My food Diary

Newer to myfitness pal and trying to learn all features. I was wondering if my food diary is visible to everyone.

Also trying to lost 5 lbs to get down to 160 lbs. i am athletic, but need to clean up diet.

If you can see my diaries how can i improve. Need all the help ican get. perhaps connect to rest of you
so we can all help each other


  • markmaccaz
    i can see it .can u do me a favor and check mine
    i would cut out the concentrated juice as its just sugar water. they take all the goodness out concentrating it :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Buy a food scale. All those 1 cup entries aren't going to be accurate. I also agree with above - ditch the juice and eat the actual fruit instead.
  • robert5891
    it looks like you are really low on your protein intake...try bumping that up and eating A LOT more veggies, there are next to none in your log. cut out most of the boxed/processed foods and you'll start to see results.
  • worldtraveller321
    worldtraveller321 Posts: 150 Member
    thanks a lot, ya i try to cut out more processed foods. might help
  • Maryam2014mfp
    it looks like you are really low on your protein intake...try bumping that up and eating A LOT more veggies.

    ^^^^^^ this and drink lots of water
  • worldtraveller321
    worldtraveller321 Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for all your help . i am an active and race in cycling, so all the help i can ghet