Question for those with PCOS.....

Hi!! :smile:

I have PCOS, and was told by my dr that more fat around the belly is a side effect. Well, I've lost weight, been exercising
like crazy, staying under my calories, etc...... just trying really hard. I've been doing measurements for a few weeks, and
I have lost inches everywhere but my stomach!!! It's upsetting. Could this have anything to do with PCOS???? :frown:

Also, I worry about my stomach not going down, because of ovarian cysts. I have had surgery twice to remove them, and
both times my belly was puffy before I knew I had the cysts. Am I overthinking all of this??? Any ideas?

Thanks and Happy Friday!!! :flowerforyou:


  • mzdiana87
    mzdiana87 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi i myself have pcos and have been struggling with this for 5 years. The only way that i have been able to see my stomach go down was by doing the atkins diet it seems that all the carbs go right to that midsection. Since i limited to only 20 net carbs a day for the induction period i have lost significant inches from my belly. I think it is harder to loose weight in that section but its not impossible keep your head up stay strong it will dissapear when you least expect it.
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    I carry most of my weight around my stomach too, and I also have PCOS. First off even with out the PCOS stomach/belly fat is the hardest to get rid of. It likes to hang on in that area and as a woman you are suppose to have a *little* bit of extra fat around there anyways in preparation for childbirth so it's going to be hard to lose.

    I know how worrisome it can be to think about getting ovarian cysts again. My first thought is that if you're worried go to your doctor and have him check things out that way you don't stress as stress can lead to fat retention especially in the belly area. Second have your periods been coming, have they become irregular or stopped? It's when my TOM acts up that I know I need to worry and go get looked at to check for any new cysts.

    Good luck darling and try not to get frustrated keep up all the great work you've been doing and eventually that belly will fall away, and make sure to take care of your health by regular doctors appointments so you don't slow down your progress with worry!

  • kahlah23
    kahlah23 Posts: 16 Member
    I have also struggled with PCOS about 15 years and the belly is the first place I gain it and the last place to lose it. I was told by doctors that is because people with PCOS are insulin resistant causing our pancreas to not work as efficient which causes the extra belly fat. I wish you luck with your weight loss. I know it's difficult but it can be done. Keep your head up!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I have PCOS and I have a bigger stomach, but I also have two children.
    Have you lowered your carbs? I keep my carbs under 100 (usually 50-60 per day). I eat very little bread type items, keep fruit to a reasonable amount and keep those higher sugar items to a minimum as well (the low fat yogurts and such are filled with sugar). There was a documentary called Fat Head (no, one freak out on that said once you drop down your carb intake the body dips into the fat around your stomach. You're doing great on your weight loss, congrats! I know that you're aggravated about your stomach but take a step back and look at what you've accomplished this far :)
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    Thanks!!! It's frustrating because I never used to have a flabby stomach..... I've only been diagnosed with PCOS
    in the past year, when I started gaining weight quickly for no apparent reason. I've had 2 kids, but my youngest is
    7 so I can't blame it on "baby weight" anymore!! :laugh:
    I do alot of ab exercises, and I can feel the muscle under the flab...... I just wish the flab would go away!!! Grrr!!:grumble:
  • 04_harrison_p
    04_harrison_p Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm 18 and also have this problem :( I've always had stomach fat which is disproportionate to the rest of my body.
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    bump....i'll be back later to comment :)