

  • Hey there! I am from St. Louis (south county) I am back n MFP for an attempt to loose some of the pounds I have gained back since stating my weightloss journey a little over a year ago. Good luck
  • I have a baked Sweet and Sour chicken reciepe and Mongolian beef reciepe at home. I will post tonight. YUM!
  • Age: 31 Gender:Female Married? Yes (newly wed) Kids? 1 Goal weight: 155 Current weight: 180.2 Height: 5'9" Favorite exercise: walking/ swimming Least favorite exercise: areobics Pets? 2 cats Calorie goal: 1300 Special dietary needs: watching sodium intake and cholestrol How often do you work out? Right now I am struggling…
  • I am right there with you. I have been so busy planning my wedding, getting married and trying to get life back in check the past two months that I have lost all motivation. I have been overwhelmed and stressed. Add on top of that getting home late because my sons in activities. Makes it difficult to cook and excersise. I…
  • I think this is an excellent way to look at holiday eating as long as we dont keep using this as an everyday excuse. I was lucky, with 22 diffrent types of cookies, fudge, pumpkin bread, and peanut butter balls all baked or prepared by me I have been able to maintain my current weight.
  • For me it isnt until I begin baking. I call it the "BAKING SEASON". This past weekend baking season opened. So far I have been successful in not eating a whole batch of cookie dough.
  • Covered an emergency fill in shift for a client. Now onto lunch! Turkey dumplings.
  • i have always been fairly big. Raised myself on microwavable meals since I was 8 years old. Well about 6 years ago I started going to a gym and working with a personal trainer. I lost an amazing amount of weight, became the smallest I had been in a long time (maybe even as far back as Jr. High). I was so confident in…
  • I love hibachi. I almost always get the Salmon just because I find it so yummy and I have yet to figure out how to cook it at home without killing it. The last time I went I ate all of my salmon, veggies, about a 1/4th of the rice shrimp and salad and remained under 800 calories for the meal. That was until my birthday…
  • Way to go! Keep doing amazing things.
  • I really want a kinect for the xbox 360 and I have had numerous opportunities to get one but i just keep talking myself out of it because i am scared that i wont use it.
  • Yikes! 1570 for my total. Oh well it is all worth it if you plan to work it off in the end. This year I am cooking for myself and the leftovers so Maybe I will plan to just space my one meal into three smaller ones.
  • Have you tried curbing your craving with something similar as I type I am having my breakfast which is two whole grain blueberry waffles from eggo just 180 calories for both and I have peanut butter on them for protien. I crave pizza, chineese and mexican food.
  • My cholestorol level. I just turned 30. I was borer line high when I went to my primary doctor for the first time (establishing a new one). I quickly went home and decided to change. It also helps that I have a pending wedding to keep me motivated. I am looking to be here for a long time. To be healthy and the best I can…
  • There are some amazing reciepes on here. I love spicy pepper steak, Steak strogganoff and mexican chicken. Search crock pot reciepes.
  • That sure gave me a big chuckle. I love my crockpot and your right it sure has helped my diet. Last month I tried cooking some meals without the crock pot and I found myself more hungry and less filled with flavor. This month I have returned. In fact tonight is on of my favorites from MFP. Spicy pepper steak. I would love…
  • I would have to say that Bubble Guppies would be my favorite but I enjoy others Wizzards of Waverly place is my favorite disney show. Just keeps putting a little kid in all of us. Nothing wrong with it.
  • I did the 30 day shred. Once I completed that I continued on changing between the levels. I loved the way the work outs flowed.
  • My all time favorite is a skor candy bar. Currently I like 100 Grands
  • Turkey. You can change your chicken and turkey up in sausage, ground, breast ect.
  • The ones I have fit loose around my legs and I am not a huge fan of them but my guy also likes them so I guess if it makes them happy and it isnt killing me I can deal with them on special occasions other wise I will stick to my granny and maternity panties for now lol
  • Thank you I look forward to seeing what you have. I will add my favorites as I try them lol.
  • My favorite close to work is the Grove deli. I especially love thier salads and Buffalo chicken salad sandwhich. Unhealthy would be Lions choice.
  • I love Fiber Plus Antioxidants carmel pecan crunch. YUMMMY!
  • Subway really isnt healthy at all. The sandwhichs are loaded with sodium. The bread is no where near whole grain. I would agree it is better then some other fast food options. If I were to go there now knowing what I have learned durning this venture I would choose to do a salad loaded with veggies or a wrap.
  • Hello Fellow Missourian. I am so sorry to hear about your difficult year. I understand that feeling. I find it so helpful once you have the support from myfitnesspal folks. They are great at encouraging and motivating. I can do my best to help you if you wish to add me.
  • Well Hello! I will wish you a ton of success. Advice would be to stay true to your goal. If you want to loose log every day. I know I dont have the right to say that because I struggle sometimes with this especially on the weekend but I know that when I log I am much more accountable. Again Good Luck.
  • Although I have been sidelined from running for awhile. My favorite race is the St. Patricks Day run or Turkey trot here in St. Louis. I like these because the turn out is so great and on the St. Pats day race what more could you ask for at the finish line but green beer. Not to mention St. Louis in itself is an amazing…
  • I would suggest not getting the meal and bringing your own drink water of course is the best but you could do something like crystal light for flavor way better then the sodas. If you get the meal because you think it is cheaper its really not especially if you dont want the drink. Although my last thought is your worrying…