I can't stop binge eating, help?

Help me to stop binge eating. its so frustrating. i've gained so much weight. been under so much stress. and when I'm stressed i eat. i'm an emotional eater. food comforts me. with out it i feel so lost. last summer, i did so well. was logging all my calories, lost almost 30 pounds. now i gained it all back. back to where i started. i just don't know if i have it in me any more, to control my calories. every day i try lately, i end up failing, and just saying screw it, i'm already fat, might as well eat some more. i want and need to lose this weight asap. please, looking for some encouragement, or a kick in the butt to get back on track. thanks much. any tips for curbing the urge to binge eat. ?


  • mrsna
    mrsna Posts: 195 Member
    bump for later
  • angelb1983
    angelb1983 Posts: 160 Member
    I also had a day of binge eating today. I went over calories quite a bit but learning about TDEE and BMR has helped me to feel a whole lot less guilty and/or deprived. It kind of allows for a few slips.You also don't seem to be logging. I was so embarrassed today having to log and face the fact people were going to see how bad I had done, but it is keeping me from eating more like I typically would. I was tempted just to leave it blank from the time of dinner on but at some point I have to face it and learn from it. :) anyway I'm also interested in this so I'm curious what others would say. another thing I have found is you can not be so hard on yourself. don't expect perfection. keep your head up and keep pressing forward. you got this!!
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    binge eating isnt healthy and usually due to unterlining neg core beliefs and maladaptive thinking.
    Having been a person who is an emotional eater there is alot of work one must do to combat it. it's not an overnight change...it is a long journey changing ones thoughts n neg core beliefs .... my advice is to seek help/therapy to begin the journey. it is a bad cycle one gets into...stress... emotion...eat ...gain... beat oneself up...esteem is diminished and depression inevitable.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Shrink Yourself, the book by Dr. Gould. Good book. Insightful regarding why we eat too much.
  • kew1952
    kew1952 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm also an emotional eater. Not long I read something that said when you get ready to start stuffing everything into your mouth, stop and ask youself the question, is this healthy. I am trying to do this and it does seem to help. Sure worth a try!!