Ravenclaw Common Room



  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    We are all officially AMAZING!!!!

    I really like the weekly weigh ins and the house points!

    Some ideas for challenges:
    stay under sugar for the day (I am having trouble with sugar)
    extra strength training (like 50 extra squats, or 50 lunges)
    commercial workouts- jumping jacks, crunches, high knees, running in place, etc. during commercials
    drink a glass of ice water 1st thing in the morning (this is supposed to help start your metabolism)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    oh and starting weight is 130
  • the_accountinator
    Greetings Fellow Ravenclaws!

    This is great! I'm totally in for keeping this going and checking in every week. I'm on vacation right now so I'm going to use my last weight as my starting weight and go from there. I'll keep my mind open for some challenge ideas and maybe stop by to post some HP trivia (even though we all probably know everything by now :P)

    Last night I caught the last half of a Lifetime film about Jo. I mean, it wasn't high cinema being a Lifetime channel movie about her life but despite that it was kind of cool to see it. Her life story is amazing and what is still amazing is she's not even close to being done! She's a true inspiration to stick with your dreams, which for most of us here includes being healthy. Man she's awesome!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Oh cool I didn't realise we were going to keep on tracking! Ok, I bought new scales today, so I have either put on 5lb since last week (seems unlikely) or my old ones were too old and rubbish, but I am now 190lb. A bit depressing but I will stick with it as these are the scales I'll be using from now on!

    Some idea for challenges: walking instead of taking the stairs, getting seven fruit/veggies everyday, not going over on sodium, using a different machine at the gym/different dvd, upping the effort level on the treadmill/elliptical etc, swimming after the gym as a kick *kitten* cool down!

    Also if I got Tom Felton as a birthday present, I would DIE of happiness! You are an ace friend!

    What day are we checking in?!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    My starting weight is *sniff sniff* 241. I used to be 229. My goal was to get to onederland before I started school, but now I don't think that's going to happen.

    As for challenges, I have a really hard time eating out. As in, I do it a lot. So maybe trying to eat at home and make our own meals more?
    Also drinking more water. I never drink enough water.

    Also, I saw DHP2 last night. So good! I only cried once surprisingly, when Harry was looking at Snape's memories. I freaking love Snape.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    A co-worker sent this link to me. It is a copy of a full-page ad that Alan Rickman took out to say "thank you" to Jo Rowling. Thought you all would enjoy it...

  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    A co-worker sent this link to me. It is a copy of a full-page ad that Alan Rickman took out to say "thank you" to Jo Rowling. Thought you all would enjoy it...


    Oh gosh, I love Snape! And Alan Rickman!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws! I'm so glad there's a Common Room now! :)

    I would like to join weekly weigh ins etc. again if we continue those. I need the weekly weigh ins to keep me paying attention to eating/living healthily. I've been pretty lazy the last month or so. When is the starting date?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws! I'm so glad there's a Common Room now! :)

    I would like to join weekly weigh ins etc. again if we continue those. I need the weekly weigh ins to keep me paying attention to eating/living healthily. I've been pretty lazy the last month or so. When is the starting date?

    Hi Matcha!! Glad to see you. Starting date was Sunday July 17 - but since this is an open group and we're not competing with other houses, weigh in is more flexible. If you don't have a weight for last Sunday, I can use the last weight on the HP Challenge.
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    My weigh in is 142. Think I'm hitting a plateau though. Its hard to get out an run when its over 90 degrees everyday, its the humidity that gets me. I can't think of any good group challenges at the moment. But I'll keep thinking. I have been good at reaching my personal goals (cutting out added artificial sweeteners mainly. I can drink black coffee now! haha)
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hi Matcha!! Glad to see you. Starting date was Sunday July 17 - but since this is an open group and we're not competing with other houses, weigh in is more flexible. If you don't have a weight for last Sunday, I can use the last weight on the HP Challenge.

    Ok, great. I think I'll start off with my latest weigh in then, which I think is from this Sunday anyway? So 66.7kg / 147lb :)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Hi there Ravenclaws!! anyone else having trouble motivating to workout or eat in this heat (at least it's hot here!!)
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Hi there Ravenclaws!! anyone else having trouble motivating to workout or eat in this heat (at least it's hot here!!)

    I know what you mean! Even going from my carto the gym I sweat more than I do in my workout! :laugh: It's brutal out there!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi there Ravenclaws!! anyone else having trouble motivating to workout or eat in this heat (at least it's hot here!!)

    I know what you mean! Even going from my carto the gym I sweat more than I do in my workout! :laugh: It's brutal out there!

    In Phoenix right now (9:45 p.m.) it is still 100 degrees! I definitely know what you mean!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hi there Ravenclaws!! anyone else having trouble motivating to workout or eat in this heat (at least it's hot here!!)

    I started running this week (trying to switch it up hoping for some results) and I have to run at 6:30 in the morning or its dreadful outside (I'm in NY). then I get back and take the kids and dog for a walk- still in their pjs so I can get it in before the sweltering heat hits
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    hey ravenclaws

    last week - 219
    this week - 217

    week's loss =)

    i just hit 65 lbs lost, which is exactly half way to my goal. i remember day one of MFP and thinking "how am i EVER going to lose 130lbs?!?" now that i got 65 over with, i feel like i can do another 65 with no problem =)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    hey ravenclaws

    last week - 219
    this week - 217

    week's loss =)

    i just hit 65 lbs lost, which is exactly half way to my goal. i remember day one of MFP and thinking "how am i EVER going to lose 130lbs?!?" now that i got 65 over with, i feel like i can do another 65 with no problem =)
    VERY PROUD OF YOU!! happy to be a fellow Ravenclaw with someone so inspiring!! congrats to you!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    This just in from Uno on the main thread. CONGRATULATIONS RAVENCLAW!! We won the house cup!! :drinker:
    Ok everyone! It looks like Ravenclaw won this challenge! Great job everyone!! Thanks so much for being a part of this and thanks to the other heads of houses and their assistants for all their help with this!!

    Final stats:
    Ravenclaw: 20 final members lost 5.943% (229.1 pounds!!)
    Hufflepuff: 11 final members lost 5.2304%
    Slytherin: 10 final members lost 5.0778%
    Gryffindor: 14 final members lost 4.81%

    Ravenclaw ROCKS!!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    This just in from Uno on the main thread. CONGRATULATIONS RAVENCLAW!! We won the house cup!! :drinker:
    Ok everyone! It looks like Ravenclaw won this challenge! Great job everyone!! Thanks so much for being a part of this and thanks to the other heads of houses and their assistants for all their help with this!!

    Final stats:
    Ravenclaw: 20 final members lost 5.943% (229.1 pounds!!)
    Hufflepuff: 11 final members lost 5.2304%
    Slytherin: 10 final members lost 5.0778%
    Gryffindor: 14 final members lost 4.81%

    Ravenclaw ROCKS!!

    YESSSSSSS! Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure!!!!!!!!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member