Hello from Missouri!

Hi all, my name is JoAnne and I live in Missouri. I joined this site a couple of weeks ago when a friend suggested it, and while I DO find it helpful to be accountable to myself with seeing things in black and white.. I still find that I need someone to keep me on track and motivated. I have to be reminded or shamed into going to the gym (lol) to go, even though once there I DO enjoy it.

Last year I lost 36 pounds while doing a Biggest Loser challenge at work. I was feeling better about myself and was enjoying the workouts and lifestyle changes, and then life happened. My best friend got sick and was in the hospital for a while, and then once she was out of the hospital, my Dad was diagnosed with Cancer (and passed away in Feb)... it's been a rough year, and I know that I have to get back on track, but I'm having trouble forcing myself to do it.

I am 5'5" tall, and 305 pounds, and know that I have to change my habits, but I'm out of ideas. Help FitnessPals!


  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Well hello from SPF Mo
  • Hello Fellow Missourian. I am so sorry to hear about your difficult year. I understand that feeling.

    I find it so helpful once you have the support from myfitnesspal folks. They are great at encouraging and motivating. I can do my best to help you if you wish to add me.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    Hi! First, feel free to add me as a friend for motivation and support. I'm just like you re: the gym. I hate to go, but once I'm finished, I always feel better. My motivation for going is that I have prepaid (yikes!) for 6 months of training sessions.

    Set an exercise goal for yourself for the next 7-10 days. We'll celebrate with you!
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello from Kansas!! You can do this!!
    Best of luck on your journey. MFP is a fabulous site!!
  • Kaytee233
    Kaytee233 Posts: 54 Member
    Hey! I'm from Missouri too! Best of luck....Sent you a friend request feel free to add me :)