fitmom2000 Member


  • Totally needed that today! :laugh:
  • I am 5'5" started at 280, am now about 195, still going but taking my time to do it healthy and in a way that's sustainable for me. Excercise was the key for me --- You have to excercise, but more importantly you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Even if only for 2 minutes out of every workout, push yourself…
  • I ran a tough mudder and felt great. 2 1/2 years ago I couldn't run 1/4 mile. Saturday I ran 12. It was kind of awesome.
  • I'm training for Buffalo at the end of July. Am getting very nervous, I really need to drop 20 - 25 pounds between now and then to be ready. When I signed up we had so long to train for it --- amazing how the time flew by, and I still have the same 20 pounds to lose. Started a more focused regimen today --- upping water…
  • My cup size hasn't change, but I'm down a lot in strap size, so I guess my boobs got smaller but stayed proportional to the rest of me. I was a 42DDD and now I'm a 36DDD. I've lost 85 pounds. I still have about 40 pounds to lose, so we'll see, but I do have to say as much as I enjoy having a larger chest, I REALLY love…
  • The boyfriend isn't relevant to the weight loss. If he wasn't in the picture, you'd find another reason that you were having trouble staying on the wagon. I would suggest you find a goal, something that you can remember and lean on to get you through so you don't allow yourself to make excuses. It can't be a number on the…
  • This post just came up while I was contemplating hte fact that I really want wine and dessert at the event I'm going to tonight, and if I could just give up sugar and alcohol all together I'd probably already be at goal weight, so know you aren't alone! The one thing I will say that has helped me through all of the…
  • I think the key to long term success is to be accountable for your decisions, so if you normally log all of your food, log it in, but I would disagree with the people who say to log it in for shame. If this is going to be a sustainable lifestyle, you can't feel shame every time you "break the rules" or "break your diet,"…
  • I'm in! My name is Jen. SW 201.8. At the end of the 14 days I want to lose at least 4 pounds, but I'm hoping for more. I have been snacking on too many holiday goodies the last few weeks, and this is exactly what I need to get a new boost!
  • You lost 10 or 20 pounds quickly, but did you gain it back? I think any of us who have had lifetime struggles have had quick losses and then gains. I have lost 50 pounds in just over a year. I average just under a pound a week, but for the first time in my life I feel really in control. This is my new lifestyle. I don't…
  • I logged for the first few weeks on MFP. My job requires that I eat out a lot, and so logging was difficult. I stopped logging, and I am still losing but definitely slower than I lost when I was logging. For me the fact that I can continue to lose without logging means that I actually really can do this and sustain it for…
  • I was a 44DDD, and after losing 65pounds, with probably another 60 to go, I'm a 38DD. I was a C cup by 6th grade, so I think I will always be at least a D and probably a DD, but the band size decrease has been awesome --- I can buy much cuter bras.
  • I know someone who lost over 100 pounds and over time, with diet and excercise that included yoga, the skin tightened over time. Your skin is an organ, which means it is constantly changing. I would give yourself time to see what your results are continuing with fitness and keeping the weight off. It's major surgery, and…
  • I found a box of clothes that included shorts i haven't worn in 10 years. And they fit.
  • The feeling bad about your body isn't just the weight --- you have just given up your body to someone else for 9 months, and nothing goes back to where it was before. Everything shifts, and even when you lose the weight your shape might not be the same as it was. Regular excercise will help as much if not more than diet,…
  • I have been a vegetarian for 20 years. I actually think it is one of the reasons I got so heavy. I ate a lot of pasta and other carb-heavy foods once I stopped eating meat. I still am a vegetarian, however it has taken me a long time to learn to eat vegetarian and healthy. Cutting out meat doesn't make you healthy, and…
  • I am new to MFP but have been losing weight over the last year and I have found that it's not just about the calories, it's about the quality of the calories, especially when you're exercising. I can eat the same number of calories from one week to the next, but I only really lose when I have a fair amount of fruits and…