Ravenclaw Common Room



  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw!! better day yesterday. got a nice workout in after work. i put in some time on the ab machines, but not 10 minutes-maybe 5-7 so i'm getting there. still good on water. wish i had some now...getting my yearly labs done this morning and i thought they opened at 6am. turns out they don't open till 6:30 so i'm trying to hang in there till then. thirsty and starving at this point!! have a great tuesday!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey guys! psb13- I'm confused, it's Wednesday, right?!!

    Am having a bad day- started well- got up, went to the pool, swam for 45 minutes, sat in the sun for a while, came home, looked in the mirror.... SUN BURN OF DOOM!! I'm an idiot because I know I burn quickly, but because I was in the water I didn't feel it. Rubbish. So now I feel sore and can't go to the gym (I tried to put on my sports bra and it hurt, lol) and I don't feel like eating so am way under calories for the day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I'll be less sore... Hope everyone has a better day than me!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    It's maddening how easy it is to fall back into old eating patterns. My husband suggested eggs and pancakes for dinner last night and I jumped right on the bandwagon - syrup and all - without stopping to think about how it would impact my day! Several times over the last week, I've polished off half a bag of microwave popcorn (large size of course - shared with my husband). I have managed to stay close to my calorie goals, but this is the type of eating that topped me out over 200 pounds! Learning to eat better takes so much thought and planning. I'll be happy when healthy eating is second nature to me. :ohwell:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I'm having a better day today, hunger-wise, than yesterday. Yogurt with added sugar really messes me up. Plain yogurt, optionally with fresh fruit, works just fine.

    I was reading some posts today about how getting the last ten or so pounds off can be difficult. I'm thinking about my routine right now. Everything seems to be working fine at the moment, but eventually I'm going to need to make changes like cutting out the sugar in my tea and probably working out more intensely.

    Not that I'm anywhere close to that problem at the moment, just thinking about maintenance issues that I'm going to deal with down the road.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    sorry about the confusion lottee-had an early start today and wasn't quite awake with my last post!! azsuzi-i agree about the food habits and easily slipping back into the bad old ways!! today is supposed to be my "high" day for zig zagging and i just couldn't work up the energy to go to the gym today!! i have a TON of calories to burn off and i just don't know if i can do it!! i'm gonna take a little rest andsee if that helps. hopefully will be posting back later that i was able to git 'er done!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    My husband had a doctor appointment today and he came home with a list of foods he can and can't have. He's seeing a couple of specialists that think he has a protozoan infection. The little buggies apparently need to be starved for the treatment to work and his intestinal tract needs healing. So here's the "no" list:
    sugars (all types except what's in fruit)
    high glycemic fruits
    grains (ALL grains)
    dairy (milk, eggs, cheese, etc.)
    lectins (nuts, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, etc.)
    processed foods
    canned foods

    The "yes" list:
    most veggies (except tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms)
    fermented foods
    meats (extra low-fat)
    low glycemic fruits
    herbal teas
    olive oil

    I'm thinking I'll do this diet with him to see if I can shed some of the belly fat that I still have hanging on. He thinks he's going to starve to death since he can't have the processed snacky foods he's used to. I've been trying to tell him for years that he needs more fruits and veggies. Now he's being forced into it whether he likes it or not! :tongue: Wish us luck!!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Yay! I'm the Prefect! Woot!

    Monday was rough for me. My grandma made dinner, which meant plain chicken,mashed potatoes and white bread. Blah, and incredidily NOT filling (not to mention healthy!) So I ended up going WAY over that night. I've been pretty good these last few nights though.

    Also, I bought Hungry Girl's 300 under 300 cookbook, which I would highly recommend. It's amazing, and every recipe in there is UNDER 300 CALORIES!!!!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Good morning Ravenclaws!! Happy Thursday (i think it's Thursday). i had an awful day yesterday in terms of my eating!! i would probably have been OK if i had worked out. my energy level is very low this week. i am on a different shift (transferred to a new department 3 weeks ago and it's part of the new job). i am starting a bit later than previously and have been catching up on lost sleep, but i am working out after work. i had been getting up super early and working out in the morning. don't know if that might be the problem, so i think i am going to go back to that routine to see if my metabolism just needs that morning kick start!! have a great day everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaws!

