Advice on Food Diary.

So I've been debating asking for some insight on my food diary + exercise routine because I have been stuck at 160 for eons...okay, well maybe not eons but since about January. I fluctuate a couple pounds but always land back on 160 for the majority. And I should have asked this question before I had a down slide the past few days with eating. :grumble: I've just become so confused that I'm not sure I'm on the right track and the confusion has led me to fall into bad habits for a few days now. I want to get my head back in the game and would appreciate some advice.

My diary is set to public now. I do drink at least 8 cups of water 95% of the time, sometimes I just neglect to add that in. I read a blog that suggested wearing bracelets to remind yourself to drink, so I move one over each time I finish up my sports bottle of water. That shouldn't be an issue. The one issue I do know I have is packaged foods with the high sodium. I just want to see what others think- is there something else I'm doing poorly with? What suggestions do you have?

Also, I do Insanity- just finished up month 1 so my exercise routine is 6 days a week, 30-40 minutes. Sometimes, but not too often I'll add in about 20 minutes of some lifting to work on some muscles that I may not have hit during Insanity.

I'm 28, 5'8,5 and again 160lbs. I have my activity level set at sedentary because of my 8 hour desk job. Umm...I think that's all you might need to know! Or at least I hope I covered it all. Thanks in advance for your time. I appreciate it.


  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Like you said, maybe you could try cutting back on the sodium. I know other people have said that it helped them.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    yep, too much sodium and too much fat, maybe cut back on those and see if it helps. :)
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    perhaps your body is used to the lifestyle change and needs to be kick started with different cardio or lift some weights.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I skimmed through the past 2-3 weeks, and I would say there's definitely too much junk in there, even if you are under your calorie goal. Try avoiding the fast foods - I suspect calories are under-represented there, and try a diet with more fresh fruits and vegetables, and leaner proteins (chicken and fish, avoid beef for the most part), and avoid processed flours and sugars - that will get you moving again.
  • jessicafreake
    I see lots of sodium and a lot of packaged foods which you mentioned but I also notice lots of days that you rarely get enough fiber and too much fat i would add more veggies and fruit to your diet and less chips and prepackaged and processed foods. There is no problem with having treats but in moderation. If you are constantly eating them even in small amounts it can hinder your weight loss quite a bit. I hope this helps and good luck.
    Please feel free to friend me
  • fitmom2000
    fitmom2000 Posts: 18 Member
    I am new to MFP but have been losing weight over the last year and I have found that it's not just about the calories, it's about the quality of the calories, especially when you're exercising. I can eat the same number of calories from one week to the next, but I only really lose when I have a fair amount of fruits and vegetables in those calories. Consider the food your body's fuel --- your body will run better with cleaner fuel. The sodium will make a big difference, you may be holding onto more water weight than you realized, but the fruits and veggies and all the nutrients and fiber they add to your diet will make a HUGE difference, and you will actually improve your workouts, too. If you don't have a lot of time try the Birdseye steamables (not the ones with sauce), they are done in 4 min, you can bring them to work or eat them with dinner. And have a bowl of fruit at your desk to reach for when you have the munchies. In the 50 pounds I have lost so far, every time I have plateaued it has been when I increased processed foods and decreased the fresh stuff.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks all. I think I just needed to put it out there and have some great MFPers tell me what I already know but keep denying to myself. I really appreciate you all taking the time to look through my diary. All of your advice is greatly appreciated.
  • fullerlj
    fullerlj Posts: 25
    start things off by cutting out all fast food and/or anything you can get without getting out of your car. Then, move on to eliminated packaged meals...tons of sodium and not a lot of nutrients. Also you are not gonna move that scale eating cookies and ice cream. I know this may sound harsh but I am being tough because that is what it took for me to get off my plateau. I thought it would be ok to have a little cookie here and I was wrong. If you are eating these things then you will crave them and then you will give in and it all becomes a vicious cycle. You have to STOP eating them completely for at least 28 days, and then see how you feel. You CAN do this you just need to recommit and focus and you will be successful.
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    My mind just boggles at the idea of 'Pancake & Sausage on A Stick'!!!!!

    I'm an Aussie and I've no idea what that is. I dont think I want Pancake and Sausage together, and even if I did I don't know how you would put it on a stick!!!!! It's just amazing what food you can get in the US (I'm assuming that's where you are from).

    Anyway, enough other people can critic your diary, all I'm saying in that Pancake and Sausage on a Stick is an weird weird thing....
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    From what I've seen, you're not eating healthy. You're staying under your calories some days, and some days you're going way over. Plus you're eating WAY too much sodium. Ideally, your sodium intake sould be at 1500 mg. You need to be eating mostly fresh food...fruits, veggies, lean protein, whole grains. Cut out the candy, the foods high in fat, the chips. You need to really revamp the way you eat if you want to lose more weight. If you do that, and drink TONS of water, you'll start losing again. I'd suggest flushing your system by drinking a gallon of water per day and eating foods with tiny amounts of sodium. That should get you on your way!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    My mind just boggles at the idea of 'Pancake & Sausage on A Stick'!!!!!

    I'm an Aussie and I've no idea what that is. I dont think I want Pancake and Sausage together, and even if I did I don't know how you would put it on a stick!!!!! It's just amazing what food you can get in the US (I'm assuming that's where you are from).

    Anyway, enough other people can critic your diary, all I'm saying in that Pancake and Sausage on a Stick is an weird weird thing....
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: hence America's overweight epidemic. It actually looks like a corn dog but is pancake batter with link sausage or weenie or something inside, I'm not sure but you can get just about anything on a stick here.:huh: Anyway to the thread starter, I know what you're going through with the sodium thing. It is very hard to avoid because mostly everything you eat(especially packaged, processed, or fast) is super loaded with it. It's better to cook your food and add in as many veggies and fruits as possible and you still have to watch it. It creeps up easily. On a better note, your exercise routines may be causing some of this and will change later. Insanity builds muscle and so does weight training, so you're automatically gonna gain some water from that too and when you're building muscle the scale always goes up....not forever though, just be patient and try each day to improve the diet. You can add me if you like because I'm pretty much going thru the same thing. Stick with it and you'll be fine.:smile: