? I am thinking about buying that or her 6 week 6 pack next, but I can't decide which!
    in SOC Week 2 Comment by Sarac715 May 2011
  • What I want to change about my diet is less sodium and less treats, and more fruits and vegetables. I have been cutting out soda, even diet. So I want to keep that up! Although I have one planned for my lunch tomorrow. It helps me stay full on the days my calorie limit is really low. I'm hesitant to plan my workouts…
    in SOC Week 2 Comment by Sarac715 May 2011