

  • Hi!! Tall here too!! I'm 5'9 and when I was a size 6, I still weighed 148 pounds, and I was told I was too thin ALL the time!!! I look back at pictures and I'm amazed, I really WAS thin!! So, since I decided to lose weight and deal with my PCOS issues, I had told myself I don't "need" to ever be a 6 again, I don't think…
  • I do that too, exercise more so I know if I want a scoop of ice cream I can have it!!! Especially in the summertime, I get cravings for ice cream a LOT!! I found sugar free Bryars ice cream at the grocery store, and it's only 90 calories for a half scoop!!! Not too bad!!! :wink:
  • Just got done doing the 20 minute express!!!! It's not much, but it's something!! I'm tired!! :yawn:
  • Thanks for all the input, I really appreciate that!!!! I get all confused and conflicted with the whole "not eating enough calories" thing. Everyone has their own opinions, and I've read quite a few, I just wish I knew what worked best for me!! I've been at this since March 1st, so I'm still learning!!! :smile:
  • I want in too!! Just got the DVD's!!! :smile:
  • Thank you!!! I work pretty hard at it..... no short cuts!!! I just put it in as High Impact Aerobics for now. I was really tired afterwards, wow!!! :noway:
  • Hi!! I too have been diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder, it sucks to put it bluntly!!! :wink: Back when I was first diagnosed, in 2003, I lost a TON of weight from being so nervous all the time. Then I got pregnant with my second son later that year, and gained 75 pounds during those 9 months!! I've never been able to…
  • I want to try this as well. I'm SO scared to do it though!! I never eat my calories for the day, due to so many extra exercise calories. I thought maybe I'd lose more if I ate more, but I'm not sure. There are so many conflicting opinions out there.... I don't want to make it worse on myself!!! :ohwell:
  • Thank you everyone!!! :smile: I have taken this tracking stuff seriously I suppose...... I was shocked and MAD when I read how much I ate that was BAD for dinner!!! I guess it shows my determination though..... like someone had said, normally I would have thrown in the towel and at bad the rest of the week, but I'm NOT…
  • I don't "splurge" per say on the weekends..... but I DO eat back more of my exercise calories, by having a treat or two like ice cream or chocolate. I don't go over my calories, but I don't eat "diet" food either!! I have to have my ice cream, especially in the summertime, or I'll go insane!!! :wink:
  • I don't "splurge" per say on the weekends..... but I DO eat back more of my exercise calories, by having a treat or two like ice cream or chocolate. I don't go over my calories, but I don't eat "diet" food either!! I have to have my ice cream, especially in the summertime, or I'll go insane!!! :wink:
  • This is my favorite show now, I just LOVE it!!! Hilarious!!!! :laugh: I too really like how they make it about everyday people, instead of people who look like super models who have perfect lives!!! It's really a great show!!! Oh, and whoever said they love Molly's sister..... I agree!! Love her!! She's a CRACK up!!!…
  • I know I lost inches this past month, I did check that out!! I'm happy about the loss of inches, that's for sure!!! I just want the pounds to keep coming off too...... It's just such a struggle!!! :ohwell:
  • Thanks...... I'll try to eat more this week, even though it scares me!!!! :grumble:
  • You guys are awesome, thank you!!!! I always have around 800 calories left at the end of the day. Maybe I need to eat more?? I'm afraid to though...... I don't want to gain. I never eat 1200 net.... I exercise alot so I always have extra calories....... Could this be the problem?? :embarassed:
  • Someone will always have something to say!!! Just keep on keeping on!!! You're doing great!!! :smile: My dad told me last week that he's worried that I'm becoming "obsessive" with this weight loss thing..... I haven't lost THAT much, geesh!! When I lose another 30 pounds, THEN he can say something!!! :wink: Have a great…
  • I have to echo what another poster said. I don't have cheat meals or whatever either. I eat what I want for the most part, and I exercise everyday. If I want something sweet, I have it, I'm just sure to check my calorie intake for the day to make sure I won't go over. To date, I have never gone over in my calories!!! I…
  • I didn't take pictures back in March.... I should have!!! I do see a little difference, my clothes are fitting better too. I just don't "see" a huge difference. I'm sure I lost more than 17 pounds at this point, I haven't weighed myself in 3 weeks, I only do it once a month!! It's all so frustrating!! Can't give up…
  • Thanks!!! It's frustrating because I never used to have a flabby stomach..... I've only been diagnosed with PCOS in the past year, when I started gaining weight quickly for no apparent reason. I've had 2 kids, but my youngest is 7 so I can't blame it on "baby weight" anymore!! :laugh: I do alot of ab exercises, and I can…
  • I almost gave up. I took 2 days off...... but I actually DID the shred today!!! I'm still exhausted and sweaty afterwards, out of breath too...... but I'm trying!! Level 2 still....... :wink:
  • I get frustrated with all the counting too. I personally don't worry about my sodium and what not, I just stay under my calories and watch my fat intake. I can't worry about every little thing, I'd drive myself nuts!! I too have PCOS so I know what you mean, we're already at a disadvantage..... :frown: Just hang in there…
  • I'm sorry you got hurt....... :frown: Give yourself lots of credit though, you've done well!! The Shred is NOT easy to do...... it is so much harder then I thought it would be. I worry about my knee because of the torn ACL, so I have to be super careful. I want to lose weight, but I don't want to end up hurting myself.…
  • My knees are killing me..... I think I'm taking today off. I had knee surgery from a torn ACL and doing the shred every single day has been so hard!!! Level 2 is so hard!! I don't want to be a quitter though guys...... I really don't!!! Help!!! :sad:
  • Thanks for the encouragement!!! :smile: I really just wish I could see a difference when I look in the mirror....... I hope sometime SOON I finally wake up and see that I've made some progress!!! So frustrating!!!
  • Well, I did my Level 2 shred today...... Day 5. It about killed me!!! Ugh!!! :sad: Stupid planks!!! I actually went grocery shopping, cleaned up the house, and did some gardening first, so my body was warmed up..... didn't help!!! I have such a headache!!!! Ok, I'll stop complaining now, sorry...... just a rough day. Oh,…
  • Level 2 day 4...... but I skipped yesterday!!! :ohwell: I still feel like I'm going to die when it's over with...... I can do some of the moves easier though. I never thought I'd stick with this because it's just SO hard!!! I can't do as many of those last set of planks/abs...... I have to stop and rest because I can't…
  • Yeah, my net is around 350 tonight..... not near 1200!! :ohwell: I'm tall, 5ft 9..... so I guess from what you're saying I should eat more...... I will check out those links too...... It''s so hard to wrap my head around the idea of eating MORE to lose weight....... I'm trying though........ :embarassed:
  • That's a great feeling, I'm sure!! Good for you!! :smile:
  • Getting ready to do Day 2 of Level 2!! I can't do planks, and I have a bad knee, so this level is VERY challenging for me!! I can't give up though!!! I can't even imagine what level 3 is like..... I'm scared to find out! :noway:
  • Well, I did Level 2 today for the first time....... OMG..... I can't do planks, let alone walking push ups!! I sure hope I get better at it, I almost fell on my face twice today!!! :ohwell: