TMI question.. Oh gosh!



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    This is the result of drinking more water than your body actually needs. Sure, drinking a relative excess of water won't harm you, but as you're seeing, it'll make you pee far more than before.

    Your 8 glasses a days doesn't mean you have to actually DRINK 8 glasses of pure water a day. Don't forget you get a large portion of this from your fruit/veg, not to mention tea/coffee/soda/juice etc.
  • paravision
    glad to see I'm not the only one lol

    Anyone else in the early days ?

    I'm day 3.. and feel like I could sleep for a week..
    ME ME ME! I started Monday! 6.3 lbs down! Hot damn!
  • lilscuder
    lilscuder Posts: 88 Member
    One thing I've learned about myself. If I drink water ( liquids) it goes right through me if I don't have any food in my stomach.
  • supergirlsu
    I constantly have to pee, like every 5 mins, drives me mad lol.
    And im probs a bit bad, but i havent totally cut out fizzy drinks. I sometimes allow myself 1 glass of cherry pepsi max in the day (sugar free etc) because its just soooo tasty. But.....its not everyday and its just one glass so i see it as my treat - i find the sweet taste to the cherry flavour stops me wanting chocolate etc.
    But that aside....cant wait to stop peeing every 5 mins lol.
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    Your system is being flushed out, it will lessen soon when your body has gotten used to it and cleansed itself.
  • kirakaydawn
    glad to see I'm not the only one lol

    Anyone else in the early days ?

    I'm day 3.. and feel like I could sleep for a week..
    ME ME ME! I started Monday! 6.3 lbs down! Hot damn!

    WAY TO GO!
  • kirakaydawn
    I have SJOGREN's < You can google it if you want..
    I take tablets so I didn't think it was the reason for everything..

    Basically I spoke to my dr.. Apparently my body even on my tablets isn't taking in the fluids I'm drinking..

    he checked and I was Dehydrated.. Changed my med's now and we shall see how I go..

    He said other then the dehydration and as long as my pee wasn't dark yellow or around that color I shouldn't stress..

    He did have a lil whinge about it bu