

  • it looks like you are really low on your protein intake...try bumping that up and eating A LOT more veggies, there are next to none in your log. cut out most of the boxed/processed foods and you'll start to see results.
  • Work your way up to 3000 over the course of a couple of weeks. Increase your caloric intake by 200-300 cals to around 2100 this week, then next week go up to 2400, and so on until you hit your desired calorie goal.
  • They are a great source of protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals! Nothing wrong with eating 2-3 every day!
  • workout whenever it is convenient for your schedule and you feel you can bring your best effort and focus. Time of day doesn't affect the "fat-burning" capacity of the workout
  • ^^^^^^THIS!!!!
  • it's's low quality food
  • That seems a bit excessive and OCD. I do track veggies, but only when they are of substantial quantities. Calorie counting isn't an exact science, so 3 slivers of red onion will not derail your daily diet or calorie allotment.
  • 1 Tablespoon in my smoothie every morning!
  • I've used one with zucchini and love it! I find veggie noodles, whether spaghetti squash or "zoodles", absorb the flavors of my pasta sauce WAY better than dried pasta. Now, if I'm making fresh homemade pasta, there is no comparison as fresh pasta trumps all!
  • Definitely recommend P90X3, just finished 2 consecutive rounds of it (including the Elite blocks) and LOVED the program! Short, but very intense.
  • I use Muscle Pharm Combat Powder (chocolate milk flavor). My morning smoothie is one scoop of Combat, 1 Tbsp chia seeds, 1 cup milk, 1 T dark cocoa powder, 1 T natural peanut butter and 2 cups of ice...blend in the vitamix and good to go!
  • "75g is an adult portion size" where is this stated????
  • check on the side of the dried pasta box. All of the ones I've seen say a standard serving of dried pasta is 2 oz (56 grams) before cooking. This should resulting in anywhere from 190-200 calories
  • All 3 are basically the same thing...SUPPLEMENTS! They are there to supplement or fill in any of the gaps that you cannot meet through your normal daily diet that should be comprised of mostly nutrient dense whole foods. They all can claim to contain "superfoods" etc, but they are still all processed and won't do anything…
  • Macronutrient Intake Ensure that your intake of macronutrients meets sufficiency (as defined below), with remaining macronutrient composition of the diet being largely a function of personal preference. Ideally, ensure macronutrient sufficiency predominantly or, ideally, entirely from whole and minimally processed foods.…
  • I workout first thing in the morning and have nothing in my system aside from my pre-workout drink (White Flood Reborn by Controlled Labs). There is no need to eat anything before training if you don't want to. Your body will replenish its glycogen stores over the previous 24 hours provided you are consuming adequate…
  • My suggestion would be to get a new trainer that actually knows what they are talking about. He/she is still spouting off typical bro-science in regards to workout nutrition. I workout first thing in the morning and have nothing in my system aside from my pre-workout drink (White Flood Reborn by Controlled Labs). There is…
  • I just finished up my 2nd consecutive round of X3 last week (did the Elite block both times). I loved the program and it was a nice change of pace from the X and X2 workouts I had been doing. You will love the program. I'm now onto the Body Beast program this week. Send me a message if you have any program specific…
  • Show me the research not something from a paleo/primal-advocating site showing how wonderful it is scientific backed research...
  • .8-1 g/lb of protein, .4-.5 g/lb of fat, split remaining calories among the 3 macronutrient categories according to your preference, can be a mix of carbs/fats/proteins. The only required macronutrients are proteins and fats.
  • Anything that is grilled is a good bet and avoid all the typical tex mex crap that is covered and drenched in sauces, cheese, and sour cream.
  • 1. High Heat 400-425 2. Even, thin, uniform slices 1/4" thick is what I like 3. Whisk an egg white and coat the cut fries in the egg white 4. Spread them out so they are not touching in a single layer on a rack above a sheet pan 5. Bake until crispy and delicious! 20-25 mins 6. You can also try using the convection setting…
  • My favorite is Muscle Pharm's Combat protein powder. It comes in a bunch of different flavors and they all taste great! It's a blend of several different types of proteins and mixes nice and thick. The flavors I'd recommend are Milk Chocolate, Cookies and Cream, and Chocolate PB. I've also had Chocolate Shakeology from…
  • Here's a link to a site that breaks down protein powders by price, quality, amount / serving, % protein per scoop: The powder I prefer is Combat Powder by Muscle's a blend that has whey, egg, and several other…
  • Ellie, I use both Shakeology and the Milk Chocolate flavor of Combat protein powder made by MusclePharm. Both are excellent products and affordable. When using the protein powder, I throw in some chia seeds, cocoa powder, PB2 and some other things to boost the nutritional content. Message me if you'd like some more info!
  • Vanessa, that is an old myth that has been proven false...all it does is utilize stored energy in your body as opposed to whatever quick digesting carbs you may typically ingest in a pre-workout meal.
  • Hey Lou, I can't highly recommend P90X and the Beachbody programs enough! I started the original P90X over 4 years ago and became instantly hooked. It completely shifted my outlook to fitness and nutrition. Since then, I've completed X2, and now finishing up my 2nd round of X3. I love the convenience of workout out at home…
  • Hi Lou, There are a multitude of home workout options available to you! What is your base level of fitness if you don't mind me asking so I can help steer you in the right direction. Thanks, Robert