FatGuyNL Member


  • HUGE avocado fan! I scoop them out and put them in my protein/fruit shake in the mornings!
  • Congrats! I don't think I would be able to hack the 1 meal a day, but you can't argue with over 160lbs gone and lowered blood pressure!
  • Nice work man. You really do look like a new person.
  • "What really does bother me is when people post threads that they aren't losing anything and immediately the replies are all "are you weighing your food? "Buy a food scale." Weight can be lost without a food scale," That's what you quoted. The original poster asserted that there are much more important things that can be…
  • The statement that "weight can be lost without a food scale" is one of the most illogical things you've ever heard? LOL
  • Seems like a pretty silly practice to me... but to each his/her own haha.
  • Personally I don't count calories and I have been doing fine with it, but I also eat VERY clean when I'm eating right - no junk whatsoever. One of the reasons I signed up here is so I could log my typical day and get a ball park of how many calories I was eating. As I figured, I was eating at a calorie deficit. If you're…
  • I would recommend to anyone to avoid cheat weekends. I think a meal or even a day is great for some, but if you give yourself a weekend you will really shovel in some crap and stunt your progress. I know first hand, since I started I've had some cheat weekends and you really feel like crap afterwards, and I doubt the…
  • I think the more important reason to avoid that kind of stuff is the fact that it's a chemical cocktail.
  • Thanks, I'll check that out!
  • I'm a big fan of Quest Bar's coconut and almond bar (I think that's what it's called... just finished one 10 minutes ago haha)).
  • It's the same with anything, there's good fats and bad fats. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated do the body good. You can't compare getting fat from sources like nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, ect to the kinds of fats in stuff like french fries and potato chips.
  • Well you know what they say about rock bottom... only place to go is up! Good luck with it!
  • Much appreciated!
  • Thanks guys
  • Binge eating (for me it usually lasts a few days, usually a weekend) just inspires me to get my s**t together and work harder in the gym the next time out, so I make myself pay in the weight room or doing cardio. A month ago I started drinking 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar in water 20 minutes before I'm going to…
  • Paleo sounds interesting and I know a lot of elite level athletes have jumped on the bandwagon. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the philosophy. I get the fact that our bodies haven't changed much since that period, but why are we so confident that our Paleolithic ancestors were receiving optimum nutrition?…
    in Paleo. Comment by FatGuyNL April 2014
  • Congrats on the weight loss! People struggle to lose 10, 20, 50, 100lbs, but the strength and will it takes to lose 285lbs must be incredible. It's true you look like a different person. Did you have loose skin issues?
  • Nice, congrats on the weight loss! To lose weight I overhauled my diet and eating habits. Instead of three or four unhealthy meals with snacks in between, I eat 6 meals with lean protein (eggs, chicken, turkey, ect), fresh veggies, fruit, and complex carbs (brown rice, ezekiel bread/cereal, ect). Sugar that doesn't come…
  • 27, 6'4'' CW:370 GW: 240
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