Thinking about going vegetarian.

Not ready for vagan..but was thinking going down the vegetarian route- My mom is already starting the process from what she tells me so we have each others support. She does no meat entirely..or very little. I like Chicken, Fish (Talapia and Salmon are my top favorites) I like cereal once in a while and was thinking about switching to soy milk even if i don't like it..I like yogurt..regualar and greek. I like Turkey Burgers and Chicken. Not a big fan of red meat. Suggestions? I like peanuts, but tend to binge of them- so I'm trying to stay away from them. Maybe some meal ideas? :) If your a vegetarian, feel free to add me.


  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    you could always just cut out red meat at first then cut out bird meat and fish afterwards if you wanted to
  • iitsolivia
    iitsolivia Posts: 28
    I was a strict vegetarian for two years, and I've added a few meat things back in, but I'm leaning towards doing it again. Almost everything has protein in it, you probably don't even realize how much you get daily! Americans get way more than they need, because we use meat in practically every meal. Try MorningStar brand products, the chicken nuggets and patties are AWESOME. I prefer them to the real thing. Also, I adore Mexican foods. MorningStar makes crumbles, and you add taco seasoning and it's like having ground beef with half the cook time! While I was vegetarian I felt much better, and I know my skin looked better. I wasn't the best vegetarian because I'd substitute junk for extra calories. Eating out was the hardest part, but even now many places offer vegetarian options. And if not, simply ask for no meat. You'll get a few weird looks, but it works. Good luck!

    Also, I've read a few places that excess soy milk is linked to weight gain. I'd much much much rather have my skim!
  • krizzer91
    krizzer91 Posts: 4
    Soy milk is awesome, I suggest Almond milk. It has 90 calories per cup plus it tastes awesome.
    There are so many different choices of vegetarian foods from Morning star, Boca and many more brands. I was a vegetarian for over two years and lost a good amount of weight plus felt better. I'm also getting back into it, hoping to ease into Vegan at some point. Morning star has a great burger substitute the grillers prime. I put a piece of cheese on there, cook it well done because they are no good when they are soft. And put pickles and light mayo and it is literally half the calories of a regular cheese burger. The sausage and bacon is really good as well from Morning star. I still ate Tuna and Salmon when I was a vegetarian and am doing the same now. They are both great for protein but without the unhealthy nutrition facts red meat has. Beans are also good.
  • LadyKP
    LadyKP Posts: 31
    What I did was basically cut down on meat altogether. For a while I just had chicken and fish. Then I read some literature on the way meat is processed and packaged and I was able to let it go. I've been veggie since December, and I don't miss meat. Sometimes the smell of certain things make me salivate, but conversely, sometimes the smell of certain meats being cooked gross me out.
    As for nutrition, it's pretty easy once you know what to do. I don't know if i could go vegan because I do eat a lot of egg whites and greek yogurt. I buy beans in bulk, making a 'bean of the week' and mixing it with whatever else i cook for meals (my husband is definitely NOT a vegetarian).
    If you need any advice, let me know :)
  • Winged_Victory
    I use light coconut milk in my coffee and have put it in my cereal. It's an alternative to soy, which I do not like in coffee. "So Delicious" and "Silk" both have coconut milk options.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    I've been a vegetarian since Nov 2009 and I am so much healthier and happier! After watching the movie Food Inc I could never eat meat again. I love morning star products do check them out. Good luck! Open your mind to the possiblities.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    My 17 year old has decided (again) that she wants to be vegetarian. I have no interest in going vegetarian, but I'd like to know how to help her get the nutrition she needs, so I will be watching this thread.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I've been ova - vegetarian for i guess close to 15 years. I try to stay away from boca and morning star because they are just as processed as well processed food. I eat loads of beans, limited soy, eggs and cheese. I eat all types of fruits and veg. and make my own veg burger. I drink rice milk and occasionally almond. I never liked beef and used to eat very little poultry. I ate a pescatarian diet until I developed a seafood allergy in my early 20's. it depends on how much you like animal flesh For some transitioning is easier and others prefer to go cold turkey. You know yourself, weight your options and decide what works best for you. The only thing I caution folks on is not becoming a "junktarian" or eating junk food but not meat like cheese pizza, too much pasta and no veggies and loads of processed foods.

    A made a post yesterday about clean eating sites. many of them are also very helpful for those interested in a vegetarian or vegan diet. I'll go bump it up.
  • ssernst
    ssernst Posts: 69 Member
    I went vegetarian almost 2 years ago. I first read Skinny B*tch and started thinking about it; then read The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone. The Kind Diet changed my life and I'll never go back. I read Eating Animals a few months ago and it reaffirmed my decision. It wasn't hard for me to break up with meat. Reading about what it does to a body and the meat industry made it an instant change. If you go into it thinking about how much you are going to miss meat; it's not going to work. You have to focus on the benefits.
    Good luck to you!
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    If you like chicken and fish and regular milk why would you stop eating those things? I agree that Americans eat too much meat but why don't you just make a conscious effort to eat less of it. I love all meat, but generally will not eat meat at more than one meal a day and I try to have at least 2-3 days per week that are totally meat free.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Here are my two favorite blogs for vegan and vegetarian recipes:
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I've been debating the veggie route for months now as well. I don't particularly eat much meat but I've never quite been able to bring myself to give it up altogether. Oddly I was just noticing recently that I'm eating a lot more meat since I started using MFP, mostly chicken and I was wanting to cut that back. I would go with cutting a little at a time and cut out things based on what's relevant to why you're making the decision (ethical vs. health realated for example). There are plently of sources of protien out there besides meat and peanuts so I wouldn't worry about that at all if its your concern. Just take some time to do some research into it first-that's probably the biggest mistake people make and then they end up eating really unhealthy because they don't know what to eat.

    I'm not totally veg but feel free to add me if you like, I'm definately leaning that way :smile:
  • JulyHummingbird
    JulyHummingbird Posts: 106 Member
    Not ready for vagan..but was thinking going down the vegetarian route- My mom is already starting the process from what she tells me so we have each others support. She does no meat entirely..or very little. I like Chicken, Fish (Talapia and Salmon are my top favorites) I like cereal once in a while and was thinking about switching to soy milk even if i don't like it..I like yogurt..regualar and greek. I like Turkey Burgers and Chicken. Not a big fan of red meat. Suggestions? I like peanuts, but tend to binge of them- so I'm trying to stay away from them. Maybe some meal ideas? :) If your a vegetarian, feel free to add me.

    I'm not a vegetarian, but I could be easily (lacto-ova, I like cheese and eggs). I love Boca and Morningstar Farms veggie burgers and almond milk :)
  • fitmom2000
    fitmom2000 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for 20 years. I actually think it is one of the reasons I got so heavy. I ate a lot of pasta and other carb-heavy foods once I stopped eating meat. I still am a vegetarian, however it has taken me a long time to learn to eat vegetarian and healthy. Cutting out meat doesn't make you healthy, and like anything else if you are going to "miss" eating it you will be focusing on what you can't eat instead of what you can, which is the number one no-no of dieting, so it can seriously backfire.

    If you have ethical or other reasons not to eat meat, go for it, I don't miss meat at all, and it was the right decision for me.

    But if you think it will make you healthier I don't think it will. The world isn't that vegetarian friendly, and if you are one who eats out it is very hard to do so healthily at any chain restuarant unless you eat a lot of veggie burgers.

    I'll give you an example: If I go to Applebee's for dinner and I don't want a veggie burger, what are my choices? French fries, veggie patch pizza, onion rings, pasta without the meat. Everyone says get the salad, but when you order a salad there without the meat they don't add extra veggies, so you have very little protein and you're still hungary when you're done. If I ate meat I could get grilled chicken, fish, shrimp, or other lean protein with veggies and have a much more filling dinner for relatively low calories.
  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    Hey there, friend! :smile:

    I've not gone vegetarian (yet), but I'm definitely a lot closer than I used to be. The nutritional counselor I have through my insurance has given me a lot of encouragement to eat less meat and animal products. Cheese used to be my favorite food - mac & cheese is how I gained most of my weight (lol!) - and now I might have cheese twice a week. I've cut way back on beef, ham, & the like. I still eat chicken pretty regularly, but nowhere near what I used to. I travel a lot with work this time of year & if you're looking to eat less meat, there are lots of options out there. You just have to be intentional about it. Even several fast food places have more options now (think Chipotle, Jimmy Johns, Subway).

    Stephani (my counselor) also really encouraged me to eat more beans. I have been amazed at how adding black beans, kidney beans, or chick peas to a salad takes away my "poor me, I'm eating salad" feeling. Because I know the beans are giving me protein, I feel great after I have a bean-topped salad. I never would have guessed that adding them in place of chicken, ham, or turkey would be so good. Also, she said setting a goal to eat 6-8 servings of vegetables a day helps keep you eating the things you should be eating - rather than filling up on pasta, bread, etc.

    Reducing my animal product intake led me to using Silk Almond Milk. I started with the regular (60 calories/8 ounce glass), but have since switched to the unsweetened (35 calories/8 ounce glass). I couldn't tell a lot of difference in the taste and I really like the almond flavor it gives to most things. There is also a vanilla flavored option (90 cals/glass) - I'm sure it's good, but I avoided trying it because I knew I would like it & then wouldn't be able to stand the others. :wink:

    Congrats on all your hard work! You're doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    If I had the means, the support, and the will power I'd be vegan for sure :)
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    Not ready for vagan..but was thinking going down the vegetarian route- My mom is already starting the process from what she tells me so we have each others support. She does no meat entirely..or very little. I like Chicken, Fish (Talapia and Salmon are my top favorites) I like cereal once in a while and was thinking about switching to soy milk even if i don't like it..I like yogurt..regualar and greek. I like Turkey Burgers and Chicken. Not a big fan of red meat. Suggestions? I like peanuts, but tend to binge of them- so I'm trying to stay away from them. Maybe some meal ideas? :) If your a vegetarian, feel free to add me.

    Do it! But only if you *really want to.
    I was the biggest meat eater ever. Steak and ribs were my absolute favorite, I was a bacon, salmon, barbecue, fried chicken fan,too! Fast food...anything i loved eating meat! haha. On Jan 1, 2005 I decided to go cold turkey and quit eating animals for good and I haven't had meat/poultry since. I'm really glad I did. I wish I had done it when I was a kid instead of waiting until I was a teenager. I still miss meat A LOT and I've had countless dreams about it (I know, its weird).
    When I first started I knew little about nutrition and I ate a lot of junk food. I think I gained about 10-12 pounds since I started (2005) till now (2011) I'm not too sure I wasn't watching my weight then and I was still growing. I wouldn't say my weight increased BECAUSE of becoming had more to do with me not eating healthily and eating too much.
    Anyways, I'm a fan of processed vegetarian meat imitations. Sure they have unrecognizable ingredients on them, but they taste good, are not high calorie and satisfy my "meat-tooth"
    are some of my favorite brands.
    For me, being vegetarian is much more doable, than veganism. I'd suggest you try it, even if its only for a couple days out of the week. Its better for you, the environment and the animals!