Ravenclaw Common Room



  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Thursday food tip...

    A) Read other people's food diary's for menu ideas.

    B) You don't have to eat a full serving/portion/package. (Which may seem obvious, except that I realized from reading bringerofrain's menu, that he cut his protein bars in half to make a snack size. How clever is that?
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning Ravenclaws! I cannot try anyone's recipes at the moment because I'm ill so everything I eat comes straight back up, but they all look awesome- will definitely try them next week!!
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning fellow ravenclaws!! I'm weighing in early since I will not be near a scale for the next week. Last week I was 177, today I'm, 175. Total loss of 2 pounds. As for house points, to be honest, I haven't been keeping track much since this week has been crazy with camp, cleaning and packing.

    I hope everyone has had a good week and have a fabulous weekend!!

  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Friday Ravenclaw! Off to another day in the library - I will be so glad when this paper (and class) is done!

    @lottee1000 - I hope you feel better soon. There's nothing worse than not being able to hold food down. :flowerforyou:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    How did I not weigh in last week? I'll blame it on vacation and offer my deepest sincerest apologies.
    Anyway there was no change- started at 130 still at 130 (or at least I was last Saturday- we'll see what tomorrow holds after vacation)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member

    Well done everyone!!!!! Ravenclaws Rule!!!

    I saw both the 3D and 2D version of the movie and loved both. I must admit that when things were flying outwards, I ducked and so did many others in the theater. Did anyone see the movie that Lifetime had on about JK Rowlings and how HP came to be??

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws! This week was pretty good, with only one "bad" meal that I can think of. Hopefully I will have a good weigh in!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw! This is the last day I have to finish my danged essay - I can't wait for it to be done! I am counting the hours :laugh: I hope you all have a wonderful day. See you tomorrow at weigh in!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    AGGG!! vacation was not good to the scale- up 2 lbs, which puts me back at 132lbs. GRRRRR I was so damn close to the 120's. Oh well back to work
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Urf! I was so busy yesterday I forgot to add a food tip. I'm going to a girlfriends studio to work on some mixed media pieces.

    Today's tip: An easy, high fiber, protein snack is roasted soy nuts. i like Mighty Mo Munchies. 1oz is 120 calories, 4 g fat, 6g dietary fiber! and 10 g protein! I prefer unsalted, but they come with chili pepper, and number of other flavors. unsalted is low sodium too.

    Weigh in with pictures tomorrow!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaws!! Good news is I can eat again, whoop!! Weighing in at 183.8lb, down from 188lb. My illness has knocked the pounds off!! Haha will try not to gain them back this week x
  • xDSaraxD
    xDSaraxD Posts: 12
    Hello! Everyone :) This week I lost 2.6lbs :) I went from 148.8 to 146.2! Yay! :)
    Oh, and here is a tip for anyone craving something sweet: If you happen to have greek yogurt, cheesecake (sugar free instant pudding mix of course), vanilla extract, fictional sugar(splenda, truvia..) canned pumpkin and pumpkin spice lying around then your in luck! Combine 1/2 cup of greek yogurt, two tsp pumpkin, one and a half tsp of cheesecake (depending how strong you want the cheesecake flavor, add more), a dot of vanilla extract, a packet of fictional sugar, and a dash of pumpkin spice- and you got yourself some 'pumpkin cheesecake.' ;)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning and happy sunday Ravenclaw!! had a sort of down week feeling discouraged and eating more than usual. one of the things i have been wondering is if i need to increase my calories. well, as it happens i am down to 184.6 a 1.8lb loss for me!! :happy: not major, but the most i've had in awhile so i think i was right about upping my calories. i am starting to zig zag in earnest so i may not get the "below calorie goal" status daily as i may not change my goal every day. we'll see how it goes. lottee, glad to hear you're feeling better, sara, LOVE the pumpin cheesecake idea and will give it a try. azsusi, hope the paper writing went well. i can only claim 2 house point this week. hopefully i can get back in gear for this week. best of luck to all!! :bigsmile:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw! This week's challenges are:

    Food: Drink a glass of ice water 1st thing in the morning. This is supposed to jump-start your matabolism.
    Exercise: Add 1-2 sets of bicep + tricep exercises to your routine. Its important to exercise both muscle sets since they are opposing muscles.

    If you haven't already, please give me your August goal. And remember, you earn 1 house point for every day you drop in the common room and post something - even if its just to say "hi"!

    I lost a whopping 3.5 pounds last week! I'm weighing in at 162.5 today - that's the biggest drop I've had in ages! And I earned 10 house points - 7 for posting each day, 1 for sharing a recipe, 1 for trying psb13's recipe and 1 for meeting the exercise challenge.

    @psb13, do you eat basically the same thing for breakfast and/or lunch every day? I read somewhere that your body can get used to the calories it expects and will start storing them if you eat the same thing every day. If you switch it up, you keep your metabolism guessing and you will burn more calories. Same thing goes with exercise. I guess our bodies get bored too!!

    Good luck this week everyone! :bigsmile:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    @psb13, do you eat basically the same thing for breakfast and/or lunch every day? I read somewhere that your body can get used to the calories it expects and will start storing them if you eat the same thing every day. If you switch it up, you keep your metabolism guessing and you will burn more calories. Same thing goes with exercise. I guess our bodies get bored too!!

    i have a couple of things i tend to rotate, but yes my food and exercise both don't vary a whole lot. that is one of the things i'm going to work on this week as i start my "new" plan. thanks for the tip!!

    also azsuzi...AWESOME LOSS!!! :drinker: i'm hoping for some big numbers soon. you really do inspire me!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    Sorry I have been out of the loop ravenclaws! I've been in and out of town so much the past few weeks its been hard to keep up. I'm still at 142. Going back out of town again so that probably won't change next week either. Summer is a tough time, but I'm definitely going to get back into a routine and staying in town more now that my boyfriend moved in (we just celebrated our 5 year anniversary!) No house points for me. I guess my goal for august is just not to gain any weight haha! With my bf having moved in, I think its going to be hard enough not to gain, let alone lose weight! I guess another good goal would be to switch up my foods more often, I eat the same thing all the time too. I did switch off oatmeal for breakfast to an egg and a bagel thin and yogurt or sausages, but now I've just gone to eating that everyday instead!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    7/17 - 218.2 (start)
    7/24 - 216.4 (-1.8)
    7/31 - 214.6 (-1.8)
    8/7 - 213.6 (-1)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    august goal: 208 lbs :bigsmile:
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    ok, these are the 2 things that i can make, otherwise i basically microwave things lol

    "sandra's magic salad" - 150 calories for the WHOLE thing, but it's usually good as a side for 4 people :bigsmile:

    1 tomato
    1 cucumber
    1 red bell pepper
    1 carrot
    chop, dice, or cube the veggies, however you like your them in your salad :smile:

    2 table spoons fat-free italian dressing
    onion and garlic powder
    crushed black pepper
    (optional - a pinch of sea salt)

    if you're having it as your meal, it's great with some black beans, avocado, hard boiled egg, or some grilled chicken.
    i LOVE this salad and i swear it's magical when it comes to helping me lose weight!!

    "sandra's magic salad wrap"

    one chopped onion
    leftover "sandra's magic salad"
    grilled chicken breast (or whatever you like in your wrap)
    put the everything in a frying pan
    add extra fat free italian dressing if you need (no oil - optional sea salt)
    i like when everything gets nice and mushy, but you can let it stay a little raw if you like :)

    i use tumaro's low in carb gourmet tortillas that are only 60 calories, so if i'm really hungry i can have TWO wraps! :bigsmile:

    so those are my only two recipes, and as you can see...they're pretty "beginner" lol sorry!
  • the_accountinator
    Hello Fellow Ravenclaws!

    Checking in really quickly today at 279.6, down 2.2! I hope everyone else is having lots of luck! I've been busy studying in true Ravenclaw style, but hopefully I'll have some more time by the end of the month.

    Good luck to everyone!!

    "Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
    If you've a steady mind,
    Where those of wit and learning,
    Will always find their kind"