

  • The last 10 are killing me too. So hard!!
  • I did the 14 week lighter life programme from September - December 09. Was the best thing i ever did. I lost 3.5 Stone on the programme and since then have lost just under another 1.5 Stone making my total weightloss almost 5 stone. I am so pleased i did Lighter Life as i needed to get the bulk of the weight off before…
  • Im on day 13 - and day 3 of level 2. Keep going, its totally worth it. Level 2 makes me sweat way more than level 1 but i see it as a challenge, i was starting to get bored if level 1 so was pleased to progress a level. Can really see difference in my shape so thats keeping me going and motivated!
  • I think i must be lucky as i dont seem to be too sore after. During...yes haha day 13 for me today and day 3 on Level 2. I deffo sweat more on this level than level one.Very happy with the results i can see so far so am totally motivated to keep going
  • You're right! Level 2 hurts lol but will definately be worth it!
  • well, thank you for that post because it has definately given me extra motivation to kick some butt on level 2 lol
  • i am just about to start level 2 of the 30 Day Shred, having done 10 days of level 1. Took some before photos (thou i didnt do measurements) and took some more photos this morning, and it wasn't until i compared them side by side that i was like 'hey, there is a big difference' and my friend who i sent them to said she…
  • Hiiiii from Essex
  • Am sure they were no more than £20 was a few yrs back but know i didnt spend much on them
  • I just bought an electronic set from Tesco, nothing massively expensive or anything. Seem fairly accurate, my housemate says they say the same as the scales do at her slimming world class
  • Mini haribo packets, lots of the local parents bring their kids round so i like to get some sweets in for them. They look so cute dressed up. We dont celebrate it much in England but a small 16g pack kf jelly sweets wont kill them, so i think why not. I would love to experience halloween USA style. I bet its amazing
  • I only use mine with wifi :) my phone is good enough to use out and about.
  • I love my iPad and i was worried also that i wouldnt use it enough/novelty would wear off, i too also have a laptop and smartphone. But i actually use my iPad daily (on it now) find it far easier to grab to check up on things on mfp/facebook etc than getting out my bulky laptop. Only thing frustrates me is you cant upload…
  • Green tea with apple and pear is really good! But then i like "plain/black" green tea anyways.
  • Beautiful dress, and you look just as beautiful in it. My best friends wedding dress was a designer imitation, made for her measurements etc cost less than £200 and was simply stunning. And all that money saved went towards other parts of the wedding. Congrats and enjoy your big day xx
  • I constantly have to pee, like every 5 mins, drives me mad lol. And im probs a bit bad, but i havent totally cut out fizzy drinks. I sometimes allow myself 1 glass of cherry pepsi max in the day (sugar free etc) because its just soooo tasty. But.....its not everyday and its just one glass so i see it as my treat - i find…
  • Im in the UK. Apart from chocolate and tea bags, our food sucks haha. Can i get PB2 in UK? (im gonna assume not) lol
  • Congrats! Thats amazing. My sisters friend did aerobics classes until she was pretty much at her due date. But deffo speak to your doctor :) x
  • Whipped peanut butter sound soooo good. Bet thats another American product hey? (oh how i long to live in the states!)
  • I can run bettet/further on the tredmill, it forces me to pace myself, whereas when im road running im useless lol i end up going way too fast as im conscious of people seeing me (and think im going slow - silly huh?) so i cant run nearly as far. Not that i cant actually run that far yet lol think my best yet on tredmill…
  • Im in the UK and at the end of Day 3 with blackberry issues! Driving me insane. Cant wait for my upgrade. Wont be staying with bb.
  • This is like plain spaghetti like youd put with meatballs etc? I always go uncooked weight with pasta. A serving size is normally around 75g. I would say the second figure of 371cals per 100g is the most likely. My 75g of wholemeal spaghetti (weighed as dry - not cooked) today was 245cals. Pasta gets heavier once its…
  • 14th July 1984
  • I have it with some pb and raisins in every morning. Keeps me nice and full until lunchtime.
  • I suffer with it. Its horrible. Lately ive been seriously struggling with it :( its awful. Have been battling it for just over half my life so far. Some days/times are easier than others. X
  • I have a low cal hot chocolate (as someone has already mentioned) i find it helps with my sweet tooth cravings and is also fairly filling. Normally i go between options or cadburys highlights. Calories depend on flavour but all seem to be around 40 cals per serving.
  • Oh cool, thanks, have a holland and barrett in town, will check it out. Ive given it up for far too long, time to bring a little back into the diet.
  • Hey. Thanks, im giving up with the iPad. Attempted to quote and it all went wrong. Technology eh? Thank you for the advice :) wont need to spend forever in store comparing labels now.
  • I am soooo excited about this, am currently finding out which of my friends want to come to the Twiathlon with me so i can book seats (gotta sit at the back!) i seriously cannot wait. Saw the trailer for the first time in the cinema last week and got soooo excited!! Even contemplated buying a new Team Edward hoodie for the…