Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I found this article called "End of dieting? New movement focuses on health at any size" and thought you all might enjoy reading it:

  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    just wanted to tell you all how happy i am that i was put in Ravenclaw. are the other houses even still keeping in touch? you guys are awesome and i appreciate being able to still have all of you in my life. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    just wanted to tell you all how happy i am that i was put in Ravenclaw. are the other houses even still keeping in touch? you guys are awesome and i appreciate being able to still have all of you in my life. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gryffindor has a Common Room thread but I think the other two houses disbanded - but Ravenclaw rocks!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    last week - 216.4
    this week - 214.6

    loss - 1.8
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    House results for week ending 7.31.2011:
    Top weight loss: liz11599 lost 1.1%
    Most house points: _gwen earned 14

    Congratulations to this week's Prefects!! :happy:

  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi Ravenclaws!

    Think this week is going to be a bad one for me, last week of the holiday and my roommate just got back so we are hitting the bars hard! She also bought loads of goodies from the UK that you can't get here so there are loads of treats in the house, temptation calls!!

    I probably won't get through any of the challenges this week, but I am saving your recipes to try when things are less hectic!!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    OMG, I'm a Prefect?!?

    I didn't think I made a dent in the goals.

    Thanks for the honor.

    Oh, and it must have been a Freudian slip on my part about the weight, but all those 8's, they should be 9's. 197.5, 196.5, 192.5 respectively.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I was a basket case yesterday, I've been dealing with a lawsuit over flooding from my neighbor's property. I totally missed the goals for this week.

    I don't know about the exercise goal. I don't watch tv. I would feel ok about going for a couple laps around the building after a bathroom break.

    Tuesday's food tip: Pre-measure as much as possible to make meals/snacks simpler. I use the tiny tupperware/glad containers for almonds or 1oz portions of soy nuts. I measure a bunch at once at the beginning of the week and they are ready to go when I need them. For meals that I freeze or prep and leave in the fridge, I weigh out all the portions in individual containers. If I'm feeding my boyfriend too, it just depends on how hungry he is, he just has to eat in multiples of the pre-measured portions. No problem keeping anything separate, everything I pull out of the freezer is the right amount..
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw! Today I've gotten in 4 mini-workouts: wall push ups in bathroom at work, brisk walk to the bathroom on the other side of the building, took the stairs to the bathroom 2 floors down and a brisk walk to lunch across the street. One more to go!

    We need more shared recipes - anyone else have something the rest of us might want to try out?

    Hope you all had a good day!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    hey everyone! i'm back from my mini vacation to niagara falls :) very happy to be back home!!

    I was kind of in my own little world when weighing in a couple weeks ago and did it on a thursday instead of a sunday, so if i could make a correction to my original weight:

    7/17 - 218.2
    7/24 - 216.4 (-1.8)
    7/31 - 214.6 (-1.8)

    thanks!!! :bigsmile:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning to all!! totally forgot about the miniworkouts while on br breaks today until i was no longer on a break!! i will try to remember today. hope everyone has a great day!! :bigsmile:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I have a recipe to share.

    I make this marinade up on the weekend, throw in as many chicken breasts as I think I'll need for the week, and then pull out what I need for dinner each night. You can grill as whole breasts or kebabs. The meat comes out very moist and tender. The leftovers are delicious too.

    I usually put 3-6 skinless boneless chicken breasts in a ziploc bag with the marinade.

    2 tablespoons of lime juice (I prefer key limes, more lime flavor. Try Nellie & Joe’s Key West Lime Juice if you don't have fresh limes.)
    1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
    1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
    1/2 teaspoon black pepper
    1 tablespoon ground cumin
    1 tablespoon roughly chopped cilantro
    1 cup plain nonfat yogurt
    3 or 4 cloves of minced garlic

    Put all the ingredients in a baggie, squish together, add chicken, and toss in the fridge. Marinate, overnight is good, but even an hour or so will work. Grill/bake chicken as usual.

    I have not had any problem with spoilage. The lime juice is a preservative, and chemically 'cooks' the meat, sort of like ceviche.

    Calorie wise, there is no added fat to the marinade, I don't count it. I suppose you could. I've never calculated it.

    As an extra yum, make mango salsa:

    1 large ripe mango, cut into small dice
    3 tablespoons of lime juice - see key lime note above
    1 scallion, finely minced
    1/2 seeded jalapeno pepper, finely minced
    1/4 cup red bell pepper, cut into small dice
    1 tablespoon cilantro, coarsely chopped
    1 teaspoon cilantro

    50 calories a half cup.

    I eat the chicken with the just the salsa. Depending on your calorie needs, serve with brown rice, green vegetable, etc. Plain non-fat yogurt is good on this too. The chicken+yogurt is a really good high protein/low fat nutrition bump.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Wednesday my Ravenclaw friends! I went to the doctor with my husband today to get more info about the diet he's supposed to be on. I've also done some research because I wasn't familiar with some of the terms. Because of what I've found out about how certain foods affect our bodies, I've decided that I'm going to do this diet with him. I just posted something about it on my blog if you're interested: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/azsuzi/view/experimenting-for-health-132680
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member

    How I've missed you all!

    I'm so very sorry I've been away. My life has been a bit upside down at the moment and unfortunately doesn't show signs of righting anytime soon :-/ Haven't been losing any weight since the movie came out but I haven't put anything back on either!

    I haven't been keeping up with this thread since I haven't been on and I'm not sure I'll be on enough if at all over the next weeks but maybe when things settle down I'll be able to join back in.

    For now I just wanted to say hi and that I miss you all terribly!

  • xDSaraxD
    xDSaraxD Posts: 12
    Hello! I was wondering, can I join? :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw! This week I have remembered the mini-workouts only one day! I'll try again today :) Last night, I tried out psb13's spaghetti squash recipe with a few variations to make it fit with my husband's diet. It was really good - thanks for sharing it! Hopefully I'll have time in the week to try out gwen's marinade. It will be nice to have something to spice up the taste of our endless chicken!

    @wishfuljulia - glad you found us and I hope things settle down in your life soon. We miss seeing you!

    I took the rest of the week off to finish up the final paper for one of my classes. I plan to spend today and tomorrow at the library where there is no MFP to distract me! :D

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello! I was wondering, can I join? :)

    Hello xDSaraxD. You are more than welcome to join! Information about this group can be found here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/azsuzi/view/ravenclaw-common-room-information-128045

    If you want to join the challenges, we will need your starting weight (Sunday 7/31 if you have it. If not, today is good enough.) and your goal weight for the end of August. You can earn house points for each day that you post and meet the weekly challenges. If you just want to join the conversation and not participate in challenges, that's ok too! Welcome to the common room!
  • xDSaraxD
    xDSaraxD Posts: 12
    Hello! I was wondering, can I join? :)

    Hello xDSaraxD. You are more than welcome to join! Information about this group can be found here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/azsuzi/view/ravenclaw-common-room-information-128045

    If you want to join the challenges, we will need your starting weight (Sunday 7/31 if you have it. If not, today is good enough.) and your goal weight for the end of August. You can earn house points for each day that you post and meet the weekly challenges. If you just want to join the conversation and not participate in challenges, that's ok too! Welcome to the common room!
    Yay! Okay thank you :) I'll totally join, sounds like a lot of fun!

    CW: 148lb
    GW for end of month: 138lb
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Sounds like the sorting hat has been busy. :-)

    Welcome Sara!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    welcome to our newest Ravenclaw!! :flowerforyou: