UP 1lb this morning?????? How's that possible??



  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Holy crap. I think if you're drinking that much water, working out that much and not eating as much as you should be, that's probably why. I think you should switch up what you're eating once in awhile, more calories here, less there. I think your body has gotten used to it by now. You need to 'trick' your metabolism?? I am no expert. But you can totally do it, good luck!
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    Did you measure at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME and compare to exactly the same things ie just after toilet before breakfast at 0800 hours?

    Yes, I get up at 5:30am, pee, strip down, and weigh! Every morning! But only "count" Friday morning.
  • pedalpusher5
    Glycogen and water retention. It takes very little of either or both to add up to a pound. Don't sweat the small stuff, just keep doing what you're doing. It's happened to me many times, and then for some reason I'll shed water or my body will use/release the glycogen and I'll get on the scale and be 3 or 4 pounds lighter. If you're doing all the right things, you will see the results in the end. Just be patient.

    Oops, wrote the above paragraph without reading your diary and before reading the other responses. You definitely need to eat adequate calories and give your body some recovery time. If you never give your muscles a chance to recover and build you will eventually end up tearing them down instead of building them up.

    Good luck!!
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    SOmetimes----take a deep breathe and realize----ITS ONE POUND......JUST ONE....... put it into perspective.....has it been humid at your place? how are your clothes fitting??? Today is another day......Just breathe and realize IT IS A NUMBER
    HOW DO YOU FEEL?????
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    SOmetimes----take a deep breathe and realize----ITS ONE POUND......JUST ONE....... put it into perspective.....has it been humid at your place? how are your clothes fitting??? Today is another day......Just breathe and realize IT IS A NUMBER
    HOW DO YOU FEEL?????
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Your body can fluctuate daily by up to a lot more than 1lb. Don't let it discourage you, I'm sure you'll be less than that, and then some, in a couple of days. Don't weigh every day in order to avoid this feeling.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Haha finally someone else sees it!!!! 1lb of ANYTHING (muscle/fat/potatoes/candy bars) weighs 1lb!!!!!!!!

    Yes, however when people say muscle weighs more than fat what they mean isn't per weight but based on mass. One cubic inch of muscle weighs more than one cubic inch of fat . . . and looks different too.

    If your not reaching your net calories your sending your body into starvation which means that no matter how hard you get it to burn it's going to hang on to those calories like a person hanging onto a life raft. I looked at your diary and it only goes back a few weeks, not a few months . . . if you're starting out smaller it may take longer to lose the weight in a healthy way (.5 or 1 pound a week). Someone who has 100 pounds to lose can lose 5 pounds a week, someone who has 10 pounds to go, well their body just can't sustain that. Also, I know that when I have my period or am getting ready to I don't even bother to weigh that week because I always either stay the same or gain due to water weight. Looking at your diary I would suggest more snacks along the day with fruits and veggies and whole grains. This will get your calorie intake up a little higher and when you graze your body tends to use the calories more efficiently than when you sit down to big meals.

  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I didn't read all the post but you are under eating.
    Are you doing any resistance training?
    Sorry, no time to read all post but I will later.

    Keep in mind, that last bit is the hardest.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I am no expert so all I can say is maybe it could be the heat or that time of the month or the carbs?

    I really think people are afraid of eggs and then only eat the whites and put a ton of veggies and don't use butter.

    I really think real food that provide a real meal is the only thing that will really fill you up and keep you going.

    Go for it. Lower the carbs and eat a big breakfast and make it eggs fried in butter and berries and a bit of high protein yogurt. That's just me after a 2 month stall and earing every veggie on the planet I just went back to cave man basics and lost 7 lbs.

    I am talking 80- 100 carbs total in my day carbs-fiber is net carbs

    and I am eating so well and feeling so full and not thinking about it at all....you'r body needs fat and protein especially in the morning and especially if you exercise.

