Suggestions for low calorie snacks after dinner

I stay up pretty late usually and I start getting hungry or snacky for bad foods around 9-10pm. I do great on my diet throughout the week and I am getting my exercise in with no problems....but I am just having problems after 9 pm...I have tried drinking a ton of cold water and it doesn't help....any suggestions?


  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    I stay up pretty late usually and I start getting hungry or snacky for bad foods around 9-10pm. I do great on my diet throughout the week and I am getting my exercise in with no problems....but I am just having problems after 9 pm...I have tried drinking a ton of cold water and it doesn't help....any suggestions?
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Sunflower seeds! Okay, they are NOT low calorie - but they are very time consuming to eat! I am a idle hands muncher. Whenever I'm watching a show, I feel the need to eat. So, I found something that kept my hands busy. You have to get the seeds still in their shell (low sodium is best if you can find them). 1/4 cup last night kept me constantly busy for about 3 hours. Of course, if you're a pro sunflower seed eater, it may not keep you busy for as long.

    Strawberries is another great snack in the evening. To me, its like eating candy. Occasionally I will sprinkle them with a tsp of powdered sugar, but most of the time they don't even need it.

    Popcorn is always good - and if you absolutely must have something on it, save yourself calories and instead of butter/salt use BBQ sauce! :bigsmile: Its weird, I know, but I discovered it while dirt poor and could not afford butter. Its actually pretty great.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I really like to make some lettuce rolls around low fat lunch meat. Take 4 lettuce leafs and put on a slice of low fat turkey or ham on each add a little mustard and roll. It usually is under 100 calories. It feels like you ate a lot and the protein makes it filling.
  • MellyG426
    MellyG426 Posts: 91 Member
    I too stay up late and get hungry right around that time. I asked my trainer if it was okay to eat, being that shes a nutritionist and chef (woo hoo!) and she says as long as you don't eat refined sugars, processed foods or carbs like white breads and such you can eat before you go to bed. Because it allows your body to burn something while your sleeping. My suggestion is any kind of fruit, yogurts, veggies and hummus!!! :love: popcorn is ok, even a bowl of whole grain cereal with some skim milk, or vanilla soy milk, isn't a bad thing. To be quite honest, some days I do follow this rule, other days when Ive had a bad night at work, I come home and enjoy a heavenly 150 calorie skinny cow treat! I may not be the biggest loser and losing 10 lbs a week, BUT I am working my butt off, I'm doing it right and I'm allowing myself to still enjoy food! Just healthier....

    Good luck!!!
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I like to suppress my nighttime cravings with some Mandarin Orange Green Tea. I don't generally drink green tea without adding sugar or honey but this stuff is awesome and I can drink it without anything else in it. It's good for metabolism amongst many other good things is does for your body.
  • crosstitcher0563
    Hi :smile:

    I save calories for snacks in the evening. I eat an apple every evening. Sometimes I eat an orange, but most the time its an apple and some water.

    Lately, I've tried those Weight Watcher's ice cream cups because they were on sale. They are 1/2 cup of low calorie ice cream which comes to about 140-170 calories. They make you feel like you've cheated, but are small portion/low calorie. They are sooooo good after working out and you're hot and sweaty.

    I also like fruit cups and yogurt. Dannon's light and fit yogurt is only 80 calories and peach fruit cups are 80 calories also.

    They say celery is a good snack because its something to chew and chewing it burns all the calories. I never could eat it plain without cheese or peanut butter-- so I don't recommend it.
  • dangerkitty2001
    I am finding all kinds of low-cal snacks...Jiffy Pop Healthy Pop has 20 calories for a cup of microwave popcorn. If you have to have chocolate, 30 chocolate chips is 70 calories, and a 3 Musketeers Mint is 150 calories. And I know soda is no good, but sometimes it fills my cravings to have a 20 oz bottle of Diet 7Up or Pepsi calories and no sugars. :smile:
  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you so much for the suggestions! I have already tried some of the ideas! THank you!
  • valina
    valina Posts: 9
    Thanks for the post and replies. I'm just finishing up my week on the Miracle Soup Diet to jump start my low fat eating and approach. I also am a nighttime snacker and this was very informative - thanks.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I do the Diet Rootbeer and fat free whip cream floats......YUM and like 60 cals
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey on the popcorn thing, sprinkle a small amount of powder meat tenderizer...its like having butter, salt and cheese!

  • Cookn
    Cookn Posts: 21
    We really like the Jello Sugar free Pudding snacks. They are 60 or 70 calories and come in some sinful flavors.
  • greeneggsam
    Hey on the popcorn thing, sprinkle a small amount of powder meat tenderizer...its like having butter, salt and cheese!


    And, invest in an air popper if you don't already have one! Air popped popcorn has fewer calories than even the lightest microwave popcorn, and it's cheaper!

    For salty snacks, I also like Quaker Quakes (mini rice cakes). They have ranch and cheese, and I think caramel, too. I portion them out, because 7-10 cakes have 70 calories, but I can munch through a 5-serving bag if I'm not paying attention. Pistachios are also great. Like sunflower seeds, they take some work to eat, and are one of the lower-calorie nuts out there.

    For sweet, I like single-serving ice cream cups and Fudgcicles. I hear good things about the Skinny Cow brand, too, but they're a little pricey for me.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I save cals for evening snack. It depends on how many cals are left over:

    6 baby carrots and 1 oz of Hummus
    1 tlbs peanut butter and 4 whole wheat crackers
    6 strawberries and 8 oz LF milk
    1 oz LF cheddar cheese and 4 ww crackers
  • velvetwing
    My favorites....
    40 cal fudge bars -- Love them !
    also I like a diced up granny smith apple sprinkled with cinnamon, heated in the microwave for about 30 seconds. yumyum