lar4290 Member


  • I don't have any problems logging the calories that I make. I have a kitchen scale and I weigh most things and measure by weight. It's really easy when it's part of your routine. I also make recipes quite often. What's more difficult is eating out at non-chain restaurants, which aren't required by law to post recipes or…
  • I had the same thing when I started (and restarted) the C25K program. You use very different calf muscles when you run and when you walk/use an elliptical, etc. I took an extra day off when I needed one focused on stretching and the calf pain went away after a few weeks. I've worked up to a 10K, but run pretty slowly…
  • I went from not running to being able to run a 10k with the Couch to 10K app. I actually followed it week by week even though the first few weeks felt too easy. I can now do a 10k and have started a 16-week half marathon training plan where the first few weeks have you running 3-6 miles 4x/week and I figure I'll take it…
  • Glad I found this thread because I've been wondering the same thing. The federal guidelines recommend 4,700 mg/day for adults (higher than the amount listed on MFP), and I've been using the gov't site to calculate the amount in foods: (this…
  • I've noticed the same problem! I run every other day and do some type of circuit/strength training every other day. I burn about 300 more calories on running days, so I've made it that I'm often a little bit over on strength days and a bit under on cardio days and it ends up evening out to just about perfect. Definitely…
  • I weigh every day that I can (e.g. not on vacation, whatnot) and track it. If you do weigh daily for a long enough time you'll get so you won't mind plateaus or little fluctuations. I think they'd bother me a lot more if I *didn't* weigh daily because once a week I wouldn't know if I was in a flux zone that one day (I only…
    in The Scale Comment by lar4290 July 2013
  • I eat out a lot! And mainly at higher end restaurants that don't post nutrition. I either search for something similar (e.g. had a really rich/really fancy table side of macaroni the other day--I ate 1/4, friend ate 1/4 and we each took 1/4 home--I figured that 1/4 of it = 1 side at Ruby Tuesdays = 453 calories (even if it…
  • Fruit! But make sure you weigh it if you can. A big apple is more like 135 calories than 110. But fruit still is one of the more efficient forms of food--sheer grams to calories ratio. Also vegetables. If you don't like them plain try packing two tablespoons of hummus. You can have a tons of baby carrots or celery with…
  • I think so! But I think I have several. I seem to hover around a few numbers--a normal one, a thin one (that if I reach it and stay good I stay within 2-3 lbs of) and a "fat" weight. Each is an interval of a few pounds that I don't have to try too hard to maintain and I have to work very hard to drop. But when I try, I can…
  • Sometimes a "cheat" meal or day is inevitable. But I always log it the best I can (even if it includes an 800 calorie cupcake from Gigi's or whatnot). That way, if I do stall or gain weight, I have a reminder as why so it's not as frustrating. The problem with a designated cheat meal (eg Sunday dinner or whatnot) is that…
  • I have the FT4 because I thought I wouldn't want the transfer, but turns out I wish I had the 7. The 4 doesn't connect to Bluetooth so you can't directly sync to apps. So now that I've started running, it would be really nice to have the heart rate data in my Runkeeper app real time rather than just typing in the average…
  • Bump! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
  • I like both Runkeepet and MapMyRun but runkeeper won out for me because it has helpful training plans. Even has lots of half marathon and marathon plans for free!
  • Can this happen even if you're logging calories with a heart rate monitor and eating them back? Should I put "lightly active" then log hard workout calories on top of that to give me more for a day?
  • Thanks for reminding me. Age = 25. Strength training varies, but typically involves circuits/interval training of some sort. No serious lifting. In September/October, I was doing functional training at a gym in a small group (squats, kettlebells, sand bags) with a trainer (45 minute sessions). Now, I've been doing 30 day…
  • Back to the original question...try not to focus on the 1200 for any given day. Think of it in a three or four day range. If you're not hungry one day and eat only 1050, that's fine....then you may be more hungry the next and eat 1400, etc. It's a problem if it becomes a habit and you're not getting enough nutrients.
  • This. ^^ However, if I'm out with friends or in a hurry for a snack, I'd probably just grap one that I think is decent because there won't be that much difference. I've found that obsessing on a daily number isn't healthy (and very nonconducive for a social life). If it's 50 or 60 more calories than I'd liked to have…
  • What everyone else has said. I especially pre-log if I'm going out, and then I adjust afterwards. It helps keep accountability at restaurants or when drinking. Also, if you go to the online site, you can move foods around from meal to meal or move something from today to tomorrow. I use that a lot and adjust, but I don't…
  • I think the poster meant that she netted 1200 on workout days and more on non-workout days after subtracting out the workout calories. This makes sense if you try to eat a constant amount every day.
  • If you only weigh yourself weekly or every other week you may have just happened to hit a high end and a low end of your natural range due to the factors the others mentioned. Try weighing yourself again in a day or two to see which figure it's closer to.
  • A lot of the initial weight you're loosing is water weight--you've most likely cut out a lot of sodium/processed foods on a 1200 calorie diet. I always lose a pound or two right when I start tracking calories (more if I have more to loose), but it slows down after that! One summer, I lost 8 lbs. in the first week. After…
  • Thanks! This is really helpful!
  • It's 10 days at each level (so 10 at level 1, 10 at level 2, etc.). I use a HRM and I've gotten anywhere between 180 and 260 for how hard I try. When I do it intensely and have it on for a cool down (heart rate still elevated), it's usually about 250. That's 26-27 minutes total. I'm short - 5' 0", 125 lbs, so taller people…
  • Good point. My scale (even without moving it) can have up to a 2 lb. fluctation, even weighing myself one minute after the first time (typical fluctuation would be .4-.6 lbs). It's on a tile flor on the first floor, and I have to move it occaisionally because of the shape of my bathroom. Does anyone have a recommendation…
  • I try to have a weekly calorie goal when I plateau, and vary calories by day--sometimes that helps get out of a rut. If you're on your feet that much, I'd go with lightly active. Most people are probably lightly active instead of sedentary. You can also manually set your calories for somewhere in between if you think that…
  • Thanks, that one was around 26%! It was pretty close to the calipers, which seems like a good sign. Not sure why the military one is so high compared to the others.
  • I eat out a lot, mainly at nice local restaurants with high quality foods (so it would be difficult to find something comprable at the big chains that post values like Chili's of Applebees). I've gotten pretty good at picking out what I'll eat on the menu beforehand and working out calories. I always add at least 2-3…
  • and both have "healthy cooking" sections that are easy for non-cooks like me. You can search using three ingredients you have on hand for a recipe and limit it by the number of ingredients, so I do that a decent amount. I also keep frozen steamable veggies in the freezer at all times…