Do you log when you binge?



  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    Absolutely. First because you are allowed from time to time to have a crap day. Second, to provide motivation for the remaining days of the week to burn the calories that you binged on and make it up to yourself. You should never have to feel guilty!

    :love: yes....exactly.
  • kcp0307
    kcp0307 Posts: 2
    Yes I makes me feel horrible but if you're trying to lose you just have to be honest with yourself in case you see little or no change and you want to know can look back to the log. It doesn't make sense to log only when you're "playing fair" then don't log when you're in "binge mode"! Everything counts! Unless it's zero of course!
  • AJayHubs
    AJayHubs Posts: 5
    I normally get pissed at myself and don't log it. I just tell myself I'm starting back up tomorrow.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Yes! This is the most important time to log in my opinion. Always forgive yourself, but also always learn from what you do... positive OR negative, there is always a lesson.
  • fitmom2000
    fitmom2000 Posts: 18 Member
    I think the key to long term success is to be accountable for your decisions, so if you normally log all of your food, log it in, but I would disagree with the people who say to log it in for shame. If this is going to be a sustainable lifestyle, you can't feel shame every time you "break the rules" or "break your diet," those types of emotions are negative and losing weight is about feeling better.

    The real question is - how did you physically feel after eating all of that? Did you have more energy? Did you feel strong? Did you feel satisfied? My guess is you didn't physically feel nearly as well as you do on the days you excercise and eat well, so focus on how GOOD you feel when you are making healthy choices, and you probably won't binge again for a while.

    I'm down aout 85 pounds in just under two years. It's been slow, but it's sustainable and I don't ever feel like I'm on a diet. When I plateau for too long I start logging my food again so that i keep my portion sizes in check, but honestly the occassional binge --- when that plate of cheese fries just sounds awesome after a stressful day - usually leaves me feeling physically slow and blah, and I remember that physical feeling hte next time I emotionally think I want the fries --- it's amazing how quickly the desire for the fries goes away.
  • mspris2u
    mspris2u Posts: 161 Member
    I do and sometimes I'm quite embarrassed about it. I try to write something on the notes too so I can go back and look at what triggered it.

    Sometimes when I think I did really bad it will turn out to be not so bad.. Bonus!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    depends - I have a free day once a week , so normally I do not log it, because I don't consider it a "bad" day, binge day whatever. It a planned day "free cal, no count" day.

    Generally a holiday, or planned event, would be my freeday, also.

    I have logged them before, so I do know roughly what the calorie choices will be. I understand the actually calories I am consuming roughly. But I don't really panic over it. Its just one day.

    Personally I dont feel "yucky" sick or whatever. I just enjoy a relaxed day, where I can be less concerned over the specific numbers, and take care of any craving I may have at the moment.

    All other days I do log, so if I do go over for some reason i log it. But usually it not very bad - because I have a free day once a week coming for that. :)

    I know I can have that theater popcorn, candy bar, soda, extra calorie dinner, and lunch, etc etc on my free day thats coming. So that's when I have it. Some freedays I may have a lot, some days not so much. Just depends on what I want, what I am doing at the time, and so forth. I never eat just to eat. But if I want something, I have it.

    If I really must have a cookie or two, candy bar, whatever, outside of my normal food choices on other days, I eat in moderation, track serving sizes, add it to my meals for the day, and plan accordingly with my other food choices, if I still have time. If Its at the end of the day, and I can't adjust other ares, I log it, and it is what it is. I don't do it daily, so its not a deal breaker.

    For me it works, and I never feel deprived, or "dieting", and I have lost 60 pounds. For me its not a trigger, that keeps me off track. I know the next day, I just get back to my more disciplined day to day normal plan. Its all works out.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I log it. I'm not upset about messing up one day. Plus its not like my friends and family won't notice when they see me eating or drinking it, they are the ones who point it out when I mess up and ask me did I give up when they see me eat or drink what they think I shouldn't, so why would I keep it from a log on a website its not like I don't know I ate or drank a ton more of stuff that I shouldn't have so not logging it isn't helping me any. I also like to see how much it says I would be if I kept eating like that all the time.
  • sunshinedean
    sunshinedean Posts: 82 Member
    I log it ~ I wouldn't be doing myself any favors if I didn't! I would try @ guess what I ate to be specific not quick adding it. Was it a "binge" that you need to learn from or was it a night out. I would go as far to log in the edit field what was happening if it were a binge so I can become more aware of triggers; if it was a nitght out and nothing more I would write how I felt after and the next day so I can make a better choice next night out to maybe choose healthier options or the same options only a counted serving size so you have the goodie but YOU are in control of it!! Most importantly "move on" nothing good comes from beating yourself up over it; learn from it yes but don't walo in spilt milk!! :embarassed: We have all done it!!
  • abcmom03
    abcmom03 Posts: 89 Member
    Knowing that I am going to log and my MFP buddies will see it, usually keeps me from eating something bad! Notice I said USUALLY :-)
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I promise myself that I will log everything but then when it happens I don't--so many reasons: shame/ the amount of time it would take to look up and log all that food/ shame/ the fact that I would have to measure everything I'm stuffing in my mouth/ shame....

