New Mom Trying to get Motivated

Hey everybody! I'm 26 years old and a new mom. My little boy is now 5 months, and I have 3 months left until I go back to work. This means that I have to be able to fit into my work clothes. I'm a teacher, and I don't want the kids to judge me by what I look like, which I feel like everyone is doing right now.

A lot of breastfeeding momma's shed pounds in the first few months; unfortunately, I didn't because my thyroid was all screwed up. I ended up gaining weight after the baby instead of loosing any...I have lost the weight that I put on post-baby, but I still have the 30+ pounds from being pregnant to lose. I am just kicking myself that I somehow justified eating chips every day for 9 months!

I am also a juvenile diabetic. I am used to paying attention to serving sizes and carbs since I have been responsible for adjusting my own insulin (currently humalog and levemir, as well as metphormin) since I was 7 years old.

I am trying to be motivated and walk every day, but the weather here has sucked. Now that it is getting nicer out I feel like I can get out more. I am also trying to at least be aware of what I am eating. THis is very hard as I feel like I am hungry ALL THE TIME.

I feel like my body is gross. I was big to begin with, but this is now extreme. I really need to get this weight off. I don't want to be the fat mom on the playground. I don't want my son to be embarrassed by me. My husband is very fit and good-looking, and our son is adorable, and I want to look like I belong as well.

So, wish me luck!


  • SamMommy
    SamMommy Posts: 29
    Good luck! I would take the first week to track what you are eating, and log all of it. Then set a small goal(like work out for 30 min 3-4 times a week) and build from there. You can do this! Best of luck!
  • zukamaya
    zukamaya Posts: 7
    Hi and welcome to the website. I joined alittle over 2 weeks ago & I love the support from everyone. I've also learned to control my food intake & I've become more aware of what I actually put in my mouth. I'm sure you're going to like this website as much as I do. Now, first of all don't beat yourself up over your weight gain. You just had a child and it's understandable & acceptable. You're husband maybe fit & good looking but remember, men don't have babies. If they did, they'd be complaining about their body changes too. Unfortunately weight gain, body changes & lord knows what else comes with the territory of having children. The key is to first accept your weight and start working towards changing that slowly. Remember it's a process, it won't happen over night. Find something physical that you enjoy, something that doesn't seem like work to you. I love to dance & joined zumba lessons & I love it. I find working out at a gym is boring & it won't hold my interest for long. Once you've found something you enjoy, start going maybe once a week, then build up to two times a week. Between the physical activity & watching what you eat, you'll be lean in no time. Good Luck!
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • fitmom2000
    fitmom2000 Posts: 18 Member
    The feeling bad about your body isn't just the weight --- you have just given up your body to someone else for 9 months, and nothing goes back to where it was before. Everything shifts, and even when you lose the weight your shape might not be the same as it was. Regular excercise will help as much if not more than diet, because it will help start to firm, otherwise you'll lose the weight but still feel like a bit of a deflated balloon, at least that's how I felt. Just know that it takes time as much as diet and excercise--- your body still goes through hormone changes for up to a year after childbirth. Add the emotional changes, and it's all a bit overwhelming. Just make sure you take time out every day to be thankful for your little one, it really is all worth it. :)
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    You can do it! I just had a baby 6 months ago and I let myself go until two weeks ago when I realized I was a whole size bigger than I've ever been. I knew I needed to do something! This website has been super helpful!
  • sunnygirl73
    Hello Kyla,

    Wow! You have a lot going on in your life. I can totally relate. I too have thyroid issues and I am a type ll diabetic. I also have a hormonal condition and it is difficult for me to stay on track with healthy eating. Hang in there and try not to expect too much from yourself all at once. Give yourself time to adjust to being a mom and to changes in your body. Be patient and no matter what DO NOT GIVE UP. You can do this. If you would like to befriend me please feel free. I am really good at giving consistent support. Hope all goes well.

  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. The more support/encouragement the better. The more you move, the more you lose. I'm a SAHM of 5 kids ages 10-21 yrs old. I was borderline gestational diebetic during my 1st 3 pregnancies. Was diagnoised with gestational diabetes last trimester with baby #4 and was on insulin last trimester and with baby #5 during the 1st trimester, I have since had type 2 diabetes on orals meds for that, as well as high cholesterol and hypertension/high bloodpressure. I want to drop 50-75#s, A couple of my sisters use mfp and have lost 43 abd 56#s...if they can do it so can I. Anybody reading this post, please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    You can do this hone- I promise. It will take work and being a mom of a young baby it will take some creative exercising, but you can do this!!!
    I have 2 kids (son turned 3 in may, daughter is 14 months). I breastfed/ am still breastfeeding both of them and let me tell you I DIDN"T drop the weight like everyone said I would- I was constantly hungry and ate everything in sight. I am a teacher too and my wake up call was when I couldn't fit into my school pants anymore and had to by the biggest size I've ever bought. That was in Feb. - I am now 25lbs lighter (I lost 10 before MFP) and 2 sizes down.
    1- Be honest with what you are eating and how much you are eating.
    2- watch your sugar intake (which obviously you already do)
    3- be creative with your workouts. I would walk every day and wear one of my kids (32lbs or 24lbs depending). I would run up and down the stairs between commercials, do jumping jacks during commercials, do crunches while the kids were falling asleep, etc.

  • jkoenig92
    jkoenig92 Posts: 3
    Hi Kyla! I know how you are feeling! I have a 19 mo old son and was still 15 lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy weight when I found out I was pregnant again (my son was 9 mo at that time). My daughter is now 8 weeks old and I was left with an additional 15 lbs from that pregnancy. I have been working hard watching what I eat and going for walks with my daughter strapped on my chest and pushing my son in the stroller. I'm already down 7 lbs!! You can do it if you set your mind to it!
  • ajudernatz
    You can do this! I am a mom of a two-year-old and a fellow teacher! I have some of the same feelings/worries that you do about my students and their parents. I have only been on the site a week and have had amazing support! We can do this together and then vent about school too! :)
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    Good luck! You can do it!!!