Maximize morning workout

For those of you who work out in the morning, do you eat breakfast before or after your morning workout?


  • NurseWizzle
    NurseWizzle Posts: 312 Member
    If you read Dr. Mercola, he says to exercise while fasting.
  • I use to think I needed a banana or scoop of peanut butter before.. but now I run sprints/lift on an empty stomach and it hasn't really affected my performance.
  • kaitlynn318
    kaitlynn318 Posts: 1 Member
    I usually eat after I'm done- usually when I get out of the shower. But I tend to get up and go running straight out of bed, otherwise I won't go, so that doesn't leave much time to eat.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    It really depends on what you're doing.

    If I'm heading out for a 2k run, I'm not going to bother to eat beforehand. If I'm heading out to do a 10k? Yeah, my body is going to need fuel.

    It all comes down to personal preference, really.
  • AFTER... my body can't handle food when I first wake up -- it'll come right back up, and that's before I even bother to exercise.

    I'm not really much of a breakfast person either. Usually only 2 meals a day.
  • khurrambutt
    khurrambutt Posts: 260 Member
    I eat after morning exercise
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    If I lift I eat before and after - if it is a cardio session only after.
    Lift: proper carb up before going to bed and pre - PB sandwich, intra BCAA, post potatoes and grilled chicken breast.
    Cardio: intra BCAA, post: eggs and avo / bacon.
  • T_Ciku
    T_Ciku Posts: 133 Member
    After. I wouldn't exercise too soon after eating and if I wait too long I'll probably lose my enthusiasm and/or get caught up in other things.
    Plus it definitely gets me up and going, knowing that I can't eat or shower until I get that workout in. Otherwise I'd probably laze around all morning.
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
    After! My body isn't very happy when I eat before a workout.
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    I workout in the morning; and have a big glass of milk with a protein/nutrition mix during my workout (small sips during the water breaks). It works both as a fuel as well as hydration. I cant workout on a total empty stomach.
  • I workout first thing in the morning and have nothing in my system aside from my pre-workout drink (White Flood Reborn by Controlled Labs). There is no need to eat anything before training if you don't want to. Your body will replenish its glycogen stores over the previous 24 hours provided you are consuming adequate calories and macronutrients the day before.

    What (if anything) you consume before and after your workout does not play a significant direct role in the outcome of your diet, beyond personal preference.

    Why? Because what matters in terms of direct impact on outcomes is total daily intake of all nutrients.

    Thus, you should optimize based on how you respond to training in a fed or fasted state, and based on your hungry after exercise.
  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 322 Member
    For me, full stomach + workout = poor workout. It would be nice if I could get some cals in there before the workout, but more sleep trumps that noise. I usually chug down a protein shake and some fruit right after working out, then have a real meal about 3 hours later.
  • viktha
    viktha Posts: 36 Member
    It depends. For a quick morning run, or class under an hour - no just a cup of coffee. If it is a long run over 1.5 hours then yes but only a piece of toast with alittle PB (like 1/4 serving maybe 8 grams) about 30 minutes prior. But that's just me. I have a friend who can eat dinner (full meal) and go out and run 15 minutes later.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I eat a little bit before and then the rest after. Usually it's a yogurt and berries before and then coffee with milk and a Kashi bar afterwards.
  • Thanks for all the feedback! I have been working out and then eating because im not doing anything to crazy in the morning usually just an hour run, and it works for me. I tried eating first and I did not feel well during my run so I guess it just depends on who you are. But as long as it doesnt affect the actual workout im not changing anything lol :)