

  • I hear you! I am finally honest, too!
  • I actually went to that exact one when I worked in the area. It's a big gym for people who are really into "the gym", you know, the guys grunting and ogling themselves in the mirror, making other people a little uncomfortable. For me, it was a little bit intimidating. I always needed my headphones for "protection". On the…
  • 4000 calories??? That will make most people GAIN big time. Make sure you entered your information correctly.
  • That's a good way to throw your body into starvation mode. BAD IDEA!
  • At 5'7" and 118 lbs, you are on the verge of underweight, so it isn't healthy to be trying to lose more. If you want to tone, do exercises like the other posters say, but where you lose weight is up to your body, not something you can control, so losing more weight may not shrink your bottom half.
  • OMG, I know! I don't think I ever even put in on anything except a spoon!
  • Vegetables in bulk! I buy granola bars, Boca burgers, chicken breasts, frozen veggies, and a bag of pears or apples in bulk on a pretty regular basis. Also, a lot of store brands are starting to carry leaner dairy products, which is good news. Just check the labels and you will be fine!
  • When you say "lift", do you just mean a dead lift, or like a bench press? I am 108 lbs right now and I can bench 70-75 lbs for a single shot, but I stick to 12-15 reps with the bar (45 lbs) so I don't get too bulky...
  • Check out this site to do the calculations for you: Depending on the type of chicken (leg, thigh, breast), the size of the tortillas, and the amount of cheese, 800 calories could be right, but you might have to use the link above or log it in pieces to find out. Opt for…
  • The best part of this is that one of the side effects of the medication is probably increasing your LDL (bad cholesterol). That'd be the kicker! You know, like the asthma medications that increase the risk of asthma-related death?
  • You are doing great! If you let a little slow-down get to you, you will most likely put all of the weight back on. It's only if you keep pushing yourself to stay on track that you will see any more progress. First off, don't stress about fluctuations in a few days - that's just a matter of water and *ahem* waste in your…
  • You might want to build in a rest day so you don't get too tired, but you are alternating muscles groups, which is good. However, instead of doing *just* shoulders and triceps one day, trying working your whole upper body. Or, at least, if you work your triceps, work your biceps as well, chest and back, etc.
  • That's a good idea! Thanks!
  • I agree. I am helping my sister move this weekend, which should get my heart going and my arms and legs working, so that I will log. But I will probably do some "spot cleaning" and shopping, too, which I won't count because it's not strenuous.
  • Ok, so normally, I love Kashi food. BUT, I just bought two kinds of their "frosted" looking fruit and grain TLC bars, pumpkin pie and chocolate raspberry. ICK! :grumble: They have this layer of unnatural gritty goop on top of them, which is sticky but somehow doesn't stick to the packaging. The goop gets all stuck on my…
  • OK, as a teller, I've gotta explain this one. If you make a check out to cash, ANYONE can cash it. However, if you gave the check to somebody without an account there, they could cash it at your bank, but the teller would have to follow a different process to cash it (generally fingerprinting and/or a second ID). Just have…
  • Hmmm... never been there, but there is one nearby. Buffet, right? Bad news bears as far as I am concerned.
  • Calorie counter beware - it is SO easy to eat the whole thing! :happy: My grandma used to make something like this (with full-sugar, full-fat ingredients), and I could NOT control my portions! However, if all 4 servings have 248 calories, I'd be more inclined to have this in my house! Thanks for the recipe!
  • I heard once that Dr. Oz (on Oprah) says you are supposed to "suck it in" when you measure your waist? Mine doesn't get tons smaller, but I'll take what I can get! I know this wouldn't work for measuring for clothes, but it's one way to compare apples to apples when you are trending your inches lost. Personally, I like to…
  • Just build it into your day. I like red wine or Southern Comfort and Diet Coke. Just look it up first - you might be surprised at the calories. Only you can decide if the calories are worth it for you. For me, I have only one or two drinks a night because after that, I start to lose control of what I'm eating. You know,…
  • I'm voting for Bob, too. I've only watched BL once, but I did one of Jillan's workouts on Fitness TV and I had to shut it off because I was tired of her berating me... NOT motivating.
  • That's actually how I first realized I can't stand Jillian Michaels! :mad: At least it didn't cost me anything!
  • So sorry you are struggling with your disorder. I don't have an eating disorder, but I have bipolar, so I can relate. Keep on your doc to try new meds until you feel balanced. I have heard some good things about Lamictal, but I know how it is with meds - one person's miracle is another's demise. Depakote worked for my…
  • This is actually an old trick that neurologists are just starting to understand. There was a study going on when I was in college where they had people with one side of their body affected by a stroke walking forward and backward. Compared to the control group (no stroke), the brain activity was very different when walking…
  • And, invest in an air popper if you don't already have one! Air popped popcorn has fewer calories than even the lightest microwave popcorn, and it's cheaper! For salty snacks, I also like Quaker Quakes (mini rice cakes). They have ranch and cheese, and I think caramel, too. I portion them out, because 7-10 cakes have 70…
  • I found myself in a very similar situation recently. After some soul searching, I realized that I was binging because I was craving something, but I didn't want to eat it OR because I was bored. I keep small portions of my very favorite things in the house: dark chocolate truffles, single-serving ice cream, etc. When I…
  • How exciting! Keep up the good work! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Water is important for overall health. Not drinking enough water can damage your kidneys and skin elasticity. Plus, drinking water helps you feel full, which is a good weight loss trick. That being said, I HATE drinking water!!!:sick: I have a cup of tea or coffee in the morning, and another at night, but that's it. So, I…
  • I am a big fan of most of them: the Mexican and Italian foods are some of my favorites. The butternut squash ravioli is my #1. The seafood ones are so-so. I have had a few shrimp-and-pasta ones where the shrimp was particularly brine-y. Also try Smart Ones or Healthy Choice meals to mix things up a bit. (Plus, you can…
  • That's unusual. My mom and I had been pestering my grandma to take control of her weight after reaching a BMI of 40, which came with type II diabetes and coronary bypass surgery. Because my mom had great success on Nutrisystem, she and Gram brought it up with Gram's cardiologist, and he practically jumped out of his seat…