bmqbonnie Member


  • I have gained upwards of 5 lbs before overnight if there is a combination of a big salty meal, a tough workout, not enough water, and PMS. Keep at it. If you're logging you know the math makes it impossible for it to be "real" weight. Frustrating as hell I know. But congrats on being so close and keep at it and you will be…
  • There is quite the air of creeperness in his recent forum activity, isn't there...
  • When facebook ads have figured out that you're a fitness freak and starts changing their ads accordingly. Many foods now taste too sweet or too salty. Salads can be delicious. You get an epic cheat meal at a restaurant and not only are you a little disappointed that that kind of food just doesn't taste as good as it used…
  • Well that was disturbing. Eating disorder aside, this goes with all the other crap that says that women are possessions and any given man, regardless of how undesirable he is, is entitled to a really hot chick that does whatever he wants. And actually, bulimia in particular can be really freaking expensive.Most people seem…
  • Nature also makes nightshade. Not generally recommended for consumption. But yes eggs are yay.
  • LOL! Keep them coming these are funny. Although I haven't run a race yet and I"m a little worried I'll end up making an *kitten* of myself. Oh well.
  • It turns out the study that originally labeled yolks as bad had people eating a ridiculous amount, a dozen a day or something like that. Like anything else, they need eaten in moderation but happen to be a damn near perfect food. I eat them almost every day. I figure there's a lot more nutrients for just a few more…
  • So pics that show progress now make you a hooker, eh? News to me. Keep your friend request because I'm not too interested in judgemental slut shaming. *has a pic of tattoo where I look sort of naked but am wearing a bikini and I had a topless back photo on there that I've taken down * also has friends that were/are hookers…
  • For me when I get in a funk/unmotivated it helps to take my planner and write down 3 things I MUST get done. Most days it's something like "clean for an hour, go for a run, go get coffee with so and so". On a bad day, it might be "brush teeth, eat, do my nailsl". You will feel much better at the end of the day knowing you…
  • Exercise and eating well does amazing things to alleviate depression, whether a normal upset over something going on in your life or clinical. Not clear which you're referring to, but either way it will help. If nothing else it gives you something to do and to focus on and improves your self esteem, but the act of physical…
  • She has some videos specifically for warmup/cooldown, but personally I don't bother... each video usually starts with a little warmup. Most don't get your heart rate up all that much so I don't really think a cooldown is necessary aside from some stretching. But maybe go for a little walk before/after or do some jumping…
  • Boy said he'd get me a tattoo when I get to my goal. I've been wanting "extraordinary machine" on me for a long time- favorite song in favorite album by favorite singer- and appropriate to the challenge. Though I think being able to switch to maintenance will be a pretty awesome reward in itself, lol. Oh and…
  • I'm a little surprised at the criticism. I agree with it pretty wholeheartedly. I think leading by example is the most important thing. My mom always called herself fat and I remember declaring going on my first diet when I was six years old. No bueno. Food is fuel.
  • Exactly. It's one day. Call it your cheat day and have fun. My nemesis with the holidays isn't so much the day itself but the leftovers. I send off cookies or what have you off to work.
  • Whatever you stick to is what you should do. If it says things like "you'll totally lose a zillion pounds in a month!!!!" it's probably something to shy away from.
  • You aren't going to get bulky legs from walking any more easily than you'll get a six pack from getting out of bed each morning. If only, lol! I used to think the same way though. I used to do ballet, and when I got my pointe shoes in high school my calves got monstrous, to the point where other people commented and I…
  • Messed up editing, read next post
  • Eh about 50/50. Or I work out at home in JUST my underwear. It's healthier to skip them!
  • I put it in every time, unless it's just an absolutely ridiculous fluke.
  • Glad you posted this, been seeing some posts lately about how to lose weight during pregnancy :noway: When I get pregnant I'll continue tracking and exercising but fully expect to gain about 30 lbs and will be more than happy to. Underweight babies have a LOT of problems and you do not want that to happen! I've talked to…
  • This. That and contrary to popular belief, divorce rates are down and the 50% thing is statistically invalid. I am getting married in June. I take it seriously. At the same time, I would not want to be miserable for life for the sake of being able to say I didn't divorce like my parents or grandparents. If things went…
  • This is why I try to weigh myself at the same time EVERY morning. I've gotten really familiar with patterns (gain up to 3 lbs with a sodium heavy meal the night before, gain 2-4 lbs if PMSing, etc). Some people prefer to weigh every week but I feel like I'd get more disheartened if that one weight happened to be on a day I…
  • Ha I'm glad I'm not the only one that does an epic eye roll at the commercials this time of year. Ha! Story of my life. I have his old car, old phone... still nicer than what I'd get myself so whatever but it's funny how that works out.
  • For me, it seems like a lot of people that vehemently advocate for extreme clean eating don't have a super great understanding for science. For example, I have a friend that's all about the primal lately. She also refuses to use a microwave because it uses RADIATION! Likewise, whatever fad thing that has lots of blogs…
  • I have a polar ft4 and I'm really happy with it. It's $60 on amazon, so just above your budget. maybe keep your eye out for a lightly used one? Or maybe there will be some black friday/cyber monday deals?
  • It sounds like she may have deeper issues. It's a really personal question so you don't have to answer, but... she's 23, has a kid and a boyfriend, lives with you, doesn't have a car or a license? It sounds like she really has very little control of her life and the AN may be aggravated by that. You mentioned addiction…
  • Recently I gained some weight and was trying to lose it and was stuck on one hell of a plateau. I got fed up and decided to try something different. I switched to eating sort of clean, same number of calories, and four pounds fell off like whoa. I wasn't eating a ton of crap before, not a lot of sodium either. I don't eat…
  • I'm a big fan of baby steps. You've already taken a couple huge steps by cutting back your calories and by getting more active. I wouldn't fret too much about the details at this point or you may overwhelm yourself. That said, I'm eating like 1340 a day and I would be STARVING if I wasn't filling up on a ton of veggies and…