rc12345 Member


  • I am not sure this is totally relevant but I found these posts concerning women, low carb eating, and hormones. If you have the time (because I am sure you have a LOT on your plate) do you mind to give an opinion? * I know they are not actual studies :smile: *…
  • I have tried Paleo and I really liked it. It is important to remember what your goals are (after ruling out things like allergies). If you only want to lose weight, it may not matter to you how you get there- dropping calories and carbs will help you lose weight. I'm not saying its the best way, just that it is possible. I…
  • I always enjoy reading your posts, as they are so informative. Very often, I find your information to be freeing (as in reminding me that all exercise is effective, as opposed to just one in particular). Thank you!:smile:
  • Thank you everyone! I really appreciate your opinions because it helps me to hear all sides of an issue before making up my mind. One item I should have mentioned and forgot; this trainer lives in another city than my own. Therefore, he knew from the beginning I would not be able to train at his personal gym. The gym he is…
  • I haven't done this race but I plan to next year. I am interested in preparation as well.. thanks!
  • bottom line? It's the the friend's comfort level that should be examined here. If she feels uncomfortable in a relationship with someone who frequents strip clubs she should remove herself from the relationship. Whatever the reason, her man does not see a strip club the same way she does and that will cause major…
  • I understand. I'm 5'4 and used to wear a size 4 as well. Now my teen daughter does and I don't. It's tough for me to look at myself in the mirror because I know I could look better.
  • thank you everybody! I am using the MFP to track my calories but I really think I need more carbs than what they give you in phase one. Dunno....guess I will play with it for a little bit and see what happens. So far I am packing on the weight this week. It's so frustrating because I only get half pound losses (I am a…
  • is it possible you have an allergy to dairy? I have a water weight gain when I have dairy products. Just a thought. :) Don't know if it is applicable. :)
  • I would like to know that as well...
  • I think it is normal. Your body is still trying to adjust to the changes and it gets tired. :) That is why it is called conditioning. Sometimes you just have to tell yourself that by just "showing up" you are still moving forward (by this I mean giving it whatever you have for the day). Good job for giving it your best…
  • I am interested as well. When I bike it's normally on hills and I usually have my 30 pound son in his seat on the back of my bike (he sings when we go down hill and "broom, brooms" when we are climbing a hill. lol). I usually just add an extra 50 calories to my burn total because I am not sure what to add. :)