nsblue Member


  • Having had type 2 diabetes for the last 22 years (was up to 170 units of insulin 5 years ago) and now being totally off insulin (since Oct 2011) and my blood sugars (A1C's) averaging in the 5's ....some say I am "cured". I have a very hard time saying I am "cured" from diabetes. I say my diabetes is controlled for I know I…
  • IMO sugar is sugar no matter where it comes from. Being diabetic, once on 170 units of insulin a day and now on nothing..... my body can take sugar from milk, apple or chocolate bar and react according to how much sugar content is in each. Saying "fruit sugar" is better for you can send wrong advice into the wrong hands. A…
  • I remember when I was over 600 lbs I rationalized my size to be able to live with myself.... call it lies, deception, low self esteem, poor body image. what ever you want to call it, it was a lifetime self defense to stay where I was at. I know that even now, having once been big with all the mental negative thinking, my…
  • In anyone's weight loss journey you can expect stalls (5 weeks & over) and plateaus ( a few days to a few weeks)... where you stop losing, or even gain a pound or two Especially after first starting out, My first stall was after 5 weeks for 6 weeks but I kept doin what I was doing and the scale dropped again The main thing…
  • One is never guaranteed no flab from losing weight, many factors are involved. Genetics, elasticity of skin, age, amount of weight to be lost.... All you can do is to try n do all you can. As others said, lift weights. During my weight loss, my exercise consisted of mostly of walking, some swimming, some dancing, some…
  • When a person is an emotional eater there are usually some episode in your life that made you resort to using food as a coping mechanism and depending on the years spent honing that skill will definitely determine the amount of work you will have to do to overcome it. I am an emotional eater with many years of experience.…
  • sodas can carry a lot of sodium or caffeine depending on the kind you drink.... and as we all know sodium can be a bummer during weight loss and for your health... and as for caffeine.. tis no better IMO... well too much, one can become addicted. Soda is also a dehydrate... where water is essential for cells to work…
  • As many have mentioned, the advice of your doctor is what is best. Two years ago I went on a low calorie intake (600-800 cal) 3 different times during that year and lost over 200 lbs. Under my Doctors care. I had blood work done every 3 months, I took a multivitamin, vitamin D, and calcium daily, recorded what I ate,…
  • walk...exercise. within a couple of months of walking and changing my diet i totally went off bp meds.
  • Having to lose weight has always been a lifetime endeavor for me ever since my early childhood. The numerous diets tried throughout the years varied but they always seemed to do what they were meant to do...lose weight.... but keeping it off was another issue that never seemed to happen. That roller coaster of losses and…
  • Last year during my vast amount of weight loss i was told by doc and dietitian to keep sugar content of anything i ate to 9 grams per 100 cal...except fruit. and when choosing fruit choose the lesser cal/sugar ones. I ate 1200 cal at that time and always had at least 2 fruits a day sometimes 3 and my sugar content was…
  • I was told by my doctor/surgeon that throughout my weight loss to expect a few stalls/plateaus, that it was normal. There was a time I had thought stalls & plateaus were both in the same, but apparently not. A stall is a month or more of no weight loss and a plateau is a few days/weeks. Call it what you wish, to those who…
  • Im sure someone has a scientific way to figure it out...but in my opinion....if one is going to continue with the exercise regime u have...one must increase cals. test it and add 100 cal at a time n watch your scale... before long you and your body will know how many cals to eat in maintainance
  • even losing weight doesnt eliminate that emotional eating... I now work on my head and i find it's the biggest struggle of all. Many past issues ...having to dig through alot of emotional maladaptive thinking that got me to where I was. It is a struggle. I had gone through a depression last fall after an emotional trigger…
  • Thanks so much for the post
  • what's the difference really? give me a pound a muscle any-day over a pound a fat... for muscle burns calories just existing:)
  • Sounds very normal. One usually plateaus and yes sometimes stalls.... whether they stay the same or gain a few.... During weight loss we all go through these periods. Thing is to keep doing what you have been doing.... one usually goes over everything in their plan n questions it...we learn from this process. We also at…
  • I can imagine with the excess weight you feel you have to lose you expect a see a big drop accordingly. Many many factors are involved irregardless of start weight. True when you have alot to lose you can see big drops...but it is all defendant on what you eat, how much you eat and what exercise you do. If no exercise..the…
  • tripmom02, i love #4 with your kids...love your smile :) you look fantastic and have done really well..high five;)
  • lmao spent so long lookin at wolf's #3 i think i fell behind LOL
  • I had lost 170 pounds just by following a 1500 cal diabetic diet... the plan was by counting food choices not calories... then at 430 i started logging and counting my cals at 1200 ...fine tuned what i ate and started walking...in nine months i lost almost 200 pounds. logging your calories makes u realize the amount of…
  • an excess of sugar and high carbs always seem to get me going.... but most cravings I feel for me is behavioral. So to change the behavior you must replace it with new ones..... Food when eating gives off serotonin ... a feel good chemical that makes food very addictive.... it is why many resort to food for emotional…
  • with many of the cheaper clip ons be prepared to buy a few. i went through many due to either losing them or getting them wet walking in the rain for i clipped it on my sock and sometimes sneaker. I paid a few extra dollars for a pocket one and worked better for me in not losing it or getting wet. some phones have apps as…
  • two years ago when i was in my surgeons weight loss program i followed their diets which included shakes. I was losing weight on 1200 cal healthy eating but due to their training i did so to prove it works...n it does...but so does healthy eating. Learning their weight loss diets taught me alot...and today if i am in a…
  • yup i did. started at 1500 cal then went to 1200 cal and for several weeks under a docs care 600-1000 cal. was energized...wasnt hungry and am healthy as a horse.
  • The only hormone that I know of that the gastric sleeve affects is the hormone that is for appetite regulating .....ghenlin. Don't be deceived though...just because you lose 80% of your stomach it doesnt eliminate that hunger all together... for a year after it's not too bad but realize head hunger is completely different.…
  • for me 1200 cal is fine...but it is what you eat that can make the difference. I keep my sugar content low.... no more than 9g per 100 cal of anything...this excludes fruit for it can have up to 14 g. i try to get 2 servings at least in in a day when on 1200 cal and i usually choose the lower cal ones. fruit is good for…
  • binge eating isnt healthy and usually due to unterlining neg core beliefs and maladaptive thinking. Having been a person who is an emotional eater there is alot of work one must do to combat it. it's not an overnight change...it is a long journey changing ones thoughts n neg core beliefs .... my advice is to seek…
  • i can only speak from once a super morbidly obese perspective...... IMO when people say obese/overweight is fine...it is a settling of ones mind because of failed attempts....so u convince yourself u will remain healthy where u are at....did it myself...its a crock a chit...lies u tell yourself.
  • for health... n to remain there