added sugar, whats the difference?



  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    IMO sugar is sugar no matter where it comes from. Being diabetic, once on 170 units of insulin a day and now on nothing..... my body can take sugar from milk, apple or chocolate bar and react according to how much sugar content is in each.

    Saying "fruit sugar" is better for you can send wrong advice into the wrong hands. A person hearing this may drop junk food and start eating massive amounts of fruit because hearing "healthy" they feel they are doing better.... that would depend on their own body and it's ability to metabolize that sugar.... which could result in numerous things and one being no weight loss.

    People are so focused on wanting the "cure all" weight loss food that they forget to watch their own body and how it responds to different foods. duh
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It's all sugar and it really doesn't matter when you look at it just that way. Your body sure doesn't care. There is no good sugar and bad sugar.

    I see where you are coming from, but if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic, or you have sugar sensitivities, your body does care. Many diabetics can have limited fruit, but cannot have candies, cakes, cookies, because it will throw their sugar over the top.

    Being ensitive to added sugar, my body sure cares. :wink: (see my post above).

    I think ndj should have put a disclaimer. For non diabetics/insulin resistant. Because it didn't even take one page for it to show up.

    oh crap I forgot the disclaimer....*smacks forehead*

    I am referring to people that do not have an underlying medical issue...

    Thanks you for making me laugh this morning, guys. In the meantime, here's a slap to your forehead. :laugh: :laugh:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    , that have completely different biologies and whose bodies don't process nutrients in the same way as humans?

    When you buy a car, do you compare the car you want to buy to a bicycle? Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.
    Not completely true, ever herd of animal testing,
    Depends on the car.
    Look Gas is gas right.. Wrong.. There is a reason why certain cars take cetain type of gas.

    Animal testing is 99% useless. Besides, most animal tests are done on rats THAT HAVE BEEN GENETICALLY ENGINEERED TO BEHAVE LIKE HUMANS.

    And yes, gas is gas. Certain engines are designed to take different types of fuel, that's true. That's also irrelevant, as again, comparing a gasoline engine to a diesel engine is the equivalent of trying to compare a human to a rabbit. They work on completely different systems and require completely different fuel sources. You made my argument for me, quite honestly. Trying to use gasoline in a diesel engine is useless, as is trying to base a human's nutritional needs or health off of another species.
  • , that have completely different biologies and whose bodies don't process nutrients in the same way as humans?

    When you buy a car, do you compare the car you want to buy to a bicycle? Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.
    Not completely true, ever herd of animal testing,
    Depends on the car.
    Look Gas is gas right.. Wrong.. There is a reason why certain cars take cetain type of gas.

    Animal testing is 99% useless. Besides, most animal tests are done on rats THAT HAVE BEEN GENETICALLY ENGINEERED TO BEHAVE LIKE HUMANS.

    And yes, gas is gas. Certain engines are designed to take different types of fuel, that's true. That's also irrelevant, as again, comparing a gasoline engine to a diesel engine is the equivalent of trying to compare a human to a rabbit. They work on completely different systems and require completely different fuel sources. You made my argument for me, quite honestly. Trying to use gasoline in a diesel engine is useless, as is trying to base a human's nutritional needs or health off of another species.

    Soo, does this mean I can't be a cat :-( You've broken my dreams man... shattered them! ;)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    , that have completely different biologies and whose bodies don't process nutrients in the same way as humans?

    When you buy a car, do you compare the car you want to buy to a bicycle? Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.
    Not completely true, ever herd of animal testing,
    Depends on the car.
    Look Gas is gas right.. Wrong.. There is a reason why certain cars take cetain type of gas.

    Animal testing is 99% useless. Besides, most animal tests are done on rats THAT HAVE BEEN GENETICALLY ENGINEERED TO BEHAVE LIKE HUMANS.

    And yes, gas is gas. Certain engines are designed to take different types of fuel, that's true. That's also irrelevant, as again, comparing a gasoline engine to a diesel engine is the equivalent of trying to compare a human to a rabbit. They work on completely different systems and require completely different fuel sources. You made my argument for me, quite honestly. Trying to use gasoline in a diesel engine is useless, as is trying to base a human's nutritional needs or health off of another species.

    Soo, does this mean I can't be a cat :-( You've broken my dreams man... shattered them! ;)

    well hell I wanted to be a lion...*dreams crushed*