    What do you have to lose try it!
  • es0torok
    es0torok Posts: 66 Member
    I'm going to be a bit controversial here and say you should weigh yourself every day.

    That being said, here is why. Our body fluctuates based on a variety of things. For *me*, I can create a baseline of my body's weight patterns. I can see clearly how it spikes and dips regularly. I can see, (I know this may be TMI) when I have been constipated and I can see when my monthly friend has left or may be coming for a visit. I see all this by looking at a monthly graph of my daily weight.

    The way I gauge if I am truly losing weight is by watching the peaks. If the peak this week is lower than my previous week peak, I'm doing good. If it is higher, then I pan out and check the monthly peaks.

    In my opinion, this is a better method to determine if I am actually losing weight than weighing once a week. Mostly because that once a week day may fall on one of my peak periods and cause me a great deal of distress and discouragement.

    Oh.. I use my iPad app "MY Weight HD" (free) to log and graph. It's a very very simple app that only does that one thing.
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with everyone else that you probably need to eat more. I didn't see very many servings of fruits and vegetables in the few days I looked at of your diary. I am at the same point as you, with only a few pounds left to loose. I try to include more natural foods in my diet and am trying to build long term sustainable habits. Its hard not to focus on the scale, I know. I also noticed you go over the sugar limit often. Maybe you could try eating more foods with more fiber instead of sugar? Just a few suggestions! Good Luck!!
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I'm going to be a bit controversial here and say you should weigh yourself every day.

    That being said, here is why. Our body fluctuates based on a variety of things. For *me*, I can create a baseline of my body's weight patterns. I can see clearly how it spikes and dips regularly. I can see, (I know this may be TMI) when I have been constipated and I can see when my monthly friend has left or may be coming for a visit. I see all this by looking at a monthly graph of my daily weight.

    This way I gauge if I am truly losing weight is by watching the peaks. If the peak this week is lower than my previous week peak, I'm doing good. If it is higher, then I pan out and check the monthly peaks.

    In my opinion, this is a better method to determine if I am actually losing weight than weighing once a week. Mostly because that once a week day may fall on one of my peak periods and cause me a great deal of distress and discouragement.

    Oh.. I use my iPad app "MY Weight HD" (free) to log and graph. It's a very very simple app that only does that one thing.

    Yes I agree! I weigh every morning. Never thought of it in terms of if I'm peaking lower than before, but that's a great idea!
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I also find it difficult to eat enough calories without going over on sodium/sugar/fat/carb. Any suggestions?
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Yep, eat more but be patient and consistent meeting those calorie minimums to so your body learns to truss you not to starve it again to allow those last pounds to go. Good luck!!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm up 2 lbs since yesterday, but I ate sushi last night so I'm just assuming it's water retention from all the sodium.

    Stick with it, it always gets harder toward the end.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I also find it difficult to eat enough calories without going over on sodium/sugar/fat/carb. Any suggestions?

    I don't fret with these, I have a hard enough time balancing my net calories, which has worked for my body to get me down to a 14% bmi. However, the closer something is to it's original form the less added sodium and sugars it's going to have, how fresh are you eating versus processed foods?
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I'm up 2 lbs since yesterday, but I ate sushi last night so I'm just assuming it's water retention from all the sodium.

    Stick with it, it always gets harder toward the end.

    Oh yea- sushi does it every time!!! But gosh I love it :/
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Did you measure at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME and compare to exactly the same things ie just after toilet before breakfast at 0800 hours?

    Yes, I get up at 5:30am, pee, strip down, and weigh! Every morning! But only "count" Friday morning.

    Ah well then, can I suggest you dont do that. Myself and other posters report weigh fluctuations, so you may well have caught your weigh on an 'up' day. Saturday morning might have been 2 lb down.

    Weigh daily and see my point, even if you just do it for a week if you dont want to weigh daily in the future...So my msg is I guess theres no need to be disappointed bc I bet you have lost.....
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: ^^^ Sorry, just cba to read the other posts :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: