Is there anyone who is doing p90x but incorporating their ow

Hi! I am on my first week of p90x. I am finding that while I need to do the plyometrics (my least favorite) and the yoga, I don't like the cardio x. I would rather ride my bike or run instead. I don't get as good of a burn as I would with the DVD but the boredom factor is significantly lower. Is there anyone else who has just kinda "mixed and matched" their p90x program to suit? If so, did you feel that you had good results? Did you follow the diet or did you mix and match that as well?


  • treywarren
    I did. I'm not a fan of the yoga and cardio x. Remember that all you want to do is get the heart rate up and burn calories. On the non-strength days - do what you want, but burn the calories. The strength days are great for getting the muscles built - don't mess with that part of the program.

    Follow diet - unfortunately no. That is where I failed in my first run. I kept eating what I wanted. I saw results in the way my body was distributed and I was a lot stronger - but not the significant weight loss and ripped look like you see on the commercial.

    I'm in the middle of my 3rd try with p90x (still liking it!). But this time, I'm really watching the calorie intake - hence

    I'm working on decreasing my food intake so that I can shed 10 lbs then another 10 after that.

    Good luck! Keep exercising!
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    just try it. i'm in my 5 week of p90x and now i look forward to plyo! it takes time and hard work you can do this...
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Do what you gotta do! Whatever makes it so you can continue and not lose your mind is what you should do. This is my general philosophy on life. Cardio X I did once with my husband and I thought I was going to die of boredom. I would, however, not sub out the other two. They are really beneficial, especially if you are a runner.

    Good luck!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I did P90 and got through almost half, fell off the wagon, and yesterday started all over. I do the lean routine so I don't do the plyo, which I have heard is very hard, so I am glad I chose the lean :happy: I would not recommend to change it up, since the whole point of P90 is to work different muscles every day. I also do not follow the diet. Of course I track here on MFP and I do try to choose better options for myself. I have found that working out, tracking food, and LOTS of water works for me.
  • rc12345
    rc12345 Posts: 17 Member
    thank you everybody! I am using the MFP to track my calories but I really think I need more carbs than what they give you in phase one. Dunno....guess I will play with it for a little bit and see what happens. So far I am packing on the weight this week. It's so frustrating because I only get half pound losses (I am a little person) and then to see it all be gained back so quickly ...Of course, it is more than likely something other than the p90x. It's been a heartbreaking week for our family and my eating habits have been bad. :)