    I get so embarrassed about it and the last thing I want to do is show my friends how much I consume at times. Ridiculous I know because the ones that matter won't drop me--I mean, the reason I'm on MFP is because I have weight to lose and the reason I have weight to lose is because I eat too much--not a huge mental leap!

    These posts have been really encouraging--to the ones who shared their reports--you are so brave!

    It makes a lot of sense to document it and own this behavior. Pretending it hasn't happened or will never happen again hasn't helped--it's time for something different.

    Thank you to all who have put themselves out there and given me some courage to do the same.
  • konamouse
    konamouse Posts: 21
    If you don't log it, how will you stay honest with yourself?

    MFP is not a grade, it's not school, it's not a parent/babysitter. It's a tool. It's feedback. It's a battle buddy/wingman.
    If you fall off, get back on the horse/bike/etc.

    Ask yourself "why did I binge?"
    - Did you let yourself get too hungry? Then don't skip meals, have pre-planned snacks. I have apples, cheese sticks, single serving peanut butter packs, carrot/celery sticks available just in case. If you are eating regular meals/snacks, try drinking a glass of water (you might be thirsty, not hungry).
    - Have you been denying yourself a favorite treat? Don't have an "all or nothing" approach. Include a favorite, just control the quantity. Make it a regular scheduled item so you have something to look forward to, and you know you get it in the future. My planned treat/cheat is frosted chocolate cake square from the grocery store (Saturday nights, and I'm enjoying it very slowly, last week it took an hour to eat it).
    - Were you responding to an emotion and/or a stress? Come up with an alternative plan to cope with those kinds of speed bumps; maybe go for a walk, call a friend (which is what Overeaters Anonymous encourages), get away from the temptation (or don't even have it in the house. My weakness is ice cream so I don't allow it in the house.

    Hope these ideas help.

    Registered Dietitian, Crossfit Masters, lifelong battle of the bulge
  • vcorbin01
    vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
    I log EVERYTHING! Keeps me accountable for stupid stuff like binging!
  • Tricialew32
    Tricialew32 Posts: 96 Member
    I log binges but I often lose track if I stray off too far so I either just add a massive amount of calories with some outrageous made up food or I'll write something in the notes area about losing track.

    I'll sometimes go about 200 calories over which I don't consider a binge.
    I don't actually accidentally binge's usually a planned debacle with photos and police reports :blushing:
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member

    It's OK to binge once in a while. I always log my binge(s). It's not about the shame or wake up call or anything. Here are my reasoning behind it.

    1) Your body does NOT reset itself at midnight every day. I am more concern about my WEEKLY net rather than my daily. The reason why we do Daily net because it is more manageable. Therefore, if you binge on one day. you have to pay for it by increasing the deficits for the rest of the week. Not logging your binge is just going to ruin the whole calculation.

    2) Well, I apologize for being bold (I'm not trying to be rude). I just want to remind you to think about the reason why you are here. You are here to lose weight and be healthier. Don't let this MFP notification distract you. It is rewarding to have your pals greet you at the end of each day that you are under the budget. And I admit, I , myself, have an urge to show my friends only my good side. But, we are here to get better. It is common to everyone to fail once in a while along the process. But, don't loose your focus on your ultimate goal. So LOG IT! stay true to your goal.

    3) Always log whatever went into your mouth. It will gives you the awareness of how you've been doing. Calories is a health currency. You cannot tell the bank not to charge your account if you overspent your budget, can you?

    My final words are:

    If you don't accept that you are of track and try to figure out where exactly you are, you'll never gonna be able to get back on track and reach your destination.
    CDMAGS Posts: 150 Member
    I don't log it...I know I shouldn't have done it but if you don't do it once in a while you won't stick with it. I also find that if you don't see how bad you did you won't be so upset that you binge more often. A cheat once in a while is needed IMO
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    I have had problems with binge eating/not eating enough in the past and that is why I originally joined MFP, I am very pleased to say that I have only had one little binge since I have been on here!!! Logging my food really helps me to stay in control and I feel so much happier and healthier!!! :smile:
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 175 Member
    In a word - no! (I don't). I would probably log it if my diary was private, but I would be too embarrassed to let others see when I really go over the top! :embarassed: Thankfully, I don't think I'm having as many binges as I used to. But to be honest, I don't even like logging if my calories are just slightly over - I feel like a failure! :frown: But I know that's stupid really.

    Sometimes (if I binge) I do add up the calories in my head (roughly) and that can be quite a shock! :noway:

    I admire those people who say they DO log binges, but I have never seen any of my MFP friends log what I would consider to be a real blow-out. Maybe they are just not as naughty as me! :ohwell:
  • chameleon77
    chameleon77 Posts: 124
    I would definitely log it in. You need to be able to see what you are putting into your body for future reference and it will help you not do it next time, maybe. :)
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    I log every single thing that goes in my mouth, although I did have one night last week where I'd already closed out my day and my phone was on the charger so I said screw it. I felt guilty about it for days. LOL