    I overslept this morning. Oops! But then, everyone else is late in to the office too. :tongue:

    I've decided to start C25K this weekend. I hope my knees hold up. I started taking glucosamine/condroitin supplements a couple weeks ago because my knees had started getting achy from all the walking. It seems to help.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw! Boy are my abs sore today! I tried some "simple" Pilates yesterday - HAH! Not so simple!! :tongue: I was telling my co-worker about it and she asked what kind of exercises I did - soooo, I demonstrated them to her on the floor of my cubicle. Hope no one else was watching! :laugh:

    Start thinking about your August weight loss goal and let me know what it is when you weigh in on Sunday. The Ravenclaw House August challenge will begin on Monday!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw!! Happy Friday!!! hope everyone is geared up for a great weekend!! i, for one, am glad this week is almost over. it hasn't been one of my best. oh well, onward and upward!! have a great day. :bigsmile:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I'm not sure about my weigh-in this week. Food has been decent, nothing berserk. I could always get more walking in. I've had pretty rapid loss the first four weeks, I'm thinking it was too good to last. I peeked at the scale this morning and it wasn't what I'd hoped it would be.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm not sure about my weigh-in this week. Food has been decent, nothing berserk. I could always get more walking in. I've had pretty rapid loss the first four weeks, I'm thinking it was too good to last. I peeked at the scale this morning and it wasn't what I'd hoped it would be.

    I lost at the rate of 2 to 3 pounds a week in the beginning, the platueaued for a couple of weeks and now lose 1/2 to 1 pound a week. The weight loss does slow down, but at least it is still coming off! Hang in there!

    I've been holding onto a pair of jeans that I bought a few years ago that were too tight, but I thought I would get into eventually. Well - then I gained weight and they got stuffed into a box to be given away. When I started losing, I pulled them out again as incentive - and guess what?? This morning I put them on --- and they're too big!! I'm wearing them, but this might be the only time I get to because I am NOT going to put that weight on again!!

    Happy Friday Ravenclaw!
  • LilyJohnson
    I went to see the 3-D version and I thought it was great, so i recommend it
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw. happy saturday to all. congrats on the too big pants azsusi!! great job! :drinker: i'm hoping for a no gain weigh in. had a bad week but i'm back on track now. guess i'll see how much damage i did tomorrow!! have a great day everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw! Today is clothes shopping day - off to the local thrift store to see what I can find. I just did this about 3 months ago and now all of my clothes are hanging on me like sacks again! I have one pair of pants that I love that I can now pull down without unzipping!! :bigsmile:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw! Today is clothes shopping day - off to the local thrift store to see what I can find. I just did this about 3 months ago and now all of my clothes are hanging on me like sacks again! I have one pair of pants that I love that I can now pull down without unzipping!! :bigsmile:

    AWESOME!!! congrats to you!! :drinker:
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaws! I hope everyone is doing well this past week and having a fabulous weekend! I'm weighing in a day early and have some exciting news....my plateau has finally ended!!! I had been hanging on to 179 for weeks and this morning I weighed it at 177!! Wahoo!! So that's a total of 2 pounds down and I believe 2 house points for the week too (I posted twice, but wasn't so successful with the challenges).

    Ok...now for the August goal...we are heading on vacation the second week in August and although I plan to workout everyday, let be real, I doubt I'll be counting the calories most days, so with that said, I'm going to be conservative and say 4 pounds, but I'll be happy with a 3 pound loss.

  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I had a really good food day yesterday. This week I've started looking at other nutrition variables, like sodium and fiber.

    The CDC recommends 1500mg/day of sodium for:
    You are 51 years of age or older. (ok, I'm still 49, but see the next item)
    You have high blood pressure.


    The Mayo clinic recommends between 21-25g of daily fiber for women

    Lowers blood cholesterol levels.
    Helps control blood sugar levels.
    Aids in weight loss.

    I lowered my sodium to 1500mg/day and upped my fiber to 25g/day. That required I change in my food choices too. I'm now adding flax meal to at least one meal, usually to my oatmeal at breakfast. I'm pleasantly surprised to discover I like the nutty taste. Not bad at all.

    I changed my dinner choice last night to include an apple, based on suggestions in this list: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/high-fiber-foods/NU00582
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Its kind of sad watching our original challenge thread slip farther and farther down in the list of my topics. Thanks everyone for wanting to continue on in Ravenclaw - I appreciate each and every one of you and would have missed you so much. :flowerforyou: